Fall of the Titans (Superhero Freeform RPG)

Started by GloomCookie, September 11, 2010, 12:35:35 PM

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I hope you don't mind if I post this in here as well. I'll fill in the rest of the information once his powers are worked out... the entire thing got eaten by E and this is the re-write. *shakes fist*

Name: Tori Dankin
Alias (Supers only): Mr. Mysterious
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Status: Villain(Super-powered individual seeking to use their powers for personal gain)
Registered with SPECTRE: Y

If a Super, List Powers:
  Chaos Sorcery - Tori manipulates reality based on the laws of probabilities. He works on the assumption that anything is possible, if unlikely, and alters reality accordingly by manipulating those probabilities. The more difficult, or unlikely that an event is, the harder it is for him to alter it. Causing a car to blow out a tire and veer into a wall or another super is far more likely then a car appearing in the air above someone and falling on them. Tori must keep track of both realities, and the more that he alters that reality, the more difficult it becomes for him to keep track of it. Theoretically, there is almost no limit to what he could accomplish, so long as he is willing to devote the time and energy into altering the necessary probabilities.
   Mental Clarity - Because of the necessity to keep track of probabilities, the two realities he is working with, and the various information needed, Tori's brain has expanded its capacity. He can track multiple streams of information, monitor probabilities, and is very nearly a human calculator. Much like a computer however, the more files that Tori keeps the harder it becomes for him to access that information. In general, average use of his powers and the associated information intake would require him to spend a full day "defragging" his brain in order to prevent overload or slowdown.

Ons and Offs
RP Ideas

Hiraku kagi wa kitto kimi ni te no naka


Ahh, I hate when that happens!  Without fail, if I forget to copy my post before hitting the button, something will go horribly wrong.  I'm glad to see another villain in the works as well!


I don't even know what happened... it said the post I was trying to quote (which I wasn't) wasn't mine and I couldn't quote it. When I hit the back button frantically, everything was gone. That's like.... the carved down, frustrated, slap it out in two minutes version *sigh*

Ons and Offs
RP Ideas

Hiraku kagi wa kitto kimi ni te no naka


I've never had that happen before!  The worst I get is when I accidentally mix up tabs and close the wrong one, or happen to post just seconds after the boards go down for maintenance.  Gotta love technological hiccups...


In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me there again some day... but you never did. Well, I'm alone there now in our special place... waiting for you.
Ons and Off
My ideas
I'm sorry


Archivist, I'm a bit hesitant to let you alter probability.  While it sounds neat, it can become complicated and easy to metagame or godplay.  If you don't mind filling in more information and then letting me knock you back if you go a bit far, then be my guest.

And yes, we are still accepting new supers.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Completely understandable, I knew it was a long shot when I wrote it but I really like the idea of it. I'll put something more definitive together and post it.. for now off to the casino!

Ons and Offs
RP Ideas

Hiraku kagi wa kitto kimi ni te no naka


I'm interested in this as well. I was thinking of playing some version of "The Shield" from my superheroine list.  I say some version because the way she is now wouldn't work with the setting.  I'm more thinking her powers may come from a different source, possibly limiting them more, or whatever really needs to be done to get her working for the game to your tastes.

I'm up for discussing it here or in PM's.  Also, click here for the lists of superheroines that I have.  It's rather lengthy or I'd post it here.  One of the versions I've been thinking of makes her a good bit older, putting her as a military experiment from World War II, but due to said experiment, she hasn't aged a day.

Also, will there be rape in this game?


Looking at The Shield from your list, I'm going to say no.  Every character must be able to die or get hurt, because I don't want supermen and women running around.  What's there to fear from normal humans if you can't be taken down?

And yes, there will be rape.  Just look at the first IC post of the game and you'll see that.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


She can both die and get hurt.  ^_^  She just can't by a bullet or a blade.  She can still drown, or have poison tossed down her throat.  She can suffocate as well.  I was also thinking of limiting her to just her gadgets and her unbreakable ability.  That pretty much leaves her a normal human except for the fact that bullets won't kill her.  Still hurt like hell though.  It also means she could be hit over the head with a double fist, a two-by-four, or bat, or any number of things and get knocked out. 

