An EPIC Idea

Started by MagicalPen, December 21, 2006, 10:33:16 AM

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An Epic Game: Ribenheim

Setting: Fantasy. Humans and Elves only. Other creatures might be encountered, but PC's will be limited to Human/Elven. As far as 'Class' - something acceptable and some one who would have a reason for being on this quest.

Number of Players: 2+. This could be a one on one, or a small group of people (3 others + myself)

Requirements: I expect paragraph posts in this game (part of the Epic part of it). But due to the nature of the game, time constraints, etc, i'm only expecting a post every day or every few days (2 - 3) from whomever else is in the game. OOC talk is definately appreciated as far as stating when you'll be away, etc.

Storyline: This is something i'd rather discuss with those interested in the game. The general premise of the game is that the King is looking for a few fortuneate souls to take care of some business for him. Outwardly, he is looking to send an expedition to the North-Lands in search of the Lost City of Elrandor. Secretly, he wants to know what is happening in the region. Patrols sent that way have been Lost, with no signs of why they have disappeared. The patrols have varied from 1-scout to 10-man teams. He doesnt want to send a large-scale military patrol as he doesnt want to spread fear through out his Kingdom, which is currently warring with the Seven-States to the South. This small band of people will also cost him less, and due to their combined skills (and the fact that they arent military) he thinks they have a better chance of figuring things out.

If you're interested, RESPOND here or PM me.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Now, when you say "epic," how do you mean?  I'm not sure that word means the same thing to both of us.


Indeed, is this a systemed game, or freeform? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Epic as in a Tale focused on an Adventure that will go above and beyond what the Characters expect, a life-and-death struggle, with consequences effecting the entire World (that is, the Game World) based on what happens. An Epic Adventure. People will fall in love, or hate each other, and be tested time and time again by the events that happen around them and to them.

This will be FreeForm. Combat will be carried out like this:

Player 1: Sam drew an arrow from his quiver, and notched it to his bow. He pulled it back, the string pressing against his cheek, as he took aim. With a whoosh, he let the arrow loose, arcing towards its target, even as he drew another arrow. If the arrow flew true, it would take its target in the chest.

Me(GM): Sam's arrow flew true. It spiraled through the air before impalling the Orc through the chest. Its armor did little to protect it and it fell to the ground before it could fully grasp what had happened. Another Orc, having been hidden from view, appeared around the boulder to Sams right and was quickly closing in...

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Well, this certainly sounds like something I'd be happy to call my first game here <smiles>.

So consider me applied. Human character, perhaps a Ranger type, or Mage maybe. But I suppose that may be a bit premature to discuss yet.



If Beast Lords of the Mahkiri doesn't pick up again, I'd be intrested. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Hopefully we'll get some female companions soon then  ;)

I have a wierd quirk about me when it comes to magic. I tend to write stories etc where magic either doesnt exist, or (like in LOTR) only the very very few posses it. However, in this case i'll say that it exists to a small extent, and those that wield it (except for a few choice characters...perhaps the Evil ones) only control a small amount of it. Nothing too spiffy. But yes, once i get enough interested parties i'll work out the kinks to the game and all.

Now, my origial plan was to have this in a one-on-one thread, but i am thinking creating a new game would be best at this rate.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


I'd definitely be interested... I usually play magical support, but I'm thinking I might try a heavy melee, along the lines of a knight or paladin.
I'm not shy. I'm silently stalking my prey.
There are two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not quite sure about the first one.


I'd be willing to play as well.

I have similar views on magic, myself, but seeing as most of the gentlemen have already staked out the combat roles, I was thinking of entering as a semi-mystical character, provided we can hash out some details in PM.
"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money." -Moliere


What's the pace of this expected to be? 

I might be interested in putting in a fem character.


Elayne and another female have so far PM'd me. I'm getting more interest in this then i anticipated :)

I'm going to start this off as a slower-paced game. I have tons of free time on my hands right now since i am home until Jan 16th or so, but then back to school. I dont think this upcoming semester will be nearly as busy as last semester, but i am going to Rome for a week in March (spring break) which seems to be the one week that i wont be around.

I think i mentioned above i am looking more for quality of posts then anything, so am expecting a good paragraph (4 - 5 lines) per post from people. But it wont be multi-posts a day. I'm thinking once every-other-day or two.

As of right now, we have 3 make characters and 2 female (not including Kylie at this point).

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Ok. You all still interested in this EPIC idea of mine? If you are, respond to this post so i know for definate who is around.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games

Insaneiac The Maniac

Hmmm. Looks and sounds interesting enough. Quick question though, could there be an assassin type class that specializes in using needles? Or would it fit more if I stuck to a swordsman of sorts? I'm just asking because I have a real love for assassins type characters and the sort. The silent ones that hide away in their cloaks and watch the scene closely. (Of course, he'd lie openly about what his current occupation is)
I find it kind of funny...
I find it kind of sad...
The dreams in which I'm dying...
...they're the best I've ever had.


Quote from: Silvestine on December 26, 2006, 01:30:42 PM
Ok. You all still interested in this EPIC idea of mine? If you are, respond to this post so i know for definate who is around.

I'm very much still interested.  *smiles*


I, too, remain intrigued.
"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money." -Moliere



So 4, plus me = 5. I'm sure once i get a thread and more information up (and 'written in stone') we'll be able to attract another fly the flame, i mean, another person interested in the game.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Here we go:

Much more information there for those interested!

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


4 Characters so far. 2 more are welcome.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


Still room for more players in my game, The Epic of Ribenheim. Alll information and accepted characters have been posted. Follow the link above. The game will get under way by this weekend (or monday at the latest) so theres still time to join in.

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


One more lady joining our party would even things out at 3 a piece...anyone interested?

My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games