Fall of the Titans (Superhero Freeform RPG)

Started by GloomCookie, September 11, 2010, 12:35:35 PM

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The Age of Superheroes is over.  No more are vigilantes allowed to roam the streets on patrol.  Society has its own law enforcers for that, and years of media hounding have made superheroes into villains.  So feared are their powers that they are now regarded as villains, despite their desire for good.  Some have tried to hide their powers, remaining blissfully hidden away from society.  Others have fled to places where they can't be found.  Some work for the government, trading stealth for their protection.  And yet others still try and ply their trade, which is where the SPecial Enforcement, Control, Tracking and REcon (SPECTRE) comes in.

SPECTRE was founded during the Eisenhower administration to investigate the growing number of super villains and to find out how they could best be managed.  Eventually, when superheroes became Persona non Grata, SPECTRE was tasked with maintaining records on all known superheroes, their whereabouts, and if they are engaging in illegal activity.  Most superheroes quietly retired and live in rural areas, but the few that remain outside SPECTRE control become targets for their specialized extraction teams.  These special commandos are infused with temporary superpowers so that they may combat rogue superheroes and villains.

Once captured, many heroes accept a minor sentence working for SPECTRE and are then allowed to resettle and go about their lives.  But some heroes prove more difficult than others, and those that continue to be a problem are sent to Area 12.  Area 12 is known throughout the superhero community as the Guardian Graveyard.  Of all the heroes sent to Area 12, not one has come back.  Rumors abound, and there was even an effort several years ago to try and destroy Area 12, but those that attempted the feat were never seen again.

Fall of the Titans is an idea I've been kicking around since I saw both The Incredibles and The Watchmen.  If the government made a team of agents to hunt superheroes, what would they do, how would they do it, and what would happen to those they catch?  I'm going to play the government agents, but I'm searching for multiple superheroes and villains eager to try and fight back and possibly lose.  The game is rated EX due to torture and violence.  Players are encouraged but not required to work together.  The setting will be in Seattle, Washington, mostly because I want there to be lots of rain for moody dramatic backdrops.

Character Sheets:
Required Information: Information needed before gameplay begins.
[b]Alias (Supers only):[/b]
      Civilian (Non super-powered individual)
      Resistance(Super-powered individual intending to actively engage SPECTRE)
      Retired(Not actively using their powers to fight or cause crime)
      Super(Short for superhero, someone who fights crime but avoids SPECTRE)
      Villain(Super-powered individual seeking to use their powers for personal gain)
[b]Registered with SPECTRE:[/b] Y/N (Has your character ever been caught by SPECTRE?)
[b]If a Super, List Powers:[/b] (Note: Powers must be reasonable)

Optional Information: Information that you wish to share.  Can wait to be revealed IRP before updating character sheet if desired.
[b]Brief Bio:[/b]
[b]Occupation:[/b] (Cannot be SPECTRE)
[b]Marital Status:[/b] Single/Married/Divorced/Widow(er)
[b]Other Relatives:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing Features:[/b]
[b]Eye/Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Other Info:[/b]

Example Character Sheet:

Name: Rebecca Lawrence
Alias (Supers only): Wraithe
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Status: Super
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers:

  • Invisibility - Manipulating light around her body, Wraithe can make it seem as though light passes through her body, reflected on the other side.  It's not perfect, however, meaning there is always a faint shimmer when she moves around, possibly exposing her position.
  • Phase Shift - Adjusting her body on a molecular scale, Wraithe can shift her and anything she is wearing or holding to a secondary dimensional phase, passing through solid objects and walls with ease.  She adjusts the molecules on her feet so that she can maintain contact with the ground, rather than falling through to the center of the Earth.
Brief Bio: Born in Seattle, Wraithe spent much of her life simply being a normal kid until she hit 16.  While walking home from school, she nearly got run over by a car, which she managed to avoid by phase shifting and passing through the car.  She realized she had superpowers, and was super excited.  She tried to tell her parents, but they immediately began yelling at her that she didn't have superpowers and that she'd made it up.  That was her first dose of reality to the world she was now in, and she's since been on the run, trying to stay out of the way and fight crime when she can.
Occupation: Unemployed
Marital Status: Single
Children: N/A
Other Relatives: Joseph Lawrence (Father) Donna Lawrence (Mother)
Personality: Shy and naive, often gullible
Distinguishing Features: N/A
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Violet
Education: Sophomore, high School
Other Info: N/A

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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022

Dark Deception

Real Name: Joseph Miller
Nickname: Joe
Alias: Prodigy
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: When the super hero is revved up, his eyes often shift to a burning white that crackle with electricity, but normally, his eyes are brown.
Complexion: Slight tan
Physique: Solid and built for the job
Appearance: Besides his Seattle Police Department uniform, he tends to wear loose clothes: jeans, tanks, jackets, buttoned shirts, etc. Whatever he's seen wearing at the time.
Markings/Accessories: Small tattoo of a split, blue diamond between his shoulder blades.
Alignment: Hero
Weakness: Bad sense of awareness makes him suspectable to easy ambush, one-track mind, and has human weaknesses.
Occupation: Cop
Marital Status: Single
Status: Super
Registered with SPECTRE: N
Children: No
Other Relatives: Dean Miller (Father)
Education: Bachelors in Criminal Justice from Seattle University.
Other Info: A few years studying the French language.