I like the unbreakable aspect because it means she can be tossed off a rooftop an not die, but get knocked out, or tossed down a flight of stairs, or punched and kicked or tazered like any normal human being.

But if you're still not sold on it I think Spider-Girl or Epoch (would have to flesh Epoch out, I didn't realize how little I put down for her) or Sunbeam might be good candidates.


I actually don't think that that ability is particularly overpowered, Linna, so long as it's explained in more manageable terms.  I take unbreakable to mean that her bones are essentially invulnerable like Wolverine's.  Unlike him however, her organs and skin are still quite vulnerable.  Ultimately her power to shrug off bullets and blades alike is comparable to Grendel from Beowulf, who could not be harmed by any metal.  Of course, we all know what happened to him.


My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Cool.  Is that full-power or just the unbreakable ability?  I'm cool either way I just need to know how to write up the profile, and I'll definitely go into more detail on her weaknesses.


Only the unbreakable.  I'd prefer everyone just focus on having one main power, sort of like the Xmen.  That'll make it easier to plan ways to bring you all down.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Gasp!  That sounds like a challenge...   ;D


Name:Alex Renegadez
Alias (Supers only): Renegade
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers:
Energy detector-Can detect energy coming from other people. Be it villains, other supers or small amounts from humans.
Energy Pulse-can absorb energy and use it to his advantage. Sort of like Susan Storm from Fantastic Four.
Super reflexes and Strength-Pretty obvious. Has reflexes much like Spiderman along with strength
mentally weak-He can absorb energy but someone that can enter his mind could really screw with him which is why he tends to not be seen.
Weapons-Carries two swords with him and a pistol.
In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me there again some day... but you never did. Well, I'm alone there now in our special place... waiting for you.
Ons and Off
My ideas
I'm sorry


Alright! I was kind of hoping you'd say that anyway.  I'll get working on a new background for her to match the setting, and of course occupation and stuff. 


<The first two paragraphs here are just a little ranting, skip down if you want to go straight to the point.>

"Yes, this is the issue with super heroes, where genre comes into play. Marvel plays with genre a lot, mixing Black Bolt with Scarlet Witch with Wolverine with Captain America, all of whom are on very different levels. Personally, I dislike the 'Paragon' style (using the term from Mutants and Masterminds), Superman types. More than that, I especially find that when you blend super powers with outright magic, you get Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch, who have the power to do whatever the hell the writers decide works for the plot. After a while Deus ex Machina becomes Dr. Strange ex Machina."

"Then there are the superheroes that reflect something more like Heroes or X-Men. While both eventually got tied up in the storylines of characters who were way to powerful (and nonsensical in the methods by which their powers worked... How do your genes grant you the ability to control weather?), if you stripped away the Phoenixes and Wolverines, you mostly had kids with blossoming powers that were impressive, dangerous, but manageable."

"Okay, sorry, rant, my point is, I hope not to see 'Reality Benders' and over-the-top superheroes with costumes and a 'Fortress of Solitude'. Just my 22 cents (I can never just give 2)."

"Also, note, I'm not targeting. Darwishi and Archivist seem to be perfectly accommodating, I just want to say it clearly in case we see 'Superman' and 'Dr. Strange' style entries in the future."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


is my character too far-fetch? It's hard to come up with a character that is balanced which is why I stuck with the energy manipulation aspect.
In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me there again some day... but you never did. Well, I'm alone there now in our special place... waiting for you.
Ons and Off
My ideas
I'm sorry


It's up to Linna to decide on your peak physical strength, but I don't think there's anything wrong with your primary powers.


