IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick


She sits on his lap. They wwalked to the park and she sat on his lap on a bench.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick

"Kelsey I really love you. Think of my love now and multiply it by 100. Thats where my feelings are."


"Aww babe your so sweet. I love you times 1 million" She giggles.

Kaiser Maverick

"I know but those feelings are kinda manifesting some where else."


She immediately gets up and sits down next to him. Kind of hurt but she shrugs as she looks out.

Kaiser Maverick

"You have no cluse what I'm talking about do you? I don't like another girl. I want to take our relation ship to the next level."


"Whatever" SHe says standing up as she looks at him and begins to walk away.

Kaiser Maverick


She kept walking thinking that he found someone else. Tears fall down her face.

Kaiser Maverick

He got up and chased her. He didn't think she understood. He came up behind her and hugged her fiercely."I LOVE YOU! WHAT DON"T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!"


Kaiser Maverick

“I want to go steady with you. Call me old fashioned but I like you to much to
let you go."


Kaiser Maverick


(She is kind of feeling out of it..lets say she is sick with the flu. Not acting like the normal upbeat person. )

Kaiser Maverick


"Yes I'm fine. Perfect" SHe says as she begins to cough and wheeze. She smiles.

Kaiser Maverick