Bleach RP interest Check

Started by Aftiel, August 22, 2010, 12:19:06 AM

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Hi, i was wondering if any one here has interest in helping me start up a bleach RP, sexy time, combat all that fun stuff, and a story or something i might be throwing together, I will get into more details later if there is interest.

I must make something very very clear:

What this means, if you don't understand what i mean by cannon characters, is that, characters who appear in the manga, anime, movies anything 'official' about the original show, are not allowed to be played by any one. This game will be alternate universe, the only things that will be even similar will be the general setting.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.

Marie Reynolds


cool, see if we can get more people if not maybe we can do something solo, though would need to check your ons and offs
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.

Marie Reynolds

Sounds like a plan, Im exicted about this cause it will be an oc game only.


I have a bit of an odd ball idea that might work.   Hmmm....


Well then, what would you people be interested in playing, like hollows, shinigami, viazards ext.?
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


Shinigami with a twist.  ^_^

I'm thinking that during one of his missions (originally part of the stealth force), a hollow tried to absorb him (and failed when he killed said hollow).   Unfortunately, he's now an amalgamation of the two.   For instance, he can no longer do Kidō but excels at Hohō .  In addition, his Bankai turns him into a super fast, hyper regenerative version of his regular self (complete with a set of bone framed wings).

Marie Reynolds

Hmm I have two ideas one would be a Shinigami who broke away from the soul society and in the worlds of the Soul society  created a fortress city that houses a safe haven for all matters of those who can utilize spiritual forces except for those of Hollows and still standing members of soul society. with every intent to provide a place that seeks to protect and keep a balance in the mortal world and protect those of a spiritual nature that may become to be  targeted by either hollows or the Soul society for whatever reasons.
The second idea would be a quincy.


Okay so, Shinigami who arnt working with the soul society directly any more.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.

Marie Reynolds

If that is cool if not i can run with the quincy idea


nope its fine, just changes how im gonna do things if i run it.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


Waiting to see if more people want to go before I start putting out sheets and more instructions, for people just looking, this is looking to be a rogue Shingami game, i fyou have something special you want to do/be please PM me first so we can go over details, i would like one from you Hunter so I can understand more what you're trying to do.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.

Katra Alexion

I would certainly be interested in playing a off-the-grid Shinigami.  How old can old and powerful can our shinigami's be? I have a character from a table top game my friends and I played a year or so back that I would like to see if she can convert over to this one. If nothing else she could be an interesting plot device.


Power level, I would like to see around captain level, if your special (good at writing up a background and everything for the character) I might allow stronger.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


I would be interested in playing. I love Bleach. love the comedy and the awesomeness of the characters. Rukia is so cute. lol I have a Shinigami character I have been playing around with that may work. if not I could play a Human with a special power like either Chad or Orihime? I can Pm you my Character sheets of them when I can write them up here.   


Hi Wildstar, currently it is going to be a rogue shinigami game, and i need to make sure you know were are not allowing cannon characters, i will be doing a write up of how i want the character sheets done shortly.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


Hmm interesting. I know you don't want Cannon characters so I am working on a original character just wondered if I could play either a Shinigami or Human with special powers. I do have an Idea for a Shinigami just have to change it to fit the story. BTW would Arrancars be involved in this? just wondering if they will or just hollows.


Arrancars may, possibly, be making an appearance, though that would also partially depend on the pc's actions, currently it seems every one is playing rogue shinigami
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.



I like the idea of Ronin Shinigami, especially around some rogues gallery area where the weak keep a low profile and the strong die "young". I'll try to see if I can fit this in. May I ask if we're talking about multi-para free form or something else?
Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!


It will be largely freeform, i will assign a "rank" to every pc based on their relative power, eneimies will also have a rank, an enemy of a higher rank than your character should beat you, but good RPing and creative use of environment/emotions (ext) will improve your odds beyond your rank.

Things like Viazard masks and other powers increase your relative rank.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


you have another interested soul. i have watched/read bleach, and as my mind tends to try and put me into the story whenever i'm not reading/watching it, i have long had an idea of what my shinigami's sword would do. he is going to be unique (because i am unique :P) in that his release is a blade-bow. or he can be the only one with a shield. both ideas have bounced around my noggin, and i can run with either. no bankai form yet, as; 1) he is relatively new (aka. young), if skilled, and 2) as he is new, he lacks the training.
The view from behind a scope puts everything into perspective.

There are many things you can tell about a person by the way he/she writes. -me, i think.


Sure no problem, and believe me, neither bow nor shield would be a first for bleach RP games :P

I personally had a captain ranked shingami who had a sword and shield for a shikai.
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


o3o..I'd rather be a Vizard or Arrancar than a Shinigami, myself.