Name: Alexandria Powers
Alias (Supers only): The Shield
Age: 34 (looks 25)
Gender: Female
Status:  Resistance (Super-powered individual intending to actively engage SPECTRE)
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers: Unbreakable.  Her bones, organs (including skin), and muscles are all unable to be broken/ripped/or penetrated. 
Hand-to-hand Combat: Alex is trained in Krav Maga and Bushido from her time in the military.  Her time spent with Olivia has taught her a bit more about street fighting as well.
Lock Picking: Alex can pick old fashioned locks (from early century and even before) to more modern locks.
Marksmanship: Due to her time in the military she's an excellent shot with a rifle or hand gun.  Due to her training with Olivia she's also become an excellent shot with the wrist shooters and throwing the shield.
Superheroine Costume:  Being Olivia's old costume, The Shield costume is a more modern version of the same nano-fiber suit that Alex wore back in Afghanistan.  It appears, on the surface, to be a spandex material, but is extremely hard to rip, and there doesn't appear to be any zippers on it to take it off.  Olivia had to have ways of shrugging off bullets since she's not quite as resilient as Alexandria.  Basically it comes down to a suit that's just as resilient as Alexandria, it doesn't offer any extra protection for her.
Wrist Shooters- Along each of her wrists are three shields that resemble the large one she carries on her right arm.  Each of the miniature shields are about the size of a sand dollar.  They can be shot and ricocheted off of a wall or a car, the force is meant only to feel like someone of normal, but strong, strength hitting them with their fist.  The triggers for these are on her hands, and she has back up mini-shields on her boots, but it takes time to reload.
Shield- Her shield is her most valuable weapon.  It's made of a super strong alloy able to withstand impacts from bullets and blades alike.  It dampens electricity and radiation attacks.  Plus it can be thrown to ricochet and take out multiple targets with a single throw.  Thrown correctly and her shield will come back to her.
Lock-Pick Kit- She has four of these kits hidden on her person.  Two are in her gloves on her suit, not in the gauntlets that house the wrist shooters.  There are also two on either boot, hidden in the thick sole.  With a series of specific pressure activated points it will come loose and allow her to access the blades and the lock picks hidden there. 
Small Blades- There are small thin blades hidden in her gloves like the lock picks, and also there are small blades in the kits on the soles of her boots.  Where she can pick the locks of handcuffs or locks on a cell door with the lock picks, she can cut through rope or zip ties that bind victims with the blades.

Sensitivity: While she's unbreakable, this doesn't mean she can't feel anything.  In fact her nerves are a little more sensitive than they used to be.  Nerves get worn down by wear and tear on the normal human body, given that hers can no longer have wear and tear, or normal stresses her nerves don't get worn down.  This only makes her sense of touch slightly more sensitive.
Blunt Force: Due to her extra sensitivity she's actually more susceptible to pain than even a normal human might.  Punches, kicks, baseball bats, chains, etc.  all feel painful even if they won't leave lasting damage on her body.  A kick to the crotch still feels like a kick to the crotch and will make it near impossible to focus on anything else.  A good punch to the back of the skull will still daze her, or even possibly knock her out.  The difference is that if she gets tossed off the space needle she won't go splat at the bottom, just be knocked out for a good few hours. 

