Truth, Justice & Yada Yada (A Justice League styled game)

Started by Darkcide, September 27, 2010, 11:03:28 AM

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I tried making a comic styled game before, it didn't fall through thanks to my intended usage of an overly complicated system as well as my trip overseas. So I've done a lot of thinking and realized several of the places where I went wrong.

For this game? I intend for the group to be a Justice League-Avengers styled team. Especially utilizing the team dynamic from the Justice League cartoons, I feel they've gotten that aspect of the group across better than many of the comics. I don't want the group to get overly large. Also it is going to follow a somewhat episodic narrative to a degree. The core team I want to be fairly small. Somewhere in the area of 7-9 at most. Not everyone has to do on every mission or be involved in every arc. I will also allow people to play as the villains, which I'll be doing also. AND you can also feature as guest stars. Though the group will be super heroes, I want there to be a heavy focus on the personal ends of their interactions with each other also. Meaning if you all develop a dislike for one another? Or lust? Act out on it, by all means.

If you're going to be a Villain, or a Guest Star? Make sure you PM me and stay in contact with me. That way you're incorporated into the arc more neatly and you know what you're doing. We can play out some stuff one on one, to get you set up and ready to enter the game without everyone else knowing your character's motivations and all of that.

Everyone will be playing as original characters, and the universe itself would be styled after the DC one mostly. However the existing villains and such? I will be reimagining them for usage in the game. I ask that if an arc is geared somewhat towards a specific character? You allow them to have their moment, meaning if it is a personal rival of theirs the group is facing? You allow them to get that fist pump moment without treading on it, and everyone shouldn't be afraid to take hits or have damage done to them. Sometimes the heroes do lose fights, and one sided fights can get boring.

With all of that said, onto the character creation. I ask everyone try to keep their types balanced. Everyone being a brick gets old. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I also want the man-woman ratio of the team to be somewhat balanced. If you're not uber powerful, have more skills and areas of expertise to balance things out.

Species/Race: (Human, Metahuman, Kryptonian, Amazon, Martian, Thanagarian, Demon, Homo Magi, Tamaranean, Atlantean, Android, Apokoliptian) Any other? Feel free to clear with me first so it fits into the continuity. Also if you don't know? Ask, certain races means certain musts for your abilities or appearance.
Hero,Villain,Guest Star:
Unusual Features:

Marital Status:
Sexual Orientation:
Turn Ons: (If any)
Powers: (Give me some character examples of what you're looking for in terms of concept. If you're on the high end like say Superman or someone? Balancing must be done. You'll have several weaknesses and be throwing down with people as strong as you are.)
Martial Arts Training: (styles, and how well versed you are. Someone who is a very high end power character won't have the chance to be as skilled as a Batman or Lady Shiva.)
Skills: (What are you skilled at? Are you a detective? Maybe medicine? What skills have you built up in your life.)
Equipment: (If Any)
Short Bio: (Your backstory and that whole thing? You can tell me in private and we can tweak as needed to have you more deeply rooted in the universe.)
Weaknesses: (Whether it is something that harms you, you're functionally a normal human or psychological. Think up a few and know any you mention? Will come into play. Makes the affair more dramatic.


Quick Race Guide

Kryptonian: Means you're basically going to have Superman's set of powers. You cannot see through lead. Magic, Supersonics and Kryptonite are definitely things that you're not a fan of. Also you derive power from Solar Radiation. If you're cut off from it? You will lose power.

Amazon: You were raised on an island of women worshipping the greek gods. You are going to be a formidable warrior and an expert with weapons, your main fighting style would be Pankration. Either way you're stronger than a normal human, quite built as well. But if you're magically augmented you'll be in the Wonder Woman ball park.

Martian: Whether you're green or white you have a disgusting amount of superpowers. You're a shapeshifter, almost as strong and durable as a Kryptonian, you're a telepath, can alter your density and a whole lot of other powers. Fire? Is your major weakness. When confronted with it, you take a gross amount of damage and it is hard for you to keep your form.

Thanagarian: I like the show's treatment of them. You're part of a millitaristic culture with advanced weapons. Your people have wings, and you utilize Nth metal. Which is a magic disrupting, highly durable and electrically charged substance. Your physical attributes are superior to a human's.

Demon: A very diverse category. For the sake of simplicity we'll base the model off like Etrigan and Kid Devil. You look like a demon, whether you're able to turn back? That is for you to decide. You have heightened attributes, can breath fire, and you don't like churches. You have a degree of resistance to magical attacks, short of it being high leveled or divine in nature.

