Doctor Who Craving (M/M or M/F, seeking Doctor)

Started by Callys, September 21, 2010, 12:48:37 AM

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Hi there!

So I've just finished watching all five series of the current Doctor Who and have fallen in love with it. I'm looking for someone to roleplay one of the Doctors with me as a companion.  As to which Doctor, I am open to discussion. I like them all individually, but honestly prefer 10 the most, followed by 9 and 11 in that order. As for companions, I would like to play Rose, Amy, or Jack.

I am a huge fan of spanking, so most of my plots involve that in some manifestation or another. It could either be spanking as punishment or spanking as part of a sexual relationship. I do like the idea of a romantic relationship between the Doctor and his companions, even if not completely canon, or a sort of father/daughter relationship which would be spanking only. I also do like other aspects of BDSM as well.

As always, all ideas are open to discussion, as are characters.


Rose or Amy breaks rule #1 so badly that the Doctor feels she needs a good punishment to remind her not to wander off. (Could be part of a larger story)

Jack finally manages to seduce the Doctor... or so he thinks. The Doctor allows Jack to get so far before turning the tables on him and showing him who really is seducing whom.

Jack and the Doctor explore Jack's favourite various kinks... and Jack learns the Doctor isn't quite the vanilla Time Lord he figured him for.

Rose or Amy (hell, or Jack) end up breaking a societal rule on some random planet and the Doctor can't prevent her/his arrest. He does, however, manage to convince the government that he has a much better punishment than the cruel one they were intending upon using. The Doctor ends up teaching their society about corporal punishment administered in a loving caring manner through demonstration on said companion, thus making sure the companion is not terribly harmed and changing society for the better at the same time.


I would also be interested in doing a darker Simm!Master/10th Doctor roleplay chock full of BDSM goodness. Either during the series plotline, or some past reminiscence. However, I would prefer to be the Doctor in this scenario.