Bullets and blades are also considered blunt force against her.  Bullets may bounce off of her, but with it's small surface area, it hurts far more than anything else she's ever experienced.  They also pack enough "punch" that they can knock her off her feet, or drive the wind from her.  Similarly blades don't cut, but the tiny surface area makes it hurt like bitch.  Almost like getting sliced open without the mess of blood and guts.  While it means she can endure far worse than a normal human...it's also a double-edged sword.  Torture is far worse for her.
Need to Breathe: She has to breathe still.  Hit her in the gut hard enough and it'll drive the air from her lungs.  Shove her face down in a pool of water and she'll drown.  Stuff a pillow over her face and she'll suffocate.
Drugs/Poison: Drugs and poisons still affect her in much the same way as a normal human.  The only way to administer said drugs that won't work is through injection (syringes and darts).  However a cream laced with drugs will be soaked into her skin.  If someone's cum were to have an adverse reaction through super powers, a simple rope across her butt would still soak into her suit, then into her skin.  She can also be taken out with gasses, be it mace, teargas, knock out gas, or a simple chloroform soaked rag. 
Suit: Despite appearances the suit does have a zipper, but it requires feeling for it rather than to see it on sight.  Feeling with bare fingers across her back will reveal a barely-there ridge that when lifted will reveal a zipper that will pull down to the small of her back.   Also when the suit gets wet from the inside it becomes stretchy in that area.  If Alex is sexed up to the point of getting wet, it means someone could thrust up inside of her.  An orgasm may wet her far enough back to be ass raped.  This weakness in the suit's design isn't known to Alex or Olivia.  It would have to be stumbled upon by accident.

Brief Bio: Alexandria Powers was born to a loving mother and father way back on September 22, 1982.   Back then she never imagined she'd be where she is today, in the year 2079 and only 34 years old. 

In the year 2001 she joined the military and quickly proved to be one of the most physical women that the army had ever come across.  Many thought she might be the first woman allowed to be in the Rangers, but she never quite made it that far.  She was assigned to a bomb squad after disarming a simple bomb with very little experience in the field.  After training her group became known for disarming road-side bombs in Afghanistan. 

Due to their recognitions they were rewarded with testing out a new nanofiber alloy that had been sewn both into their bomb-squad gear, but also were given skin-tight suits made of the same stuff.  While the armor had been extremely expensive, the creators were convinced the military would buy it up like hotcakes.  Alex's squad were the first to test it out since they often had to go into situations without much in the way of guns, had to concentrate in the middle of a fight, and ultimately had to put their lives on the line far more than their fellow soldiers.  One wrong move and they wouldn't only blow themselves up, but their entire squad and possibly more.

The alloy itself never really had a name that anyone with an IQ below 160 could pronounce.  Alex started calling it, unofficially, flex steel, due to the skin-tight suits that looked and flexed like spandex, but the ability to stop a bullet, or a shard from a grenade in it's tracks.  Ultimately the suits would have worked, the company would have made billions, and the war on terror would have probably ended much faster.

However in 2008, shortly after Alex's squad received their "presents" from the U.S. Government they ran into a bomb specifically designed for them.  It was a pretty routine call in of a road-side bomb.  They arrived in their bulky armor, then things started getting hairy.  Her team soon realized it was a far more complex bomb than they'd seen before.  Alex made her way over, and quickly assessed that it was a nuke.  She made the order to fall back, but before she could finish her sentence, the bomb exploded in her face.

When the woke up she was in a world she didn't recognize.  The woman taking care of her said she'd found Alex nude in her living room after coming home one morning.  Olivia Martin decided not to completely freak out, but to instead nurse the girl back to health. 

As best as Olivia and Alex could piece together, the nuclear blast so close actually split Alex's body into a molecular state, fusing every cubic inch of her body with the nano-fibers that had been there to protect her.  Olivia had been in her late forties when she found Alex old enough to be the girl's mother.

When Olivia had been in her late teens and early twenties she'd been a superheroine herself.  Using her abilities (super agility and reflexes) to avoid SPECTRE and save people from themselves.  She'd been an active member resisting the change that America had been going through yet as her body began to age, she also found that she hadn't been quite as agile as before, she couldn't dodge a bullet anymore, and she definitely wanted a family before she got to be too old.  She hung up her tights and cape in trade for finding someone that she loves and started a family.  Her own daughters aren't but a few years younger than Alex when Olivia found her.

It had taken about a year for Alex to get adjusted to everything, and to get caught up on about sixty years of history that she'd missed.  The stories she heard from Olivia, the things she witnessed on the news.  Things weren't good in 2008, but they weren't bad either.  Not this bad, not this kind of government, not in America.  She also had to get a new identity (same as her old one, all of her family and friends had been dead for a few years at best, at worst several decades, no one would remember her face).  They had to get papers for her, a job, and some way to spend her time.

