Dodge's RP ideas (M for M/F)

Started by Dodge, September 17, 2010, 11:02:53 PM

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Evening, everyone. I've only just been able to return to this most illustrious site, and I'm feeling like getting an RP up and running. I like to play over PMs or IMs, either way, so whatever's convenient for you. That said, I enjoy playing normal M/F relationships or, sometimes, M/M, so long as I play the femme guy. I enjoy all kinds of RP, long or short, romantic or lusty, detailed or quick. I'm also an English major, if that's of any help to anyone.

Things listed here are just the things off the top of my head, so if you have any other idea, feel free to PM me a suggestion. We'll run with it.

Particular RPs:

Star Wars
I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I'm proficient in every era, whatever you want to play. I don't usually prefer to play as an established character, but I enjoy playing next to them. I enjoy playing almost anything, be it Jedi, bounty hunter, normal citizen, or Storm Trooper, and you're more than welcome to play as anything you enjoy. My favorite part of Star Wars is that it can be adapted to nearly any setting.

Other Things I Enjoy
Star Wars
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Other Fantasy/Sci-fi
Inexperienced (M/F or M/M)
Fire Emblem
Pokemon (sometimes)
Crossdressing (sometimes)

Thanks for reading my admittedly short topic. Hopefully I'll think of more interesting things, and if and when I do, I'll update the topic. Post here or PM if you're interested in anything I've listed.
