Purgatory war

Started by luphawk, July 15, 2010, 01:39:30 AM

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There are those who say earth is hell, they have obviously never sampled the agony of hell and yet neither is earth as pure and glories as heaven.  No earth is something in between, earth is purgatory.  When someone dies on earth they are reborn there until they commit an act so heinous it is truly worthy of hell or so good it is truly worthy of heaven.  This is the way it has been cines the earth was made and now the time of Armageddon draws near, heaven and hell will war for control of the earth and to the winner go all the remaining soles.

But long ago there was a prophecy in hell that near the eve of the war a leader would arise, descended of both angels and demons he shall not know his true nature or the power that comes with it until he is touched of the feral and advised buy a demon an angel and the feral who awakened him he shall lead an army made up of solders from both side as well as earthly warriors to keep earth as it is.

I will be playing the “chosen one”, JadenMystic will be the demon, grovercjuk will be playing the werewolf who awakens me (female) and Brittlby will be the angel adviser.  Beyond those three characters can be angels, demons, humans (both magical and mundane), werewolves, vampires, shape shifter and just about any other mythical (sentient) creature that might have been able to pass for human or otherwise go unnoticed in the modern world (subject to approval).

Let me say right now that this will take a while to get started, there will be 3 threads
Purgatory war part 1: prophesy (the first meeting of my character and the demon)
Purgatory war part 2: awakening (she brings me to meet the werewolf and awaken my power)
Purgatory war part 3: war (might need a better subtitle, this is the beginning of the full group RP)

If we get more then 8 people I’ll add the option to be on the side of heaven or hell but for now all players will be on the side of earth (purgatory) and bad guys will be NPCs played by me or maybe someone could play all the bad guys or one person could play all the bad guys from hell and another person could play all the bad guys from heaven (in which case I‘m thinking they should each have a primary character that is like a general for there side).

Anyway, hears the character sheet:


Race:  (if human magical or mundane)

Age:  (angels aren’t allowed to leave heaven and demons aren’t allowed to leave hell for at least the first 100 years of there lives as such so minimum age for these characters is 150)

Side:  (as stated above all characters are on the side of earth (purgatory) until we have at least 8, then they can be on the side of heaven or hell, the exception being if you want to play all the bad guys from one of those sides in which case this sheet should be for a general of that side.  YOU CAN NOT BE GOD OR THE DEVIL)

Appearance: (pic preferred but a good description will do, if you do post a pic and it doesn’t look exactly like what you think the character should look like pleas describe how they are different.)



Weapons, gear and artifacts: (any jewelry or decretive items not shown in pic should also be hear)





Bio:  (some angels and demons were human at one time, if this is the case give a little detail on who they were before they died but remember they would have died at least 150 years ago.  Also remember to include the age they were when they died in there age above.  The same goes for vampires, werewolves and anything ells that was once human.)
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list



This piques my interest. I could play the angel or just a random angel/shapeshifter. Good thing your the hero though, as you control the pace that the story progresses.

"Forgiveness may not change the past, but it opens doors to the future."

I've taken theOath of Drake!
Check out my Introduction!
If I'm not posting on time please check my A/A!


If the game is still on I am interested.


3 more people show interest and I’ll work up the character sheets.  If we don’t get 3 more in the next few days I’m serially considering  putting the group game on hold and trying to do initial meeting of my character and the demon as a 1 on 1.
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list


This sounds really interesting if you're still looking for characters, I'm willing to play! :-)

A/A(update 1/27) Ideas(update 6/15) O/O&Chars(update 2/1)

there are times when a change of direction is for your highest good. It takes courage to change direction. Choose the path your heart agrees with and walk with your head high and your eyes open. Don't be afraid.


Well i throw my hat in for this sounds promising.


If the werewolf is still open then I will toss in my hat for it.


If the vampire role is open I'll take a crack at it.


I'll put a marker on the angelic advisor once the character sheet is up.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Ok character sheet is up and I (again) edited the first post so you should all give that another look.

Let me thank JadenMystic for not only being my demon but also resurrecting this thread.

Grovercjuk, your good to go as the werewolf as long as you know the character is female.

Brittlby, the angel is yours.

Kobrakid92, there is no existing vampire character, that was just one of the many things you could be besides the 3 advisers (which are now taken) so you are welcome to play one.

I don’t think I ever made a character sheet for this when I originally posted it and I’ve been so busy this week I haven’t had time to make one so I’ll try to get mine up in the next day or so.
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list


No worries most of my werewolves are female.
I will post my sheet after yours so I can get a handle on what you want.


