A roleplay within a rolplay - looking for someone willing to play a male

Started by Cherubian, September 24, 2010, 09:45:23 AM

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There is a particular craving I currently have and which I would like to play out with a willing partner.

In the roleplay I would play a very powerful female creature. I am open to the exact source of her power. Maybe she is a vampire, maybe some sort of demon, although one looking like a regular human from the outside. That creature has lived for at least a few centuries now and over time developed kinks of her own. In her case this means she likes to pretend to be weak and helpless and be taken in a seemingly nonconsensual way. Unless her male counterpart goes too far she will not reveal her true identity. After some time she usually tires of her companion and moves on - if he is lucky. :)

I am now looking for a counterpart willing to play/write one or more males she encounters. I am open to any form of roleplay, be it YIM, Email, PM or the forum. Please PM me if you are interested.


I could definitey go for something like that.  Feel free to YIM me. Link in profile.