Personality: Joseph's personality is independent and reserved. He grew up with no support from his father or from any friends and has developed a lone-wolf attitude. He is stubborn, but also hard-working. When performing his job as an officer, he can sometimes be reckless, spending a bit of his powers to make catching criminals more quick and effective. He doesn't use a great dose to let everyone know he's a super, but just enough to get him a reputable name in the office. He will always attempt to track down criminals without getting any blood on his hands. Having observed the behavior of the human's around him, he knows they are easily frightened creatures; and if a superman was to ever kill a human or even a villain, it would give supermen an even greater bad name. In summary, Joseph tends to be cold and distances himself from anyone who tries to get close even his own partner.

1. Energy manipulation - these powers deal with energy generation, conversion, and manipulation. In addition to generic energy, versions of these powers exist that deal with such things as light, sound, electricity, and nuclear energy (Wiki). Prodigy can draw energy from fire, power lines, and other energy sources, including in a villainous sense, human beings.
2. Amplify - Prodigy's ability to fuel his cells with energy to speed up regenerative processes, rid his body of ailments, and reinforce the toughness of his being to grant his body a physical performance above that of any normal human. This ability grants him superhuman durability to resist small arms fire (pistols, revolvers, bows, crossbows, throwing knives, etc. Anything smaller but no larger) and small explosions (brought by a nade or distanced explosion not point-blank). With his superhuman strength, he so far only knows that he is capable of lifting a vehicle. He hasn't tried any heavier.
3. Flight - propulsion - in order to fly, Prodigy circulates the energy he pulls from different power sources around him and uses it to propel himself through the air. He can however only draw one source of energy at a time. Thus, if he is drawing from fire, he'll have fire until he rids its energy from his body and draws on a differing source. He cannot control two or more forms at the same time.

Before Joseph Miller came to be, his father, Dean Miller, was a police officer in Seattle. On one assignment, he was to investigate an illegal shipment that was supposed to arrive at the port. During a gunfight with smugglers, Dean was pushed into a crate stack that near crushed him flat when it came down. After the smugglers escaped, Dean and his partner searched the cargo for illegal drugs and from the rubble of the shattered crates, Dean discovered a titanium suitcase. Upon opening it, he found an ecstatic object (possibly having been disturbed by the fall) that unleashed a bright flash before winking out of existence. The flash had dazed Dean and made him slightly nauseous and unaware of its true effects on his being. The FBI wasn’t too happy that he had “tampered with evidence,” and submitted him to several rounds of interrogations. When the FBI was left dry, Dean returned home to his wife Charlotte Miller, unaware of the contamination he carried on his being.

It was passed onto Charlotte and during her pregnancy, she was horribly ill and the doctors revealed the harmful dose of radiation that had been bestowed on her. They predicted that the radiation would either deform or kill the baby, and months later, when the baby was to be born, Charlotte died giving birth to a boy she named with her last words Joseph. Joseph was what the doctors thought to be a miracle to science for he came out to be a healthy baby boy; and though Dean was relieved to hear of Joseph’s well-being, he was devastated upon learning of Charlotte’s passing.

Dean cared for Joseph for a few months and during those months he was able to see his boy’s unusual behavior. At three-months-old, Joseph was crawling around and able to recognize his toys. At four-months, he was standing and tottering around, a stage reached too early in a baby’s life. When Dean’s job, taking care of Joseph, and coping with his wife's death were becoming tasks too complicated to maintain, Dean left his son and his memories of Charlotte at an orphanage.

It was there where Joseph spent most of his life, maturing mentally at a rate faster than the other children to the point that seesaw and hide-and-go-seek just weren’t cutting it anymore. He formed new hobbies: painting, teaching himself, trying a musical instrument, and eventually writing stories with correct grammar and spelling. At five-years-old, he was mentioned in the newspaper as boy genius and child prodigy; however, such a title never got him adopted, instead, his fast-paced learning as opposed to the qualities of an ignorant child made him intimidating. At nine-years-old, Joseph acquired an early job at the orphanage—sorting papers and organizing appointments. He saved his money and got a bank account so that when he became eighteen and was dismissed from the orphanage, he could buy an apartment, one in which he bought near the university.

Once he got settled, Joseph curiously sought out his father’s whereabouts and found him with a new family. Dean Miller had moved on and Joseph remained a loner. Distraught over his loss of a family and childhood, it was stress which allowed Joseph to discover a portion of his powers. When walking home from his father’s house, Joseph was spontaneously electrocuted by a trailing volt drawn to him from a power line. The teen was unconscious for several hours before he awoke and returned to his apartment for further rest. When he awoke, Joseph was no longer the man he once knew. Over the years, he experimented with his capabilities and gradually discovered more of his abilities until at the age of twenty-one; he had graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and went on to following his late father's footsteps, and that is become an officer of the law.

If there's ever anything wrong or anything you don't like, let me know. As for a picture, I'll come back to you on that (never any good pictures now a days). To clarify also, I was having him be a super hero working a civilian job as a police officer but he's keeping a low profile and not running around flaunting his powers everywhere lol.

