Camp Moonlake

Started by RubySlippers, September 17, 2006, 10:05:21 PM

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I was thinking of a game based around victim characters at a summer camp before it opens. Now in this game it will have a closeure point and will feature a monster from another world that needs to breed with human females but only virgins so most will be unworthy. Now there will be the usual sex and nudity and all the cliche's of the genre including  players doing stupid things that most people would be stupid to do in a similar situation. Like running into a shed or have to pee and go off alone.

Now the rules are simple:

1. All characters get a 50% chance to do anything they could be expected to do as an older teen or camp owner. Nobody will have odd skills like oh using mrtial arts at most you might have a high school wrestler or something.

2. You get five skills in those you add 25% to the roll lower the better. Again must fit the character and genre so a high school girl might have Damned Great Babysitter, Cheerleader, Look Great All the Time, Keyboarding and and maybe Do Math. You can take reasonable sports and hobbies, skills learned at school or personal traits.

3. Hit points will be 1d6+3. If you fail a battle roll you lose 1d4. If any skills are JOCK skills you can add 1 hit point for each one.

4. You get all the basic stuff and three special items that must fit.

5. Other that that a name and personal information keep it simple ou might die first after all.

Camp Owners: Couple can be straight or gay.
Counselors: Several teens all nubile and healthy, should be one virgin female.
The Crazy Expert: One strange doctor or someone that is tracking the monster could be a tabloid reporter or some other role.
The Thing from Beyond: The monster will be male, get double the hit points and some special powers. HE SO HORNY! HE SO PICKY!

THE GM: Taken!

And yes the monster can kill players and they can kill the monster if they can. But the monster can't do that right away.



Hee.  It sounds amusing.

How do you imagine the pace will be?


This sounds great.. I hope it doesn't follow the fate of most large games :( *pouts*

I think either the crazed expert.. or even the monster if needed.. :)  Are you going to have people double up on roles?


Well sure and since all of you are generally dead, ok minus a survivor for a sequal we have to have those open in a bad movie- so its a good idea just the monster must be one player. Others sure do up to three. By the way colorful townsfolk are also likely like the brother in love with his sister and are all inbred. With the bad accent and lower IQ. lol

Celestial Goblin

I could... maybe...
Um, if the pace won't be too fast...


Oh the monster player COULD have a townsfolk or two maybe a wife and young one- the little boy in front of the store or whatever with a DON'T BOTHER TIMMY HE BITES sort of thing. lol

Also I'm going to simply the rules. So just post character roles you want and a few details.

As for the monster he can be an alien, genertic mutation or a demon or something. Just must be a monster no vampires or the like.


Yeah, I'm kind of interested if it's not going to be something where you have to post every single day. 

I'm not used to having a character with quite a B-movie level brain...  But I do like some B-movies, if they have some style to the dramatics at least.


Ok the system ultra easy light.

Each player must put down a name and a descriptor of the character or a modest paragraph about them.

Ok then you get a flat 1-2 on a D6 to do anything if not the monster, he gets a 1-4 on a D6. Meaning you must roll a 1d6 and get a 1 or a 2 if not the monster. The monster gets four skills and four powers as in skills without a bonus but has an advantage like chameleon so can blend into the background or aphrodesiac spray to subdue females.

Then pick 8 skills and make sure they are ones a normal person would have and those you get to add +1 to the roll range or would be a 50/50 chance. Then take two skills and mark them as Master Skills you get a +2 in those.

B-Movie "Star Points" are how popular you are and are your save your ass if your going to die points. When gone they are gone. The monster gets 8, a female star gets 3 and a male star gets 2. The way it works if the monster makes his threat range you lose a star point. You role your the monster loses a Star Point. You can get point for making the GM happy and having fun descriptive scenes. One each time like if two girls have a hiot steamy scene on a raft in the lake you may get one. When they are gone you either die or something happens other than that for female characters likely not something pleasant.


Still trying to guess the pace of this one. 

Slap-dash horror or is more medium drama posting speed okay?  Sorry if I missed it somewhere.


I'm still not really understanding the whole game mechanic about this game.. But I'm willing to go with the flow.  besides.. I'd not mind being a Monster (if I do indeed get the role) who isn't all that powerful.. so it gives the characters time to get away only to be captured again..

You ALL the good classic B-rate horrors.. I'm thinking ala Friday the 13th, Freddie, etc etc



I just had an idea.. mm.. if I could..and there is interest.. I'd like to talk to the GM regarding what sortof monster I'd like to make..but still keep /that/ secret from the players until they actually meet it :D  To keep the suspense up :)


The mechanics are easy a average human gets a 1 or a 2 on a D6 to do anything. Some skills they are better at get a increased range or a 1-3 on a D6, in two skills they are really good and get 1-4 on a D6. Think of that in a board games terms you need to roll at or under the number on a D6.

The B-MOVIE STAR POINTS are how popular the victimas and monster are they are not recovered at some point they are meant to die or something else. Well the MONSTER may come back in a sequel. Since girls are more popular they are TOUGHER. And doing things that are sexy and make the movie better adds a bit.