Homo Magi: Physically speaking? You're baseline human. Nothing too drastic. However in terms of powers? You're a nightmare. You have an endless list of effects with your abilities so long as you can speak. Whether it is firing bolts of energy, teleportation, binding foes, flying or whatever. Although magic resistant foes cause you to get creative, and higher powered magic characters? Are a train wreck.

Tamaranean: Part of a warrior culture. You can fire energy bolts from your hands, fly, and your attributes are superior to a normal human's. Pressure point strikes won't work on you. Your race is deeply passionate and quick tempered. You all have orange skin, and are naturally tall. Oh and you learn languages through physical contact.

Atlantean: Your physical attributes are superior to a human's, they have to be to withstand the pressures down in the seas. You can communicate with sea life, which means you have telepathy. Usually you have some magically based powers as well. In the water? You're a nightmare, you swim with the speed of a Kryptonian's flight. Also you have enhanced senses. Your strength also increases underwater. But dehydration and fire? Those are your biggest nightmares.

Apokoliptian: This is the hardest to define. You come from Apokolips, a literal hell that is ruled by Darkseid. You can look any number of ways, or have any number of powers but he has a profound effect on your life.

If you're a human? Don't worry. For instance say you're a Bat-Family type? You are at peak human attributes, you have an extremely long list of skills and languages to draw on, you have gadgets and equipment out of the ass, and your martial arts abilities are dangerous. Also if you're a human? Or some other race? You might be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Which gives you a power ring. Those are nightmares. A metahuman means you have powers, you can go for a lot of different types. Speedster, a psychic or super strong type


I could be tempted. :) I'd kind of need to know a bit more about the setting beyond "It's kinda like DC" though.



Quote from: JadeCore on September 27, 2010, 11:49:30 PM
I could be tempted. :) I'd kind of need to know a bit more about the setting beyond "It's kinda like DC" though.

Basically it is DC , just with reimagined villains and most of the heroes not existing. The same rules, cities and organizations that exist in DC. They exist in the game.


Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


I should have came here first.  My own group game of Chrono Trigger isn't going anywhere fast so I might see about this one.  Not sure who I'll be pulling in yet but I'll let you know tomorrow when time and my illness that's been plaguing me at the moment allows.  Flu or something, it sucks lol.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page

Major Major

Sounds tasty to me; toss up a sample character for the sort of thing you're after, and I'll see what's what.


Not really after anything, the concept just has to be able to fit into DC. So I'd say look at DC characters and find a race or archetype that suits you and tweak it as much as needed to make an original character. I don't know what your preferences or tastes are. But umm, maybe a speedster? Or a Martian? Or an Atlantean? You have a lot of options.

However we have a character who uses an edged weapon, as well as a nanosuit and is hopped up on the serum Deathstroke and his daughter utilized thus far. Just letting people know.

As for my character, it is going to be similar to the last Ion. Meaning a Green Lantern meets a Daxamite, they're very similar to Kryptonians. In this concept he'd be half Kryptonian and half Daxamite with a central power battery. So basically Superman meets a Green Lantern with a long list of weaknesses and vulnerabilities.


Ouch, that's all I gotta say lol.  I'm more of, and always have been, about balance or try to be where possible.  I don't like super strong people, more like fast and dangerous in that regard.  Iron Man would be about my speed, or something similar to his type at any rate.  Maybe minus the supersuit though since I ain't a tech head but you get the idea lol.  I'll look into a few characters and see what clicks.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Name: Sarah Green

Codename: Prowl

Status: Hero

Age: 28

Status: Artificially enhanced human.

Citizenship: U.S

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 6'6

Weight: 69kg

Marital Status: Single

Personality: Sarah is a generally a high spirited woman, with a sense for the dramatics.

Bio: (still in the works)


Exoskeleton: Exoskeleton are body suits, which provide greater strength, speed and agility to the user, as well as adding a heavy layer of protection.

Exoskeleton helmet: Prowl's helmet is equipped with various upgrades, in order to aid her, during missions, such as thermal imaging, motion detector, gas mask, headphones, and night vision.

Stealth camouflage generator: The SCG provides the user with a semi-invisibility. This tool is however known to bug, and malfunction, if used while moveing, at a rapid phase.

High frequency blade: This katana shaped weapon, resonate high vibrations, increasing its sharpness and cutting power exponentially.