Currently involved in: 6 role plays


Name: Elsworth Bateman
Alias: Glutton (Sometimes jokingly referred to as "Biteman")
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Status: Villain
Registered with SPECTRE: N
Matter Consumption: Elsworth possesses a very bizarre ability, which he uses to gain access to his secondary and tertiary powers.  Simply put, he is able to consume and digest all forms of matter at rapid speeds, regardless of how dense the material might be; a pound of steel goes down just as easily as a sandwich.  This includes substances that would normally be lethal, such as molten lava or a beam of plasma shot from the hand of a fellow super.  Even heroes that profess to be invulnerable are not immune to the effect, leading to gruesome consequences.  There does not seem to be a limit to how much he can eat, nor does he need to expel waste at regular intervals.

  • Secondary: Upon consuming any sort of matter, the calories are immediately processed into strength.  The more he eats, the more powerful he becomes.  If denied food for a sufficient period of time, he will revert to average human capabilities and degrade from there.
  • Tertiary (Activated at Will): You are what you eat.  If Elsworth so wishes, he can transform his entire body into the last substance he happened to eat, essentially becoming a golem made of that material.  The more of the substance he devours, the longer the effect will last.

Brief Bio:
The life of a villain is not defined by their history.  Barring rare cases, it is not one shaped by their family tree or their parents or their childhood friends.  All the little normal events of their lives are equally unimportant.  What does it matter if they were once a small and brilliant child marked by a refreshing sense of cordiality, eyes wide with wonder at the natural world?  Of what concern is it to us if they frolicked amongst sunlit fields with a pretty young girl, pushing away the thoughts of filth and corruption and suffocating pollution back home until there was nothing left but her face surrounded by flowers and blue skies?  Why should we care that, on a brilliantly sunny day much like that one so long ago, they prostrated themselves before a beautiful young woman with a ring in hand, and she said 'Yes'?  Should we weep when gazing back in time and witnessing the birth of a child, and the look of unparalleled contentment on the man's face?  It does not help us to understand who they are, only who they were, and who they were means nothing now, least of all to them.

What matters is the moment, the singular moment that changed everything, forever.  What matters is that, while working on a project that would streamline waste disposal on a global scale, something went terribly wrong.  The treatment that would have allowed a humble pig to solve the world's garbage problems was instead inflicted upon the very researcher that had begun the project in the first place, transforming him into something wholly abominable, and utterly insatiable.  The GENeco Research Center was almost completely consumed in the resulting disaster, the researcher gone and a path of devastation in his wake. 

Hunger can play wicked tricks on a man's mind, force him to do unconscionable things.  A starving man is often surprised by just what they are willing to eat when that hideous burning and aching in their gullet becomes too much to bear.  And sometimes, when that dark and uncontrollable desire overwhelms the senses, the things we love the most become nothing more than prey.

Ever since that horrid day, Elsworth has been wandering the globe in search of sustenance, and a peace of mind that always seems just out of reach.  He has come into conflict with both law enforcement, superheroes, and even some villains over the years, and killed a good deal of them in the process.  He has never gone out of his way to harm others, but will do nearly anything in order to survive.  The surest sign of his presence in an area is unexplained property damage; he seems to have developed a particular taste for the support beams in buildings.  On several occasions he has been contracted for more heroic purposes, eating bombs and doomsday devices in equal measure, but his crimes are far too grave at this point to warrant any sort of pardon.

Occupation: Unemployed.  Formally a scientist in the employ of GENeco's R&D Branch.
Marital Status: Widower
Children: Isabella Bateman (Deceased)
Other Relatives: None
Weary politeness, a feeble attempt at normalcy that often falls dreadfully flat.  When especially hungry he will appear scatterbrained and jittery, often losing his train of thought before hastily attempting to correct himself.  In spite of his unconsciously dreary nature, Elsworth seems to genuinely enjoy the company of others and will attempt to brighten up around friends and strangers alike. 

Only when he is threatened do some of his more villainous traits show through, particularly if he is famished at the time of the encounter.  He tends to refrain from actually eating people, and will only attempt to resort to such measures in times of extreme desperation.  Elsworth fights like a frightened dog, running away to collect himself before coming back for another strike instead of straight-up brawling.  It makes him an unpredictable and frustrating opponent, particularly for those used to fighting boisterous and self-assured ne'er-do-wells.

Distinguishing Features: Elsworth typically dresses in formal attire regardless of the situation or environment, though the clothing is often ill-kempt, dirty, and hangs loosely on his withered frame.  His perpetual hunger has left him a slight and frail man, and an air of loss and aimlessness hangs about him like a funeral shawl.  It is a rare thing indeed to find him without some form of food on hand.  In these days of heightened security, he tends to prefer actual food, rather than munching openly on twigs or plate glass.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 125lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Gunmetal Blue / Blonde
Education: PhD in Genetics


If anyone would be interested in playing an employee, former schoolmate, lover or even father of her children, someone on her security detail, please let me know.

Name:  Cassandra D'Arque
Alias (Supers only): Oracle
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Status: Superhero
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers: Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing- She can see events taking place in the present through visions. While having one of these visions, though, she is vulnerable until it is over, unable to hear, see, etc. anything taking place in reality. Sometimes she can see things at a distance close up, like she is seeing it through a telescope or binoculars. She is able to control the remote viewing to a degree, though it is draining, but her clairvoyance seems to be triggered randomly.

Precognition- Through dreams or visions she may see the future. However, it is subjective. Some of the visions may not happen and she doesn't have the context. She has no way of directing the Sight or controlling when it happens or what she sees except through scrying after a ritual to purify the room and her spirit.