Name: Drop (also called Derdekea)

Race: Second Choir of the angelic hierarchy within the Fifth Order,that of Cherubim

Age: Primordial

Side: Purgatory


Strengths: Of the second highest order of the sphere of contemplation, her kind are noted for their insight into God's secrets. They possess the fullest degree of the divine sciences of the spheres, and are typified as being the very essence of joy and creation. They are known to be particularly wise, and are charged with the greatest of God's tasks upon earth. They are generally tasked with singing the praises of God, and maintaining the records of heaven, seeing to the details necessary to keep order.

Despite being one of the most receptive Orders to the beauty of the Godhead, it should be noted that Lucifer himself was once numbered amongst them prior to his fall. His wisdom tainted by hubris and pride, his insidious machinations throughout the ages are reflective of the Cherubims dangerous brilliance.

To speak of Drop herself, she most often manifests her divine powers via song, though it is rare she resorts to them. Terrifyingly brilliant, she operates with a preternatural intelligence that comes from operating beyond the constraints of mortal perception. A dangerous blend of precognition and divine inspiration, her enlightenment is infectious.

Skills: A polymath, she has a mastery of numerous disciplines of medicine and science. Engineer, doctor, holistic healer, aromatherapy and reflexology specialist, physicist, mathematician, poet, indiscriminate grappler, she is a true universal person.

Additionally, one of her most notable accomplishments within the Bible is, she was the Cherubim called upon to scatter and confound the peoples of Shinar. Given that it is she who enacted this judgment upon the Tower of Babel, she is noted as being fluent in all languages; human, animal, infernal, celestial, and inanimate.

Weapons, gear and artifacts: Merkabah, literally the Chariot of the Lord, is an ethereal construct that exists both in the highest levels of the astral as well as the banal highways of the terrestrial. Manifesting most commonly as a powder blue 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge, it is most easily described as the familiar and steed of Drop.

Weaknesses: The Temperance of the Divine greatly inhibits most angels. Drop is no exception. While they wield many gifts, angels are allowed only to illuminate the paths of destiny, not shape them. Humans must be allowed the gift of choice.

Thusly she never calls upon her gifts to force a decision. She can not make a mortal do the right thing. She may only advise prior to the sin and punish or educate them afterwards.

There are only two circumstances when a mortal will see her divinity unsheathed. In answering the earnestly made prayers for a just miracle... Or to meet out the Lord's justice. Only those souls considered truly irredeemable are subject to such wrath.

Like: Singing, the Charitable, Sweets

Dislikes: Suffering, Petulance, Mayonnaise

Personality: Clarity. She is gifted with an all encompassing clarity, of the sort that it's emulation in others would serve to make the world a better place. Unhampered by the baser emotions and the weaknesses of uncertainty, she is a creature with a boundless capacity for compassion.

That isn't to say she does not possess the full emotional spectrum, so much as the fact she is quite cautious of allowing the baser ones to hold dominion over her. Instead she is governed by duty.

She has her duty to the angelic hosts, her duty to man and her duty to choose which is of greater importance dependant upon circumstances. With all her wisdom, she would be the first to acknowledge that her knowledge is woefully inadequate to the task of determining the ineffable ways of God. She simply does what she considers to be the best course of action, praying that the gifts she has been granted see that she serves her purpose in the grand design.

Friendly and decidedly approachable, she isn't what most Christians would expect of an angel. Her best advice for living a good life is, "Don't be an asshole. Except when it's really necessary, of course."

Not bogged down in the minutiae of tallying venial sins, she lives her life in a way she feels emulation of which would better the world. She gives of herself, helps those she can, celebrates life and duty, and does as little harm as possible. 

Despite her inherent inhumanity, the eons spent amongst man has colored her perceptions ever so slightly. Love of man is not lipservice for her, but quite heartfelt.

Bio: Derdekea was one of the first glimmering rays across existence when He spake, "Let there be Light." Abstract at first, as God tightened the gears of his new reality, like her siblings, she found her place within the design. She was there when the universe was heat and dust, when Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan were still shimmering in the grace of God, and man was not yet even conceived.

Throughout the ages of man, she has been one of the hands of God, one of the two Cherubim who stood at the gates of Eden after man was cast out. The angel that scattered and confounded the people of Shinar, taking away their common language.

A myriad of forms and names were hers throughout the eons, though few were ever recorded. Such was her wish. To remain unpraised. The dangers of pride were well known amongst her Order, and so she remained on the outskirts and footnotes of history.

