(s)Lay the Raksha [One on One]

Started by ZK, August 26, 2006, 10:40:51 AM

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It's been a while since I've been in a good sexual one on one RP with anyone other then my Lir-Lir. I was curious if anyone would like to take a stab at this?

It's based on Exalted [for those familiar in it] and I simply require a player who doesn't mind off the wall kink [and some regular kink too] since it's a Raksha afterall. Anyway, the premise [Male/Female or otherwise] character goes off to slay the local Raksha [the type of person to do such could be Solar or Dragon-Blooded.] that was causing havock amongst the nubile folk in the vllage. The Raksha hasn't done anything wrong par se in the sense of typical Raksha behavior. BUT, it has in fact cause enough damage to the social structure of the group it has left a lot of them either jaded or deviants in the process.

To simplify the means of the story. In other words. The Raksha is causing a lot of mischief and the villagers are sick of the bad influence. Those mortal men and women who went to stop the Raksha either never came back or came back just as bad as the ones who were taken before. So, they sought out a nearby Outcaste Dragon-Blooded mercenary or a wandering lawgiver [Solar.] ^^
On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Also as an update. It'll be a diceless one unless my partner would wish to do die rolling.
On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


If you don't mind telling..what is a Raksha..never heard the term before Thank you.

-One Curious Furby


It's the correct name for those who dwell in Rakshatan. By the people [that are not Savants] they are Fair Folk who dwell in the Wyld.

As for WHAT one is. It is a being which created itself out of Chaos and still dwells within the reaches of malleable chaos. Now, some Raksha are created by other Raksha to serve as slaves and such [aka, it's how they reproduce with other Raksha]. They are the Prince's [or Princesses] of Chaos. They are lured to Creation [realm of the mortals] by the various emotions they feed on. Their enviroment and such shapes them, but the core of their existance is the truth that makes them.

Now, that Raksha are immortal and eternal [In Rakshatan/Wyld] and not in Creation [just immortal in the sense of no dying of old age], they rarely stay out of it long as a whole. Although there are quite a lot [from freelance Raksha to the Balorians] who dwell in Creation. Some pose themselves as Gods and Goddesses, taking tribute, protecting said village/city or...just being demonic beings from Chaos. The Balorians for example, they want to end all of Creation. In other words. "Kill all life as we know it." It's why they get along so well with the Abyssal Exalted, which in fact share the exact same goals. "Kill all Creation".

In this game, it would most certainly be more around the aspects of being a mischevious and naughty Creation dwelling -Goddess- draining the emotions from those that are not deemed worthy and keeping the others as playthings. [Afterall, the Fair Folk are inhuman, so thus their moral system is rather abberational]. Now, since the protagonist of the story will be a Celestial or Terrestial Exalted. The playing field is a bit different. I am hoping more for either a Celestial Exalted [A Solar for example] or a very powerful Dragon-Blooded to go to the call of the village.

Now, this will change the playing field since Celestials [and powerful Terrestials] are more on level with the immortal Raksha and it proves interesting. Since the Raksha in question will definately be of an Entertainer [or Shadowed Entertainer]. It would prove that the Raksha would rather take such as a lover then an adversary. Although, fighting can happen and probably will. But, it all boils down to that the goal would be to become a lover of such.

Now those who know how I play, even in strong sexually inclined games, I do in fact have a storyline. ^^ So, I would like a story driven game with lots of sex. Not just a game of sex with no substance. ^^

On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


thanks for telling me more about it.


Well, I'm a HUGE fan of Exalted and would jump at the chance to play the Solar ... I have a few ideas if no-one else has already PM'd you about the game ?

I've run online Exalted games before, but never really had the chance to play in one properly, I'd be most interested to invest a lot of time into this !

Plus, well, the chance of getting all carnal with one of the Raksha ? Gotta be worth it ..... ;)


Carnal and perhaps even more. I was going to keep this primarly diceless, but if you wanted to actually create a character and such via the system method. You can. Just don't blink and jaw drop when I create the Raksha. Since Raksha Nobles...tend to have inhuman attributes and abilities.
On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Just ever so slightly ...  10/7/4 on attirbutes ... Oooof ! Add to that the pet Behemoths etc ... well, so long as they're in the Wyld anyway. Meh, Raksha are just plain norty !

Lets keep it diceless then ... that's cool by me, I don't power-game IRL and I hate to see freeform become some huge battle of wills ! I'll come up with a character, just need to know where abouts in Creation you wanted to base it ? East, North, South, West, Scavenger Lands, Blessed Isle ?

Let me know and I'll come up with something !


Ummm... I PMed you Saturday, ZK, but it looks like you've got a player already...


On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


I'd still be up for it, if you wouldn't mind playing the same plot with two people. Or, if you have something else you'd like to run, you could bounce ideas off me...

Zaer Darkwail

Hmm, if you allow me poke in a idea of trio of heroes (or small group if we take more than three) trying to bring down a single VERY powerfull raksha whcih is tricky to handle by the trio :). So yes, I am also intrested join one vs one game but if ZK is not tightly decided to keep it as one vs one I would like join in also as Solar.


Well, the three on one could work. But, eh, it'd have to be something that others would all have to agree on.
On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


I'd be cool with that, I'm still working on my concept here and writing a bit up - works been a sod this week so I apologise for the delay ZK !

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Z.K. on September 04, 2006, 12:05:55 PM
Well, the three on one could work. But, eh, it'd have to be something that others would all have to agree on.

Ok, I am fine by that definition :). Actually I am intrested what others plan play up? We could play as three solar heroes banded together, or all be powerfull DB or something similar ;).


Zaer Darkwail

I thinked between Dawn (never played before but intrested for pure combat machine hero) and Night solar.


I tell you what, Zaer- Flip a coin. If you get heads, you take Dawn, I'll take Night. If you get tails, I take Dawn, you take Night. Sound good?
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, let's roll who get's highest d6 roll ;). If we both get 6, we re-roll.

Determine who gets to be Dawn. (3)


I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!

Zaer Darkwail

Wohoo! It seems ZK that everyone (at least asume) is okay for three vs one game :).


On's/Off's --- Game Reviews

"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane."


Dawn? Night? Could someone fill in the other poor player who doesn't know Exalted?

I was, by the by, thinking of a slightly... demonic character. Half-demon, to be exact (cambion) trying to do good in order to wipe the taint of evil from his soul (a futile and hopeless task, however noble.).


Abyssal would definitely be the character of choice for that- Death-Tainted Solars, although it isn't COMPLETELY hopeless. I'll start working on my character now, by the way.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!