Retrocognition- Through dreams or visions she may see the past. Again, she doesn't have the context and the visions seem to be random.

Psychometry- By touching something with her bare hands, she gets a complete download of the object's history.

Clairsentience- Highly sensitive to the world around her, she is able to sense the emotions of others but not affect them. She knows when someone is lying. She gets hunches or feelings that turn out to be accurate, though maybe not the way she or others expect. Perhaps they are effects of her other gifts but sometimes she has premonitions of what the immediate future holds and can get a sense for the history of an area. She is an uncannily good guesser and seems lucky.

Eidetic Memory- Cassandra's brain seems to be able to store the things she sees so she'll never forget.

Shield- Her mind isn't impenetrable but it's going to give whoever is trying to sift through it a major headache. And no one but her can pull those memories of things she's seen out.

Brief Bio: Cassandra D'Arque was born to Henry D'Arque III, the owner of D'Arque Industries, a company that manufactured supplies for the medical and scientific community. He inherited it from his father, who had inherited it from his father who had built it from the ground up after starting with only ten dollars to his name upon his immigration. Her mother, Elizabeth was from an old, once powerful family that had fallen on hard times.

It was actually a love match and it broke Henry's heart when Elizabeth died in childbirth. He never remarried. And truth be told, he was a little disappointed that she'd given him a daughter. However, Cassandra got every luxury money could afford. Nothing was too good for Henry's future heir.

The dreams and seeings started when she was about five. Her father kept her extremely sheltered and the staff got huge raises to keep her eccentricities quiet. The media wondered why the child was never seen and there were all sorts of vicious rumors tossed around. Cassandra hasn't told anyone the truth about any of the allegations. Private tutors replaced the nannies at that point. She rarely saw her father.

Years passed. Things didn't get better and there was nothing she could do, no one she could talk to about the things she saw. It was a heavy burden on the young girl who had learned quickly not to share the things she saw or learned. At least she could wear gloves... As she continued to grow up, she grew more and more fed up with her father's protectiveness.

At the age of 14, she'd never once left the grounds of her family's estate. There was a world out there she wanted to see, be a part of, and she wasn't able to. She never could manage to get past the security to run away either. Of course that same security kept out the media.

Henry finally allowed her some modicum of freedom when she was 16, taking her on business trips and basically letting her go wherever she wanted... but not unescorted of course. Photographs of the girl were rare and highly prized. Her strange fits meant she needed someone there to make sure no one tried to steal from her or anything when she was out of it.

By the time she was 18, she had about two years of college credit under her belt. Cassandra was accepted into MIT. Much to her father's chagrin, she joined Alpha Phi. The paparazzi respected her privacy... to a degree. On campus meant she was off limits but otherwise... Unlike some of her sorority sisters, she focused on her studies and getting involved on campus rather than having a good time. She graduated magna cum laude two years later.

No one had figured out about her gifts, though it wasn't hard to know there was something different about her. The gloves and sunglasses were a fashion statement as far as the rest of the world was concerned. Her father told her of his diagnosis shortly after she started working towards her MBA. He had lung cancer and wasn't expected to live much longer. So it would be up to her to take over the company. Cassandra wasn't sure that was what she wanted but something made her agree.

After finishing her program, her father retired after helping her assume control. Thankfully the transition was smooth and Cassandra found herself enjoying her work. There was more media attention on one of the world's youngest and most influential CEOs than ever. Years of practice had given her some tricks to steer others away from the truth.

Her father passed away about four months ago, right about the time she decided to open a new plant in Seattle, WA. Cassandra never got the chance to tell him she was pregnant and no one else knows yet either. She moved to Washington to oversee the opening and such, make sure everything was in order with the port. This is about the time the Oracle appeared, delivering information and pointing people in the right direction. She's young, successful, and wealthy, owner and overseer of a company with a stellar reputation. But what the future holds isn't something even she is certain of.

Occupation: CEO/President of D'Arque Industries
Marital Status: Single
Children: Expecting twins
Other Relatives: Father- Henry D'Arque III, deceased
                                 Mother- Elizabeth D'Arque, deceased
Personality: Cassandra comes across as a very sophisticated, charismatic woman. And she is. She is intelligent, well-traveled, and has a good sense of humor. However, there is something very odd about her. The woman has strange fits at random intervals and she seems to have a hard time relating to certain things. Most are willing to forgive her her quirks those though, as she is pleasant enough.

She never has been like the others. Her gifts mean she is privy to information she shouldn't be. It meant she had to grow up very quickly. Cassandra is good at playing the part, being whatever she feels she needs to be, and putting up a front but under the polished veneer is a woman who has never seen the world around her the way others do and never will. This means there is a disconnect between her and reality.

A philanthropist and patron of the arts, she's known for being very generous with her vast resources. She is altruistic and compassionate, willing to do whatever she can to help her fellow man. After all, you've only got one life to live and she doesn't want to waste a minute of it.

There is something frenetic about her energy. She doesn't do anything by halves. Strong-willed and determined, she'll do what she's set out to do. No matter what. The public knows her as a generous woman who is a passionate advocate for all sorts of good causes. Her peers know her as an eccentric, urbane blueblood. The truth? Only she knows. Underneath the warmth is a coldness. No longer a believer in the basic goodness of mankind, she's cynical, Machiavellian, and ruthlessly practical and efficient. The end justifies the means every time in her book.