Only after that year did she ask about fighting against SPECTRE.  Olivia had been wary at first, she didn't want to throw some young woman into the throes of battle without proper caution.  However as Alex persisted, Olivia finally relented and began training Alex in modern street fighting techniques, how to pick modern locks, and how to handle the shield and wrist shooters from her old suit.

After eight years, The Shield would live again, it had been nearly three decades since the red, white, and blue heroine had retired from a rather infamous pedestal in SPECTRE's eyes.  Before, when Olivia had worn the suit, she became an icon pretty quickly.  Something for people to believe in.  However her decision to live to fight another day, her decision to ultimately start a family of her own, put the Shield on ice.  At the time she thought forever, now she thinks that Alex might be even better

It wasn't until The Shield recently saved an older woman that had gotten herself into trouble with some local criminals that she realized this impact.  The line of "You haven't aged a day" hit the now 34 year old hard.  She had big boots to fill and hope to instill in a great many people.  This is not the way America is supposed to be, she's just got to remind everyone of the foundations of this once-great country. 

The underground news circuits are beginning to become saturated with rumors of a superheroine willing to put on the tights, willing to wear the colors of red, white, and blue and fight back.  However, for now they're just rumors, she has a long and nearly impossible fight ahead of her...at least impossible without some help.

Occupation: Professional artist.  She does portraits mostly to help out with the bills, but also does painting in her free time, some she sells for a hefty profit.
Marital Status: Single
Children: none
Other Relatives: Olivia Hillary Martin.  She's not a blood relative, but it's the closest she has in 2079 to a mother figure.
Personality: Strong, willful, determined, persistent are some very good qualities to have in a person.  She's a smart woman with the determination to learn things that she doesn't know.  Alex is very passionate about the way the country used to be, and everything she learns about SPECTRE makes her want to take it down more and more.  Occasionally she comes off a little haughty, and a little bitchy, due to wanting nothing more than to complete the mission.  However she's learning to curb it a little bit, offering smiles and reassurances to those that she saves.  An attempt at being friendly.  No one is going to follow someone that they don't like (not through respect anyway).  Alex realizes she has to embody both aspects of what she believes America to be.  Strong and undying, but also that sense of being courteous and helping thy neighbor and doing what's right.
Distinguishing Features: She has a U.S. Army tattoo on her left shoulder blade, a long, four-inch scar along her right, outer thigh, plus a small scar above her left brow, though it's mostly faded.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 205 lbs, she would be 185 lbs if her body hadn't fused with the nano-fibers.
Build: She's extremely athletic, curvy enough to still hold her feminine features, yet with muscles fit of a pro-athlete.  Muscle does way more than fat, after all.
Eye Color: Piercing blue.
Hair Color: Sandy blonde.
Education: High School diploma.  Military experience. IQ 146
Other Info: Alex still lives with Olivia in Seattle, Washington and trains with her every day.  Despite wanting to move out, Olivia is possibly the only person more stubborn than Alex and won't allow her to leave.  Alex insists that she's putting Olivia in danger, but no danger than Olivia hasn't been in before.  Plus even with her papers being real enough to get a job, if Alex strikes out too much on her own, Olivia is afraid that Alex will be discovered of not being whom she says she is.  Under it all, Alex still views Olivia as the only family she has in this time period, and Olivia cares for Alex like her own daughter.


Here's my second attempt to re-write my idea and move it away from the realm of the mystical. Let me know what you think.. if it's still not workable, I'll probably abandon it in favor of something simpler.