Microfiber gloves/shoes: special gloves and shoes that allows prowl to climb smooth, vertical surfaces, and even clime across ceilings.

Various weaponry: Prowl has access to a wide variety of weapons, from high caliber rifles, to explosives.

Utility belt: This is fairly self explanatory.

Grappling hook


Artificially enhanced physiology: Prowl posses artificially enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, beyond the level of a top athlete.

Healing factor: Prowl is capable of healing wounds, quicker then a normal human.


Skilled martial artist

Master swordsman

Master marksman

Master of stealth

Major Major

I had a couple of ideas regarding a character, but I could appreciate some help in getting them fleshed out fully.


Quote from: Vergil1989 on September 28, 2010, 12:19:24 PM
Ouch, that's all I gotta say lol.  I'm more of, and always have been, about balance or try to be where possible.  I don't like super strong people, more like fast and dangerous in that regard.  Iron Man would be about my speed, or something similar to his type at any rate.  Maybe minus the supersuit though since I ain't a tech head but you get the idea lol.  I'll look into a few characters and see what clicks.

Likewise. This was one of the reasons I wanted to know more about what you were looking for. If we have The Question trying to team up with Big Blue (AKA Superman) and The Big Red Cheese (AKA Captain Marvel)... that kind of demands certain things than if we're going with just the Bat-family. By nature of having a bunch of people who are practically cosmic entities, the story needs to have a lot stronger focus on characters, plots, and non-superpowered situations. Otherwise, every other villain needs that one gimmick that nullifies everyone's powers or we're fighting cosmic beings every other Tuesday.

It's like some of the old time Superman stories and games where -everybody- had the supposedly rare kryptonite just so Superman would have a challenge.

And in the current set up, if we have Superman X Green Lantern in one person, frankly, what sort of opponent would pose any sort of challenge what so ever other than someone like The Spectre or The Phantom Stranger? What sort of problems would they face that wouldn't be so trivialized by them alone much less with the help of a bunch of other individuals with power.

Not to be a buzzkill, though. That is kind of the nature of the DCU; 4-color over the top power. :) I guess my general point is that it might help to avoid contrived situations and "okay, so we got split up again in convenient groups" if we make sure everyone's more or less on the same level.

I'll shut up though and figure something out. :)


I will address your whole post later. The character is based off Ion that I'm using. What gives him problems. Lead, kryptonite, sonics, magic, people who are stronger such as Despero, superboy prime, monarch, doomsday or anyone else who can hand Superman his head. Oh wait there is more! Powerful psychics who can mess with his willpower or confidence. Wait there is more. Parallex would own my character. Any xharacter that can muster a stronger fear effect than Scarecrows gas would ruin his day. That is a few people. Count vertigo could give him problems. But wait there is more. Larfleeze who eats green constructs like nothing and is a one man corps? Shall I go on? Not to be an ass of course. Ill address the rest of your post when I get in later. But the thing that really gets to me before I go. Do you really think I'd make a group game and have it so nothing could stop my character? Did I even state I'd ever use his full power or am I going to idk pull a superman and have him scale his abilities and take hits so the group doesn't? Again, not being an ass. But yeah I have more to say later. 


I was speaking from a story perspective not from a personal attack perspective. The more power characters have, the more the stories can't be about their personal power. The GL story everyone remembers is Hal going nuts; it's the one story where for all his power, he was powerless in a way no ring could give or make.

It's the same with every other JLA-level hero. The stories people remember the most about Batman and Superman are the ones where their power never comes into play at all. Not because of green rocks but because the stories themselves focus on something very different.

For that matter, Planetary/StormWatch/etc, their stories aren't heavily based on their power. It's based on the ramifications of what they do.

It's that difference, that mindset, that I'm referring to.

More so in a group game, it's important that the common goal is clearly laid out and that people all have an opportunity to be an A-Lister. It can be very easy to - inadvertently - shift the spotlight on to a handful of people. The more we are aware of these issues and the more we openly address and talk about them, the more we can deal with them beforehand and maturely, the more we can actively work with each and every player to address their characters rather than a few weeks down the line when all of a sudden, half the group looks up and asks "What do I do now? I have nothing to do" while the other half is doing something of their own and the only thing we can say is "I don't know, you have to go wander off and do something on your own."


of course we also have to address green lanterns have that quirky weakness to yellow.........

but that aside Darkcide did say this was going to try to focus more on the interactions of the characters rather than the characters personal achievments or powers.