The Oracle is a mysterious figure that no one knows much about. Only a very few know how to get a hold of the Oracle, who at least one step ahead of anyone wanting to find out who she really is. Her aid is not for sale. Usually she's on the side of the good guys and doing what she can to see that people have the information they need to make the world a better place. It's the usually part that is concerning...

Distinguishing Features: Cassandra is rarely, if ever, without a pair of sunglasses or gloves. For fancy occasions she may forgo the glasses but never the gloves. There is a birthmark on her left hip that looks like a sunburst. Her pregnancy is also starting to show.

Height: 5 ft
Weight: Normally 105 lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Black/Hazel
Education: Private tutoring through high school, attended MIT, graduated magna cum laude after two years thanks to IB and AP classes, went on to get MBA from MIT SLOAN School of Management
Other Info: Cassandra has no offensive abilities and has all the weaknesses of a human. However, could she harness her abilities...
- Writer's Melody

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind." - William Shakespeare

(Specifically Seeking Someone to Write Solas)
(Absences/Apologies) (updated 6/21/24)


My bio is changing some.  I've talked with wintersmelody and we've agreed to have my character be involved with her.

Name: James Black
Alias): Wolf
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers:
(side note I picture him as kind of a mix between worlverine with no claws and no indestructable skeleton and captain america, that should give you an idea of what he can do.)
Regenerative healing factor - His cellular regeneration is off the chart.  Broken bones and wound healing in minutes.  Doesn’t get sick and ages slowly.
Super human senses - All of his senses are heightened giving him greater awareness of the world around him, like a wolf.
Super human strength -  Now he is no superman, but he is stronger than you're average human.  Can lift with some difficulty small vehicles over his head and even throw them a short distance.
Super human speed -  Again he isn't the flash or someone like superman, he is just faster than your average human.  He's about as fast as a wolf or a jungle cat.
Super human reflexes - It probably has alot to do with the fact that he has more of an awareness of the world around him thanks to his senses but he is able to react quickly.  He can still be taken by surprise or react wrong but he has a little more warning than most.
Super human agility -  He can't dodge bullets, and you can hit him with a punch or anything else in a fight.  Basically he has the flexibility of a gymnist.  He can flip forward or backwards an he has good balance.
Super human Stamina - Fatigue catches up to us all but because his body is in such good shape it takes longer for it to really take its toll on him.

Brief Bio: James was born to two loving parents who worked hard and we’re moderately well off financially.   They weren’t precisely what you would call rich but they we’re wealthy enough to provide a good life for their family.  Even from a very young James parents knew that something was different about their son.  He never got sick and wounds that he received healed over instantly.  He was also moderately stronger than your average child.  As he continued to grow they observed him noticing that he was also moderately faster and had better reflexes as well.

Despite what he could do James had a relatively normal live growing up.  He went to school, had friends, girl friends, and was involved in after school activities including Martial arts training.  He started with karate and moved on to judo in high school to the present has been training in kung fu.

When James was 14 James started dating one of the girls in his class.  Her name was Amanda Reed.  They had been freinds all the way up through elementary and was beginning to develop into something.  The two of them we're nearly inseperable and always seemed to be together.  They we're absolutely in love with each other.  She became the first person outside his parents that he shared his secret with.  That conversation had been scary for him.  He feared that she would be afraid of him, and call him a freak.  She didn't, she was of course shocked by the revelation but it didn't change anything for her.  He was still the same person she had always known and loved.  It seemed a sure thing that they would get married one day.  Until the fateful night when he was 16 that his life changed.  It was a dark and rainy night and the two of them had gone out to see a movie.  The hour was late 11 o'clock and the winding road was dark.  As they rounded one of the bends in the road a car travelling in the wrong lane rammed into them.  pushing them off a short embankment.  The car rolled and settled on its top.  Both of them we're seriously wounded, but James didn't stay that way for long.  His healing factor kicked in immediately and his wounds quckly started to mend.  As soon as he was able to he unfastened his safety belt and went over to Amanda.  She was alive but only just.  He helped her out of the car and held her in his arms as he called for help.  She held on for nearly an hour until the EMT's arrived but on the way to the hospital her life flickered and died in his arms. 

James was devastated by her death and he focused much of his final two years of high school on his work.  He became a social outcast not really interacting with anybody unless he had to.  He didn't participate in any afterschool activities accept his physical training.  He spent alot of time in the gym aftershool or disiplining himself with matial arts.  Upon graduating high school with very good grades, James was accepted at MIT and he welcomed the chance to go somewhere else.  There we're too many reminders of her here.  The distance did help.  His outlook on life improved and he started to move on with his life.  He was bright and intelligent and focused hard on his studies, and involved himself with the goings on of campus.  He graduated four years later with his MSIT and decided to look up an an old aquaintance from MIT Cassandra D'Arque, for a job.  They had been in a few classes together and had developed a friendship.  In college he adopted the alias of Wolf and began patrolling the area around campus wanting to protect the people around the campus.  He didn't have much action but he did take down a few petty criminals in his time theire  It was kind of fun and he was careful not to protect his anonymity

He was hired on very quickly  and has been a part of the company for the last two years.  Since coming back together he has rekindled his friendship with Cassandra, and for him at least it has grown past friendship.  He loves her more than he thought possible after Amanda.  When her father died he accompanied her to the funeral.   