She was there for the penning of the Bill of Rights in 1789, Da Vinci's first trembling sketches of the vitruvian man in 1487, and she was there in 1982 to buy a woman contemplating suicide in a Tulsa bar an Irish coffee. Great and small, she was one of the nameless benefactors of mankind, the lightness of her being whispered from between her soft lips. She shared words to touch the soul and offer hope.

All of her deeds remain unaccredited, except for one. A deed unperformed. The Assyrians called her "Drop", the Supreme Mother, and she is said to have descended to earth for one purpose. The Salvation of Man. With the approach of the end of days, she is forced to take a more active role than ever. No longer a nameless stranger, she finds that as the lines are drawn in the sand that she can not in good conscience join the celestial host. The Assyrians knew before she did that her place was with the humans. The Salvation of Mankind lies in the middle ground of the cosmos, Purgatory.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



>_> <_< >_> Are you guys messing with me, or what? *lol*
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Sorry for the delay, I’ve had a lot going on lately and to be fair while I’m glad this got resurrected I wasn’t expecting it so I didn’t have a profile ready.

I also have to say that you did a grate profile brittlby, very well don.

I’ve decided my character needs 2 profiles because who he will be at the beginning of part 3 if different from who he is at the beginning of part 1 so hears my profile for part 1.

Name:  Justin Wallis

Race:  mundane human (as far as he knows)

Age:  24

Side:  purgatory


Strengths:  Justin is a good driver (not on par with professional stun drivers but with a little training he could be), he also has some basic fighting ability (he has started martial arts training a few times but for one reason or another he never made it past the third belt before dropping out) and seams to have a talent with a sward but no training.

Skills:  driving, swordplay, basic auto mechanics

Weapons, gear and artifacts: 1988 ford van with a razed roof, mini fridge behind the driver seat, TV, vcr and DVD player above the drivers seat and a rear seat that folds down into a bed like a futon. 

Weaknesses:  ignorance (most of Justin’s knowledge of the supernatural comes from movies so he knows very little of the facts of the supernatural and nothing of the prophesy), anger (he can be a bit of a hot head at times), redheads (they drive him nuts, usually in a good way)

Likes:  anime, sushi, pizza, swords, redheads, chocolate, dogs, loyalty, traveling

Dislikes:  spiders, hypocrites, beans, staying put

Personality:  Justin has a basically neutral personality, sometimes leaning toward good and sometimes toward evil, thou in the past his evil side has been mostly limited to things he thinks about doing.  Thou he can have a temper he has learned to suppress it over the years and in suppressing his temper he has also become somewhat reserved and quiet most of the time, but he can only keep this up for so long before he blows up at someone, fortunately he has kept himself from killing anyone (so far).

Bio:  the only child of divorced parents, Justin moved a lot as a kid.  After his mother died in a car accident he settled with his dad in Indiana, where he spent the rest of his school years.  While part of him liked staying in one place so he could make friends a larger part felt the need to travel, to keep moving so after high school he bought a van, started saving his money and shortly after his 24th birthday he hit the road with a few thousand dollars and no destination in mind.
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list


Name: Dee  (Deumos : Female demon with 4 horns and a crown)

Race:  demon

Age:  534

Side:  purgatory

Has strawberry blonde hair instead of the white that is in the picture. As her demon name suggests, she has 4 horns on top of her head and a crown seeing as she is one of the few female demons in Purgatory.

Strengths:  Her magick that hse's been able to conjure since before she became a demon, and all the knowledge she's absorbed as a demon.

Skills:  Magick, Can envoke the 5 elements.

Weapons, gear and artifacts: Still has access to all her magickal abilities from when she was human, and can communicate to others thru the elements.

Weaknesses:  A good looking human. She could care less about all the demons down here that want to do Lord knows what to her, but she doesn't care. She knew that that would happen as part of her deal when she sold her human soul...

Like:  The elements, Music, Magick, Men, Chocolate, Strawberries, Pain, Pizza, Sushi

Dislikes:  Music, Charity, Purity, Onions, Spiders

Personality:  As a human, she was a bit tempramental, but in the years she's been a demon, she's gotten to be a bit more of a free spirit. Especially since she was one of maybe a handful that was female.

Bio:  After being a human mage for many years, she died a tragic death, and sold her soul to the demons. Only being a demon for a little over 500 years she is a very quick study, and has learned of the  prophecy in hell that near the eve of the war a leader would arise, descended of both angels and demons he shall not know his true nature or the power that comes with it until he is touched of the feral and advised by a demon, an angel, and the feral who awakened him he shall lead an army made up of solders from both side as well as earthly warriors to keep earth as it is. She hopes to be the demon to start the ball rolling with the prophecy.