err.......i myself am kinda working on a few different ideas hey we'll see what comes up.
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND

Major Major

Okay, I got two partly thought-out ones here now. Thoughts are welcome:

Name: Melody Thorne (Pronounced "Horn") / M'Lo'y H'orrne
Codename: Diva
Species/Race: Green Martian
Hero,Villain,Guest Star: Hero
Age: Mid-20's, in human terms
Gender: Female
Height: 198cm (About 6 foot 5)
Weight: "No telling"
Eyes: glowing red
Hair: White
Unusual Features: Green skin, solid coloured eyes

Citizenship: Technically Northern Irish/British
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: "Try-sexual"
Turn Ons: To be announced/finalised
Occupation: Singer/ part-time superheroine
Powers: Typical for her species
Martial Arts Training: Taekwondo student
Skills: fine singing voice
Costume: Thigh-length high-heeled boots, sling bikini, long opera gloves
Personality: Focussed and direct when superheroing, but kinda goofy and carefree otherwise.
Short Bio: Originally cloned from the being known as J'onn J'onzz by Project CADMUS, Melody managed to escape from one of their holding facilities when she was roughly 8 human years old, and managed to submerge herself into the hurly-burly of Belfast during the tail end of "The Troubles", hoping that one apparent orphan girl amongst many would cover her tracks. These events shaped her in ways no one coud have expected, not even her.
Weaknesses: Fire, fear of loneliness.


Quote from: pendarious on September 28, 2010, 07:23:50 PM
of course we also have to address green lanterns have that quirky weakness to yellow.........

but that aside Darkcide did say this was going to try to focus more on the interactions of the characters rather than the characters personal achievments or powers.

err.......i myself am kinda working on a few different ideas hey we'll see what comes up.

They actually recently phased out the yellow impunity, I have mixed feelings about it. Because they had to come up with something at the time to counter all the Green Lantern's might. But there is always a way around that, as opposed to attacking say Mongul? I attack the ground around him and get him off world. But they did away with it, I still say for a Lantern? You attack them mentally. That is the best way to take them down. Since if they can't think or they have no willpower? They're effectively normal whatevers. Red Lanterns hard counter Green Lanterns.

JadeCore, how do they make sure everyone has something to do in the comic? How is it Batman or Captain America are never sitting around on their asses? How is it Superman doesn't always save the day? If I was making a game based on comics, why for any reason whatsoever wouldn't I use the tricks of the trade that the writers do? I already said what the game would focus on earlier. I don't want anything from the players aside for them not stepping on each other's shoes in terms of concepts and to keep it firmly comic based. So thus, a lot of the details are solely waiting for players to say what they would like to be.


Quote from: Major Major on September 28, 2010, 08:03:41 PM
Okay, I got two partly thought-out ones here now. Thoughts are welcome:

Name: Melody Thorne (Pronounced "Horn") / (Martian name)
Codename: Diva
Species/Race: Green Martian
Hero,Villain,Guest Star: Hero
Age: Mid-20's
Gender: Female
Height: 198cm (About 6 foot 5)
Weight: "No telling"
Eyes: glowing red
Hair: White
Unusual Features: Green skin, solid coloured eyes

Citizenship: Technically Northern Irish/British
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: "Try-sexual"
Turn Ons: To be announced/finalised
Occupation: Singer/ part-time superheroine
Powers: Typical for her species
Martial Arts Training: Taekwondo student
Skills: fine singing voice
Costume: Thigh-length high-heeled boots, sling bikini, long opera gloves
Personality: Focussed and direct when superheroing, but kinda goofy and carefree otherwise.
Short Bio: (Your backstory and that whole thing? You can tell me in private and we can tweak as needed to have you more deeply rooted in the universe.)
Weaknesses: Fire, fear of loneliness.

Name: Jack Duddington
Codename: Technomage
Species/Race: Homo Magi
Hero,Villain,Guest Star:
Age: 30-ish
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: about 98kg
Eyes: dark green
Hair: black
Unusual Features:

Citizenship: Canadian
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Turn Ons: TBA/F
Occupation: Information Technology
Powers: "Cyberpathy", being the ability to control machines with the power of his mind.
Martial Arts Training: None
Skills: Computer programming, games design
Costume: Jeans, grey business shirt and a leather bomber jacket.
Personality: Classic Tech Geek
Short Bio: (Your backstory and that whole thing? You can tell me in private and we can tweak as needed to have you more deeply rooted in the universe.)
Weaknesses: Basically helpless in situations where he can't use his powers.