Occupation: Employed by D'Arque Industries.  (need to talk to writersmelody about exact position)
Marital Status: Single
Other Relatives: Margaret Black (mother), David Black (father)
Personality: James has never completely gotten over the death of Amanda, and he probably will never truely forget her.  Still he has begun to move on with his life.  He has dated a few girls since then, and is currently in love with his employeer

Very single minded some people might call it obsessive.  When he is doing something he prefers to devote his full attention to it believing that if you can't put yourself fully into something it isn't really worth doing  He doesn’t do anything halfway.  He's either in or out

He has a strong sense of justice.  Right and wrong are very important to him, and has been known to take matters into his own hand from time to time.

He has a very strong sense of loyalty to the people he cares about,  putting their wants and needs ahead of his own.  He would take a bullet for any of his friends though that probably has more to do with the fact that he knows he’ll be able to get back up afterwards

He is always looking to improve himself be it his mind or his body.

He is always cautious about doing anything that might draw attention to himself as a super.  Though he could with some effort he doesn't go hurling small vehicles at his enemies, though he always seems to know more than anyone else

Distinguishing Features: none
Height: 6’1
Weight: 200 lbs
Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes /Chocolate brown hair
Education: Graduate from MIT
Other Info: He is very well rounded physically and mentally.  He is a jack of many trades, master of very few.  The one area he could be considered a Master is his physical training. He knows how to take care of himself in a fight.  Though it is true that he doesn't really know how to shoot a gun or anything like that.


I have to say, I'm interested in this as well. I might be interested in playing someone working for SPECTRE given that nobody else does yet!

Ons and Offs
RP Ideas

Hiraku kagi wa kitto kimi ni te no naka


Dark Deception: You are approved on the condition you cannot remove all the energy from a person and thus kill them.  If you want to pull energy from a PC, you MUST obtain permission from them prior to doing so.

Shihong: You are approved on the condition you cannot cosume anything larger than your mouth.  If you can't get it in your mouth, you can't eat it.

writersmelody: You are approved as long as you don't mind me sometimes hijacking your visions for my own dastardly deeds.  MWAHAHAHA!

Jarod1: You are approved provided your healing condition comes with limitations i.e. if a bullet goes through your head you are dead.  If you bleed out before you regenerate, you're dead.  Your heart might heal back and start pumping again, but you might also suffer a bit of brain damage.  Also, you cannot dodge bullets.

The  IC thread is located HERE for those of you eager to get started.  Look forward to tormenting you all in the future.

Also, I'm sending this as a PM to everyone just incase you don't see this first.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Those are all fine conditions.  My character is faster and has better reflexes than a normal human but he's no flash.  As for his healing factor.  I imagine if you cut off his head he would indeed die as well.  its probably the most sure fire way to kill him.  That or blow him to tiny bits.  A bullet to the brain would probably do it to though it might just scamble his brains.  if their are any other limitations you would like me to include by all means let me know.


( If your still accepting)

Name: Tiffany Sheppard
Alias (Supers only): Shadow
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Status: Villain
Registered with SPECTRE: N
If a Super, List Powers:
Shadow walk- can telaport from point A to point B, but as long as there is a clear line from there to here covered in darkness. Any light breaking the path will make her come out where the light is and she can only go a few feet.

Shadow manipulation- she can create illusions or even small creatures out of shadows but the bigger or the more she tries to create the harder it is to keep it from falling apart. All shadow creations tend to fall apart after a couple of minuets.

Brief Bio: I suppose there should be some sad tale, some shocking revelation that would tell how Shadow became the bad girl that is , why she avoids light and all the good within it. . To hear her say it though, Bad girls have more fun. Her father had been an honest man working all his life as a janitor, while her mother tried to take care of her and her sister. They were living in poverty. Her mother had gotten ill while her and her sister where still young and without any way to pay for a doctor she died. So Tiffany grew up quick and tough taking care of her sister and getting money whoever she could which was either picking pockets, or raiding houses as she was too young to get a job. Her father never asked where the extra money came from and she never told him. It would have broke his honest heart.

She was also born different she always had a bit of an aversion to the sun, and even as a little child. She would put on elaborate shadow puppet shows to entertain her sister.  Was she born with her gifts? This girl will never tell.
Occupation: thief
Marital Status: Single
Children: none
Other Relatives:Erick Sheppard father ( currently not speaking) Elizabeth Sheppard mother ( deceased)
Arin Sheppard her little sister and greatest weakness.
Personality: Tiffany is playful and likes to flirt but behind that she is a very shielded person. She acts as though she is cold and careless, but around her little sister she is very caring. She would give the world for her if she could just figure out how to steal it.
Distinguishing Features: Tiffany is always seen in some sort of Gothic apparel usually in a dress or a skirt. If she comes out in the day light she usually has on a pair of sunglasses , not that she needs them.
Weight: 100 pounds
Eye/Hair Color: black, black
Education: She never even graduated high school though she did attempt to attend for a bit. Survival was a bit more important then education, but don't be fooled into thinking she  is stupid just because of her lack of formal schooling.
Other Info: Tiffany knows how to pick a lock, and is very quick and agile. She knows a bit of martial arts as well, most of her thieving doesn't even involve her powers.