A/A(update 1/27) Ideas(update 6/15) O/O&Chars(update 2/1)

there are times when a change of direction is for your highest good. It takes courage to change direction. Choose the path your heart agrees with and walk with your head high and your eyes open. Don't be afraid.


Name: Darius

Race:  vampire

Age:  300

Side:  purgatory

Appearance: minus the mcr patch

Strengths: Strength, speed, intelligence.

Skills: Ability to read people.

Weapons, gear and artifacts: Two hidden daggers and his fangs. A black 2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse with necro tinted windows.

Weaknesses: Sunlight, His often need to feed. Good looking women.

Like: Music, violence, women, reading

Dislikes: perfection, humans, sunlight, religion

Personality: Calm, always thinking, can be short tempered at times, cunning, determined.

Bio Three hundred years ago he was approached by a man who promised him immortality. Darius agreed and the man turned him in a vampire. He didn't mind it at first but over time he came to hate it. He eventually came to hate humanity as he sat back and watched history play out. He most likely would've killed himself long ago but his hatred for humanity and his desire to see it destroyed gave him motivation to keep him going all these years. That and going to hell wasn't exactly a thing he wanted to experience so he maintains his hatred for humans.


Name: Janet Newman.
Race: Human/Werewolf
Age: 24
Side: Purgatory.
Appearance: The girl next door, all blue eyes and blonde curls with a slim figure.

Strengths: Janet is smart and sociable.

Skills: She has above average computer skills, can ride horses(Which stopped when she became a werewolf, horses would not go near her).

Weapons: She can shoot, her father taught her that.

Likes: Men, reading, music.

Dislikes: Dogs, crude men.

Personality : (Human) She is bright and bubbly, was popular at school and tends to think the best of people. She genuinely cares about people and is happy to aid, talk or otherwise assist anyone.

      (Werewolf) She is a ruthless killing machine who hunts down and kills anyone who has crossed her in any way.

Bio. Life was going good for Janet, she had just left University after completing a Computer Major when she went into the woods with David Evans.
It was romantic, making love under the trees right up to the time when the werewolf appeared. David died protecting her, like the romantic hero he was , but then the werewolf was free to do as he wished with her and he had some wishes.

      She wanted to die but she did not instead she become a werewolf herself. Once the wolf took over she became a passenger, one that saw her using her attractive body to lure men into deserted places where she changed and enjoyed herself on them.

      She had to struggle with this dual life right up to the time that a silver bullet ended her struggle or so she thought. Now she is in purgatory whilst she resolves her internal conflict.


sorry this is taking so long, I've had a lot going on, I'm finally working on my opening post for the one on one between me and JadenMystic now.

grovercjuk:  first, earth is purgatory so if she was shot with a silver bullet that would mean she was a werewolf in a past life but is human now.  Also, she should be older, she needs to command at least some respect among other earthly supernatural and you and JadenMystic might want to talk about adding something about you knowing each other, there needs to be a reason she brought me to you rather then some other werewolf.

kobrakid92:  2 things, 1. if he hates humans so much why is he on our side, I’m not saying he can't hate humans he just has to have some reason to be on our side.  It could be as simple as knowing as a vampire he would go to hell and wanting to avoid that.  2. I would add necro-tinted windows to that car so he can drive it during the day.
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list


Just PM me when you're ready to start the One-On-One and post thte link to it either here or PM it to me. :-)

A/A(update 1/27) Ideas(update 6/15) O/O&Chars(update 2/1)

there are times when a change of direction is for your highest good. It takes courage to change direction. Choose the path your heart agrees with and walk with your head high and your eyes open. Don't be afraid.


Im interested... If its ok for me to play then I will add my character, I will probably post her then you can say yes or no.
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
Oscar Wilde
Love is like a glass door… sometimes you don’t see it, and it smacks you right in your face.

My O/O's  My Ideas  I apologize.


Should the alternates pay while the one on one is going? I.E. would the others possibly have run into each other? Are we looking at a sizable downtime waiting?
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Sorry, things have actually gotten more busy, if something doesn’t change soon I’ll have to put this whole thing on hold or consider passing my part to another player.

Brittlby, I actually like that idea, we are talking about mostly immortal (or at least long lived) beings hear so it makes sense that they may have crossed paths in the past and it would add dimension to the characters and flesh them out more before the war.

Evileye, you are more then welcome, in the long run we will need more players, I just took the recruiting part off because I saw that I was going to be getting busy, thou I did expect to have more time then I’ve been having.
current statues:  taking a break
my ideas / my f-list