I would say the first concept would be a better one, but if you do want to be a technopath? I'll send you a PM as to ways that it can be done.


Color me interested.

As long as this doesn't happen:


Also, what about the other Lantern Corps outside Green? o3o


Well, can we have a character that is from one of the other corps? (The good know, Blue, Violet, and Indigo)


Ooh, I had a fun idea for a character... You'll see. ;)

Figure it'd be interesting to start Supergirl from scratch and let the course of events dictate whether she becomes a hero like her famous cousin or a villain.

Name: Linda Danvers
Codename: N/A
Species/Race: Kryptonian
Hero,Villain,Guest Star: Hero
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 4 ft 6 inches
Weight 80 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Unusual Features: She has no tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks.

Citizenship: US
Marital Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Turn Ons: Unknown
Occupation: College Student/Intern with Local Newspaper
Powers: Linda has all the abilities of a Kryptonian under a yellow sun. Aside from incredible reflexes and senses, she is superhumanly fast and strong. The young woman can shoot fire from her eyes and create gales with her breath. She can leap vast distances and fly. She has X-ray vision that works on everything but lead. And of course she can project concentrated beams of heat from her eyes.
Martial Arts Training: She has no martial arts training.
Skills: Linda is a great singer and writer.
Costume: N/A
Equipment: Aside from her "smart phone," she's got nothing fancy.
Personality: Linda is an incredibly intelligent young woman with a powerful memory. She loves to learn and explore; her curiosity is seemingly insatiable. The girl has no self-restraint. Rules and boundaries are for those that feel bound by them. Not that she's rude or offensive but most of the time she does what she wants when she wants and doesn't really care what others think of her. The girl is a free spirit whose philosophy is live and let live.

Much as she enjoys having a good time, she's always got an eye to the future. She may not hold herself back from seeking answers to her questions but control and discipline are very much a part of her nature. She is diligent and strong-willed. Nothing is going to get in her way when she wants something. The end justifies the means for her...

Aware of the fact that she's not human (at least not entirely) she has a rather cynical view of the species Home sapiens. The vivacious girl has a natural charisma and can be very polite when she wants to be. She is capable of being ruthless and manipulative. Regret is a foreign concept to her. What's done is done. A woman of strong emotions that she rarely lets get the best of her, she tries hard to accept and adapt, roll with the punches...

She yearns to know where she came from and what she's capable of. Linda very much enjoys her abilities. Right now she's focused on getting an education and increasing her control. But one day she knows she's going to do something great with the gifts she's been given...

Short Bio: Linda was apparently the survivor of a freak accident. A car was struck on a long, lonely stretch of road in Oklahoma. The infant was apparently the only survivor. Edna Danvers was working as a nurse at the hospital where she was taken. It didn't take long for her to figure out something was different about the baby.

She called someone she suspected could help them. Her husband had been hired by one of LuthorCorp's subsidiary companies after losing his job. A rocket scientist and engineer, he had been ridiculed for his beliefs in life on other planets. He had been dismissed by MIT. The job offer had been a godsend. So he agreed.

The adoption took place through Midvale Orphanage. They decided to name the girl Linda. She quit her job at the library to be a full-time mother. And it was a full-time job! Linda was a precocious and extraordinarily healthy infant. It didn't take long for certain abilities- namely her extensive healing abilities and strength to become evident.

She was homeschooled through elementary school. But she managed to convince her parents to let her go to public school for middle school. It was an adjustment for the young woman but she took to it quickly. Linda just barely managed to keep things in check for PE and had no interest in sports. But she was involved in the student government, show choir, and school newspaper.

When puberty hit, some of her other gifts started to manifest. Her time was full of extracurriculars and homework. Linda would get away as often as she could, run someplace far away to practice and learn control and still be back in time for dinner. As she got older the curfew and rules got more annoying and she started to question them...

She started acting out more as she got older. Linda wasn't the teacher's pet anymore but she refused to touch drugs, alcohol, and sex was just out of the question. Her parents did their best for her. They loved her, even if they couldn't tell her where she'd come from or what she was.

She got a job at a local restaurant working as a hostess, then a server, then a waitress, when she was 16 and that helped settle her down. Two years passed as she continued to mature and learn. By the time her senior year rolled around, she was ready. Applying to various colleges, she finally settled one. A full ride scholarship and the offer of a paid internship from a local paper helped. Bidding her parents good-bye, she packed her things and prepared to take the first step of the next leg of her journey.