Dark Deception

I've been...not stuck or uninspired, but I guess I haven't gathered the energy to write a post for this yet. So if I seem to take awhile to post, then you know what I'm going through. There are just so many things turning me off today.

Currently involved in: 6 role plays


Name: Eric LeReaux
Alias (Supers only): Phantom
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single

Status: Resistance
Education: Has bounced through many schools, colleges, private tutors, and even Spectre programs
Occupation: Ex-SpECTRe Operative, Vigilante
Registered with SPECTRE: Y
If a Super, List Powers: Cybernetic Enhancements - Phantom has amazing vision, able to zoom his vision in and out, see in night vision or infrared, and capable of catching incredibly minute movements. In addition, his enhancements allow him to make minute changes to his skin pigment, eye color, and hair color, among other things. This allows him to disguise himself rather quickly (on top of his training with makeup, hairdressing, and wigs, to allow him a greater range of 'characters'). While not superhuman, his strength, speed, and vitality, are also top notch.

Cybernetic Mod - Phantom's most useful tool allows him to connect into objects and alter data. This is not a particularly subtle trick, as wires, antenna, and connectors may protrude from him. If he is alone, he can manipulate camera feeds to stop people from noticing, but if he is being watched, he cannot hide his mod. Once connected (which takes time), he can enter commands, hack, and override in the time it takes him to think and the computer to respond.

Phasing - An experimental ability given to him through a eugenics program. Phantom can pass through solid objects, however, he can never be completely inside something solid. He must still be touching a solid object to propel himself. So to pass through a wall, his hand must reach the other side so that he can make it solid and pull himself through. On occasion, he can jump through an object, using Newton's First Law, however, he is usually incapacitated after such an action. Phantom cannot phase other creatures, but he can phase objects with less mass and weight that he holds firmly or wears.

Training - While not a power, Phantom is well trained in many areas. Notably, due to his eyes, his is a skilled marksman, and has taken a few guns from Sp.E.C.T.Re. His favorite is his 'Dragon' (SVD Dragunov), a custom sniper rifle made for him.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 159lb.
Eye/Hair Color: Unknown, variable
Distinguishing Features:
His eyes have a strange glint, and makes barely noticeable mechanical sounds (audible by those with super-aural abilities).
Eric is a master of disguise, and blends well into crowds, however, he does  have several important objects (his disguise kit, his Dragon, other guns), which he hides in vacant, difficult to access areas using his phasing.
Brief Bio: Eric has always been very unique, though most of his past is not well known. His family was poor, and forced to bounce from home to home, which drew attention to Eric. He had always kept himself educated, even as a child, through books and computers, and even games. His notable intelligence became noticeable after having several different tests at many schools. He was offered scholarships to private schools, which he spent time at, before he was forced to move on by various circumstances and his parents' whimsical desires.

When he was young, his parents worked for the D'Arque family from about the age of 6-10, the longest he may have ever stayed in one place. He made friends with the daughter of the D'Arque family, a girl who was 4 years younger than he. After her she began to have oracular dreams, she became distanced, and when Eric attempted to get closer to her again, Henry D'Arque fired his family and shipped them away.

When Eric was 12, his parents were killed during a mugging, and Eric was put into an orphanage. He did not stay there long, before he was snatched up by an Special Operations organization called 'ProtoTypE'. Eric was 'upgraded' with prototypical cybernetics and eugenics to give him powers. Before he was able to perform an operation (or even really learn what he was a part of) the organization was shut down for experimentation with extrahuman enhancements.

Eric was given a large sum to disappear, and he used his training to blend into different parts of society.
He has used it to learn more about others with abilities, occasionally changing his identity to move onto another life.

He used his powers to alter his identity to be hired as a 'tutor' for Cassandra D'Arque for a time, giving her a method by which she could always contact him. He has infiltrated her home often since then and she is one of the few constant companions in Phantom's life. She is the only person who knows him as Eric, instead of Phantom.

Eric was eventually caught by Sp.E.C.T.Re, and recruited. After learning that some of his superiors from his ProtoTypE were involved in Sp.E.C.T.Re, he began to look into them. After discovering the 'mugging' that killed his parents, was actually done by an undercover agent (which he was forced to capture one of his superiors to learn), he killed one of the men involved and hid evidence. He took on one last operation with Sp.E.C.T.Re and helped the target go underground, before going MIA himself.

After evidence arose about Eric killing his superior, he was quickly declared AWOL and  has been hunted since.

Phantom is difficult to hunt, as he knows how the Sp.E.C.T.Re's work, and has been trained to avoid them. He has used his various skills to evade and hunt SpECTRe agents for about a year now.

If anyone wants to get involved in Phantom's backstory, particularly as the character he helped go underground, send me a PM.

(Edit: I've changed my status, and added a little to and clarified Eric's background.)
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


A few updates due to questions and such.

1) A new status is available: Resistance.  Anyone who plans to actively engage SPECTRE but doesn't feel they fall into the villain category is free to become a resistance member.

2) Clarification of what each status is for.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022

Dark Deception

I think my character may adopt that option later. Right now, I think because he's a police officer he's kind of a traitor to his own kind if the police encounter super criminals that his unit would alert SPECTRE and all that. I know that he wouldn't alert SPECTRE but his partner would. v_v

Currently involved in: 6 role plays


Decided to get Elsworth interacting with at least some of the other characters.  Hope you don't mind, Melody and Jarod! 