  Probability Manipulation - Tori can alter the probability of an existing event, either making it more likely or less likely to occur. This commonly manifests as "good luck" for himself and "bad luck" for his opponents. He cannot alter events unless they are in his line of sight, and unless they directly affect him it is unlikely that the "luck" will hold. For example, if a car is about to hit him it may suddenly have a blow-out that causes it to veer to the left and miss Tori completely, however if the car was just driving down the road then Tori would be unlikely to cause the same blow-out.
   Mental Clarity - Because of his constant work with probabilities of events and the unconscious mental calculations involved in altering them, Tori's brain has expanded its capacity. He can track multiple streams of information, monitor probabilities, and is very nearly a human calculator. Much like a computer however, the more files that Tori keeps the harder it becomes for him to access that information. In general, average use of his powers and the associated information intake would require him to spend a full day "defragging" his brain in order to prevent overload or slowdown.

Ons and Offs
RP Ideas

Hiraku kagi wa kitto kimi ni te no naka


I do hope there is vacancy for another player!

Name: Allison McGareth
Alias (Supers only): Obsidian
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Status: Resistance(Super-powered individual intending to actively engage SPECTRE)
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers: Obsidian got her name from the dark telekinetic powers she wields. She is able to move objects with her mind, propelled by the black energy encasing the particular object. She is able to heal shallow wounds, but that takes up a great deal of her energy. Her dark energy can be both combative and protective. She can form energy shields but it lasts only for a few seconds. She has to concentrate fully with her mind, and thus will be vulnerable if her mind is distracted/blocked. She has a weak physical strength due to complacency that her mental powers can save herself.

Brief Bio: Allison is a college student by day, and a vigilante by night. Sent a thousand kilometers from her home to a foreign country to study on a scholarship awarded to her , she does not communicate back home that regularly. Allison discovered her powers mainly by accident and decided to help mankind by slipping off in the dead of the night to watch over the students of her college and sometimes, even further into the city. There were rumours spreading around the school about SPECTRE and it's goal, but that does not stop Allison from using her powers for greater good.

Occupation: Full-time student
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Other Relatives: Not contactable
Personality: A soft-spoken girl that likes to keep to herself. She does not share secrets nor her suffering, but rather suffer in silence with it. She is headstrong and will not give up without at least trying. She is not very popular in school and tends to sneak off, escaping her classes to the comforts of her room.
Distinguishing Features: A scar the shape of a raven on her wrist
Height: 168cm
Weight: 120lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Chocolate brown (both)
Education: College
Other Info:  /
Every time a child says, "I don't believe in fairies," there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead ~James Matthew Barrie, Peter Pan


This is in hopes you have more room.....^^


Name:  Sam Finn

Alias (Supers only):  Forge

Age:  29

Gender: Male

Status:  Resistance

Registered with SPECTRE: No.

If a Super, List Powers:
Weapon, Armor and tool manifestation: One of his abilities allows him to create armor and weapons from the implanted nanomachines in his body.  The weapons and tools are limited, nothing that can fire a projectile can be created (guns, bows, crossbows and rifles)  Swords, maces, axes, wrenches, hammers and so on. The armor he makes can not regenerate itself once it had been damaged, regenerating takes to much focus and who can really do that when you are being shot at.

Nano boosts:  Along with his forging ability, Sam also has small increases to all attributes, while they are not super human they do make him a bit more formidible to fight than a normal human.

Weaknesses  Like all things, Forge's Nanomachines have a weakness, High pitched frequencies will disrupt the Nano's programing and cause them to malfunction.  Ten seconds of this will render Sam unconscious, twenty will begin destroying the Nano's, anything past that may kill both him and the Nanomachines.

Brief Bio:  Sam grew up in San Diego California living with his adopted parents, Steve and Michelle Finn.  He has no record of whom his biological parents actually are, only that he was born with a gift.  His gift lets him create different types of weapons, ranging from the black ages of Europe to Ancient Japan.  This undoubtedly got him into a lot of trouble, along with being told to never use them again.  For as much trouble as he gave people, he was a decent student, graduating from high school on time and then attending UCSB to study biological engineering.  His powers still work in full, as he found out during his senior year in collage, a raid hit the school like lightning.  Students ran, some stood and fought with abilities unlike Sam could ever imagine.  Never did he imagine that being so different would be so wrong, something had to be done... But could he do it on his own?