Weaknesses: The mere proximity of green kryptonite makes her sick and vulnerable. It temporarily prevents her from using her abilities. Other varieties of kryptonite have various affects- none of them pleasant. (Blue is the only color that doesn't affect her.) Powerful solar flares can cause her to lose control of her powers. Her cells seem to store solar energy but if she doesn't "recharge" periodically, her strength and speed will be that of a normal human's. Only a yellow sun has the advantage of giving her abilities beyond her enhanced physical attributes.
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


Quote from: Wolfy on September 29, 2010, 10:10:00 PM
Well, can we have a character that is from one of the other corps? (The good know, Blue, Violet, and Indigo)

Well the concept I'm going on as I said is effectively going to be based off the last Ion, but if you can differ the character enough from that concept? Sure. Just we will wind up having almost exactly the same kind of powers.

And speaking of, nvm. I am likely going to just change my concept then. So go for it.


Name:  Marius Alexandros
Codename:  (None yet.  Unsure anyway.)
Species/Race: Metahuman
Hero,Villain,Guest Star:  Hero
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Weight:  150 pounds
Eyes:  One red, one blue.
Hair:  Raven Black.
Unusual Features:  Has one red eye and one blue eye.  (Hereditary.)  Some would say they're hunter eyes since they are always in front "so he can judge the distance from his prey."  Ask him and he'll just say it's a quirk.

Citizenship:  Born in the USA, half Indian as well as Caucasian.
Marital Status:  Single, never married or had a lasting relationship.
Sexual Orientation:  Straight.
Turn Ons: (Unknown for the moment.)
Occupation:  NYPD police officer.
Powers: Able to teleport at will.  (Will not have at the start of this though.)  Has incredible dexterity, agility, some flexibility above average for a human but not Nightcrawler level, and balance to boot.  His teleportation is similar to NC though in that he goes through another dimension and 'pops' back into ours, automatically displacing any liquid or gases.  Built in senses to not put himself into a wall or any other solid object.
Martial Arts Training: Some Karate and Judo.  Knows how to use a bo staff.  Standard NYPD training as well.
Skills: New York City Cop for three years.  Top of his class partly due to his metahuman genes.  Beyond that, he's an excellent locksmith and carpenter.  ("Don't ask.")
Costume:  None yet.  (Still working on that actually lol.)
Equipment: Standard bullet proof vest, uniform, cuffs, radio, the usual fare for any NYPD cop.  (When not on the job will be revealed later...and as I figure it out lol.)
Personality:  Has a clear sense of right and wrong but he doesn't see the world in black and white either.  He's not blind to circumstance, but the law's the law all the same.  Break it and it's your ass.  Is a gentleman when he's not a workaholic though he does take some time to have fun...though rarely.  Birthday, major holidays mostly.
Short Bio: Marius was orphaned when he was fifteen.  A brutal robbery turned murder led to both of his folks being put into the ground, though in a way that helped pave the way for his career choice.  His father was a cop, his father before him was a cop, and for the longest time Marius didn't want to be one.  That was until of course he lost everything he knew.  Being allowed to live with his aunt who helped straighten him out, who also happened to be a cop, Marius got his shit together and made his own way into the college of his choice after graduating at the top of his class in high school, and then again in college.  While he is a workaholic, Marius holds no regrets for his life now thanks to the love and support he got before and after everything went to hell and he came back from the darkness stronger than ever.  Things have been getting a little strange of late though.  He's been noticing he's able to fight better than he ever could, and his agility, reflexes, and all the rest have been...improving at a startling rate.

Doing a little research revealed the answer that he was possibly becoming a metahuman, a true superhuman if the stories were to be believed about the guys straight out of the comic books he used to read as a kid.  Superman, Wolverine, and countless others all had similar things.  They either knew right off or they hit a certain age and found out they weren't human.  If that was true, then Marius was going to be in some trouble if he didn't figure out what else was in store for him....

Weaknesses: When he does learn to teleport, Marius will be susceptible to exhaustion because of the strain put on going from one dimension to the other.  Also, while he'll have above average reflexes and the like, he's still human and thus doesn't have superhuman strength or endurance, and so will be prone to having to rest like anybody else.  Electricity will be a problem because he can't concentrate on where he wishes to go if there's ten thousand volts or what have you coursing through his body.
Taker of the Oath of the Drake  Absence and Apology...countdown to to speak.  Storyteller Cafe thread.  Solo thread request thread
IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page