Speaking of which:  Are we all supposed to be in Seattle, or are things being kept intentionally vague?


Ryuka, you are approved.  Thank you sweetie.  Also, there will be NO shapeshifters.  I know it's tempting, but if you can change your face whenever you wish, it's hard for me to keep chasing you and thus, gives you little to fear.  I'm going to be the big scary monster hiding under your beds at night *bares her fangs*

And the setting is roughly the Pacific Northwest.  I'd prefer it remain in Seattle or at the very least end up there, but this branch of SPECTRE deals with Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, so if you intend to grow up on a farm, grab some potatoes.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


This sounds like fun. Are you still looking for more people? Let me know if you are, in the meantime I'll think about a character.

Dark Deception

Can you post the hour of the day in the RP? I have a post ready, but it's mostly around lunch time.

Currently involved in: 6 role plays


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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


(She looks like this except with fewer skulls)
Name: Sami Laine
Alias: Cartographer
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Status: Super (inactive)
Registered: N
Mapping: Sami has the ability to create a mental map of anything within her sphere of influence, including people and places. Using this she can track people within a certain location, if she needs to find them or avoid being found by them. Allows her to recognize supers that enter her space unless they are specifically capable of masking their presence (Let me know what you think a reasonable range is).
Guide: She can communicate with people within her map range, allowing her to guide them or keep track of their status. Because of this, she most often worked with other supers.
Maze: As long as they are within her area, Sami can create a maze that forces anyone she chooses to follow a set path that she has created within her space (the path is non-linear, so it is just like a maze). However, she can't move as long as this power is in effect, and in order for it to work she must herself be somewhere within the maze (the maze does not create physical boundaries, anyone not affected can move freely, however, those trapped will not be able to escape unless they find Sami or she releases the ability).

Bio: Raised in Portland, her parents discovered her abilities when they realized that as long as something was in their house Sami could find it. She wasn't aware of anything herself until she was nearly thirteen, when she began to realize that she could always find whoever and whatever she was looking for without any trouble. Once she knew she was special, she spent hours trying to develop her powers, eventually leading to her other abilities manifesting. Although she wanted to be a hero, her first attempt almost ended in disaster when she was caught by the criminal she had trapped. She was rescued by another Super, and afterwards teamed up with them, realizing that her powers did not lend themselves well to actually capturing people. One year after, when she was 16, she and her mentor ran afoul of SPECTRE, forcing the two to split up and putting Sami on SPECTRE's radar. Now, She has fled North to Seattle in an attempt to avoid being captured by the SPECTRE forces in her hometown.

Occupation: Unemployed
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Other Relatives: Marta Laine (Mother) Gabriel Laine (Father) James Laine (Brother, age 24)
Personality: Friendly and easy to get along with, though a bit paranoid recently. Logical thought processes, but not always good when it comes to thinking quickly.
Distinguishing features: None
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lb
Education: High School


Mhina, you are approved.  Your mappy thing is good for up to an eighth of a mile.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Quote from: Linna on September 15, 2010, 11:46:35 PM
Ryuka, you are approved.  Thank you sweetie.  Also, there will be NO shapeshifters.  I know it's tempting, but if you can change your face whenever you wish, it's hard for me to keep chasing you and thus, gives you little to fear.  I'm going to be the big scary monster hiding under your beds at night *bares her fangs*

And the setting is roughly the Pacific Northwest.  I'd prefer it remain in Seattle or at the very least end up there, but this branch of SPECTRE deals with Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, so if you intend to grow up on a farm, grab some potatoes.

"Alright... My ability is not shapeshifting, just minor cosmetic changes, (eye color, hair color), plus some skills at mundane disguising. So, I'm not sure if your phrasing is just a thought for future players, or directed at me? I won't use that ability in RP until you give me some confirmation."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.


The reason is for future reference to players because I have been getting character requests for shapeshifters and SPECTRE agents.  The reason I'm not allowing shape shifting as a power is because it's too easy to say "Oh, I can turn into a fly and just buzz around when I'm about to be caught."  And SPECTRE, as I've told others, is something only I will control for the time being.  You are allowed to cut your hair, grow a beard, etc. to try and mask your appearance, but you can't just turn into the opposite sex or into an animal.
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Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

My Idea Page
Things I Enjoy 
My Apologies.


Quote from: Linna on September 16, 2010, 02:43:48 PM
The reason is for future reference to players because I have been getting character requests for shapeshifters and SPECTRE agents.  The reason I'm not allowing shape shifting as a power is because it's too easy to say "Oh, I can turn into a fly and just buzz around when I'm about to be caught."  And SPECTRE, as I've told others, is something only I will control for the time being.  You are allowed to cut your hair, grow a beard, etc. to try and mask your appearance, but you can't just turn into the opposite sex or into an animal.

"Ah, okay. I agree. I hate ridiculous, superpowers with few limits... It's why I shy away from most superhero comics. I shall prove hard to catch with my wits or not at all."
My O/Os * Everyone should read 1/0

This is the Oath of the Drake. You should take it.

Kiric Rand

HEy, was just wondering if you guys were still accepting characters. I'm hightly intrested in this and would like to be a part if i can
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15