Occupation: Mechanic (never finished his degree)

Marital Status: Single

Children: None

Other Relatives: All are presumed deceased

Personality: With what he as seen, Sam tends to be laid back and does not jump into a confrontation quickly.  Known to assess the situation and to get second opinions often.  He tries to avoid leading anything for fear of getting people killed.

Distinguishing Features:  Nano's allow Sam to change his eye color with his moods... Normally they are a grayish color.

Height:  5'10

Weight: 175

Eye/Hair Color: Brown hair, Eyes are normally gray, but depend on his mood.

Education:  Associates  in Mathematics

If you know me personally, you know how to contact me.


Quote from: Jecht on September 18, 2010, 01:29:30 PM
Name:Alex Renegadez
Alias (Supers only): Renegade
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers:
Energy detector-Can detect energy coming from other people. Be it villains, other supers or small amounts from humans.
Energy Pulse-can absorb energy and use it to his advantage. Sort of like Susan Storm from Fantastic Four.
Super reflexes and Strength-Pretty obvious. Has reflexes much like Spiderman along with strength
mentally weak-He can absorb energy but someone that can enter his mind could really screw with him which is why he tends to not be seen.
Weapons-Carries two swords with him and a pistol.

Renegade is hereby approved

Quote from: Darwishi on September 18, 2010, 03:51:57 PM

Superheroine Costume:  Being Olivia's old costume, The Shield costume is a more modern version of the same nano-fiber suit that Alex wore back in Afghanistan.  It appears, on the surface, to be a spandex material, but is extremely hard to rip, and there doesn't appear to be any zippers on it to take it off.  Olivia had to have ways of shrugging off bullets since she's not quite as resilient as Alexandria.  Basically it comes down to a suit that's just as resilient as Alexandria, it doesn't offer any extra protection for her.
Wrist Shooters- Along each of her wrists are three shields that resemble the large one she carries on her right arm.  Each of the miniature shields are about the size of a sand dollar.  They can be shot and ricocheted off of a wall or a car, the force is meant only to feel like someone of normal, but strong, strength hitting them with their fist.  The triggers for these are on her hands, and she has back up mini-shields on her boots, but it takes time to reload.
Shield- Her shield is her most valuable weapon.  It's made of a super strong alloy able to withstand impacts from bullets and blades alike.  It dampens electricity and radiation attacks.  Plus it can be thrown to ricochet and take out multiple targets with a single throw.  Thrown correctly and her shield will come back to her.
Lock-Pick Kit- She has four of these kits hidden on her person.  Two are in her gloves on her suit, not in the gauntlets that house the wrist shooters.  There are also two on either boot, hidden in the thick sole.  With a series of specific pressure activated points it will come loose and allow her to access the blades and the lock picks hidden there. 
Small Blades- There are small thin blades hidden in her gloves like the lock picks, and also there are small blades in the kits on the soles of her boots.  Where she can pick the locks of handcuffs or locks on a cell door with the lock picks, she can cut through rope or zip ties that bind victims with the blades.

The Shield needs work.  I don't like the idea of your suit being super strong, nor your shield.  While future materials might be stronger, why wouldn't SPECTRE or the military have these alloys?  Even if The Shield developed them on her own, it would require quite a few resources that I don't see someone trying to keep a low profile as having.

Also, the suit... her suit is vulnerable to getting wet from the inside.  I'm sorry hun, but you do actually sweat, and that bit of moisture means your uniform is going to shred in an instant.  Combined with the uh... sexual nature you seem to want to include, I can't let you have the suit.  It's way too flamboyant for someone trying to evade the military.

Quote from: Luella on September 19, 2010, 04:27:57 AM
I do hope there is vacancy for another player!