To lose one the two sides will roll off if one succeeds and the other doesn't the loser loses a B-MOVIE STAR POINT, if both succeed you roll again until one wins. Of course the monster being a big monster has several advantages. First he gets skills and a few areas he has a 1-5 on a D6 to succeed. He also gets four powers. But he can be worn down and if you drop to o B-Movie Points you (Die) and it leaves room for the Son of the Camp Moonlake Monster or Camp Moonlake: The Rebirth. lol

Humans can come up with plans that increase the chance of hurting the monster but only one person can roll. Townsfolk won't die and the monster can control two he might have two local women as mates that are running around like tramps or something and can be fought. Townfolk though will have 1 less B-Movie Star Point they are extras or lesser stars. But the local Sheriff might meet the monster and have a shootout with it. Before getting killed. lol

Remember skills have to fit the genre and character like a hot bodied older teenager could have Varsity Cheerleader at a Master Level and might be able to do acrobatics and cheer to keep the monster happy so she is not raped. A jock (her boyfriend) might have First Strike Pass-Rusher and could do big tackles and resist being knocked over. A expert based on the genre might have EX-SECRET MEMBER OF THE ORDER OF MONSTER HUNTERS TURNED TABLOID REPORTER and well would be good at theorizing, making articles that are popular and might have some skill at fighting. Just be pretty outclassed.

As for the monster its up to you can be a demon, alien, genetic mutation or something else just must be a monster out to breed with women especially a virgin- hell that isn't even important.  ;)


Added rules:

I will reduce B-MOVIE STAR points if players are unrealistic in their role-playing as in the usual movie cliche's. First you must not all stay in a big group early in the game the monster has to have some chance to hunt. If you hear a strange noise you will investigate even if YOU as a player would not. The monster must be a good monster and may track and skulk for awhile but cannot start hunting right away unless he wants to take out a local for fun.

Also to be fairer to the monster he will have two henchman (ok women or men) that are his pawns they wil be townsfolk but have one power each. Its there job to help take out the innocent campers assisting their daddy or whatever the relationship is. These will be run by me as an NPC but under the monsters control. So it can be anyone. Monster player will PM me the post and I will stick it under my name the extra henchmen so as to keep you guessing. mwhahahahahahaha

Each player may have two campers or other main actors, one townsfolk.


Heh heh..

so the game could be sortof like that old series 'The Mole' where some of the players are secretly working 'against' the party.. in league with the Monster.. as well as the Monster itself being all secret and wicked :)

Heh heh.. the game is sound good even if I keep stumbling over these rulesets.


I'' make the rules neater but basics are the humans are stupid B-MOVIE victims save the Expert against a scary monster out to breed and conquer the world one co-ed at a time.

Character Sheet

ROLE: Main Actor (includes The Expert), Monster, Minion of Monster or Town Folk
PICK 8 SKILLS (are 1-3 on a D6 to succeed) or MONSTER PICK 4 SKILLS (are 1-5 on a D6 to succeed) or TOWN FOLK get 4 SKILLS on a 1-3 ona D6 to succeed)
PICK 2 MASTER SKILLS (are 1-4 on a D6 to succeed, only main actors get these)
POWERS (all are 1-4 on a D6 to succeed for the monster and 1-3 D6 for his Minions, Monster gets 4 and Minions 1)
B-MOVIE STAR POINTS (your billing and script placement as in how tough you are) MAIN STARS get 2, MONSTER gets 6, MINIONS get 2 and TOWNS FOLK get 1. You may gain more from real good role-playing scenes and hot sex to get the audience more interested. You lose them for not role-playing the stupid actions of a B-MOVIE actor.

BREEDING: The Monster if he can disable a girl (know out her Star Points) can impregnate her with his foul seed creating her into a horny minion they come back under the Monsters control, are horny and hate clothing, but have MINIONS levels of skill and the power TELEPATHIC LINK to Monster. Will also love and protect him at all costs. They get 1 B-MOVIE STAR POINT.

Yes things are kind of stacked against the victims but they have an Expert and can use all sort of things to defeat the monster based on his type. The Expert will have one Master Skill I will fill in after the first attacks and he can study the signs of its malevalent power. Just happens to be an expert in that monster.


We have a horrifiying creature and two minions so now need the victims, one must be a virgin female and we need an expert. I'm opening this up top anyone and extra townsfolk are a good choice if you want a secondary role for fun. You may run a camp person, a townfolk and based on needs another victim.

And yes there are weaknesses for the creature and a special way to get rid of it so its not all one-sided but it is a BAD B-MOVIE so its not fair victims are that for a reason. lol


I'll probably offer up some girl character. 

Though... I'm probably not the best one to play sacrificed virgin bait or whatever.  And I might want to retire/NPC the character if she becomes a zombie and isn't given _something_ vaguely creative to do (might settle for a real slick harem den though, hee). 

Oh rats, did I just set myself up.

* yeah, yeah... laugh now, because you'll be saying it next  *

Then again, I suppose she could lie about being a virgin.  Do any teens do that these days?  Southern Baptists?  Attention seekers? Anyone?   ;)



Game idea cancelled for lack of interest. Thank you for your time and interest if you contacted me for it.


Aww.. okay.

*hugs Ruby*

If it ever resurfaces.. let me know. :D