Name: Allison McGareth
Alias (Supers only): Obsidian
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Status: Resistance(Super-powered individual intending to actively engage SPECTRE)
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers: Obsidian got her name from the dark telekinetic powers she wields. She is able to move objects with her mind, propelled by the black energy encasing the particular object. She is able to heal shallow wounds, but that takes up a great deal of her energy. Her dark energy can be both combative and protective. She can form energy shields but it lasts only for a few seconds. She has to concentrate fully with her mind, and thus will be vulnerable if her mind is distracted/blocked. She has a weak physical strength due to complacency that her mental powers can save herself.

Brief Bio: Allison is a college student by day, and a vigilante by night. Sent a thousand kilometers from her home to a foreign country to study on a scholarship awarded to her , she does not communicate back home that regularly. Allison discovered her powers mainly by accident and decided to help mankind by slipping off in the dead of the night to watch over the students of her college and sometimes, even further into the city. There were rumours spreading around the school about SPECTRE and it's goal, but that does not stop Allison from using her powers for greater good.

Occupation: Full-time student
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Other Relatives: Not contactable
Personality: A soft-spoken girl that likes to keep to herself. She does not share secrets nor her suffering, but rather suffer in silence with it. She is headstrong and will not give up without at least trying. She is not very popular in school and tends to sneak off, escaping her classes to the comforts of her room.
Distinguishing Features: A scar the shape of a raven on her wrist
Height: 168cm
Weight: 120lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Chocolate brown (both)
Education: College
Other Info:  /

Obsidian is hereby approved

Quote from: SinXAzgard21 on September 19, 2010, 08:42:33 PM
This is in hopes you have more room.....^^


Name:  Sam Finn

Alias (Supers only):  Forge

Age:  29

Gender: Male

Status:  Resistance

Registered with SPECTRE: No.

If a Super, List Powers:
Weapon, Armor and tool manifestation: One of his abilities allows him to create armor and weapons from the implanted nanomachines in his body.  The weapons and tools are limited, nothing that can fire a projectile can be created (guns, bows, crossbows and rifles)  Swords, maces, axes, wrenches, hammers and so on. The armor he makes can not regenerate itself once it had been damaged, regenerating takes to much focus and who can really do that when you are being shot at.

Nano boosts:  Along with his forging ability, Sam also has small increases to all attributes, while they are not super human they do make him a bit more formidible to fight than a normal human.

Weaknesses  Like all things, Forge's Nanomachines have a weakness, High pitched frequencies will disrupt the Nano's programing and cause them to malfunction.  Ten seconds of this will render Sam unconscious, twenty will begin destroying the Nano's, anything past that may kill both him and the Nanomachines.

Brief Bio:  Sam grew up in San Diego California living with his adopted parents, Steve and Michelle Finn.  He has no record of whom his biological parents actually are, only that he was born with a gift.  His gift lets him create different types of weapons, ranging from the black ages of Europe to Ancient Japan.  This undoubtedly got him into a lot of trouble, along with being told to never use them again.  For as much trouble as he gave people, he was a decent student, graduating from high school on time and then attending UCSB to study biological engineering.  His powers still work in full, as he found out during his senior year in collage, a raid hit the school like lightning.  Students ran, some stood and fought with abilities unlike Sam could ever imagine.  Never did he imagine that being so different would be so wrong, something had to be done... But could he do it on his own?

Occupation: Mechanic (never finished his degree)

Marital Status: Single

Children: None

Other Relatives: All are presumed deceased

Personality: With what he as seen, Sam tends to be laid back and does not jump into a confrontation quickly.  Known to assess the situation and to get second opinions often.  He tries to avoid leading anything for fear of getting people killed.

Distinguishing Features:  Nano's allow Sam to change his eye color with his moods... Normally they are a grayish color.

Height:  5'10

Weight: 175

Eye/Hair Color: Brown hair, Eyes are normally gray, but depend on his mood.

Education:  Associates  in Mathematics

Forge is hereby approved
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022