Looking for a DM who can run 1 on 1 system games!

Started by Revelation, May 12, 2010, 10:49:44 PM

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Hi there! Thanks for reading my ad. This is the second draft of it (From another section of the forum), and I was hoping to clarify, expand, and in general just make it less cluttered and runonish. I am looking for system based (E)RP and long running games, preferably solo games but I can also do & play in small groups, though I would prefer solo. I've been playing since 2001, so thats 9 years of roleplaying experience, and I enjoy it. I have mostly played fantasy, but have also done modern, science fiction, post apocalyptic, and other genres I probably can't recall!

I like system games, and I like long term games. I like character development and creating dynamic, interesting characters. I also however like ERP and sex scenes, so would like to include them in the game. :p That will be something I will comment on after I detail what systems I am into and looking for, as well as systems i'm very interested in trying. I am looking to PLAY these games. I don't care what GM you are IRL, as long as you can play characters of both genders convincingly.

I am familiar with and wish to play

D&D 3.5
D&D 4E
Exalted 2e & 1e (I prefer the former by a vast margin)
Big Eyes, Small Mouth 3E
D&D 3.5 Variants (Iron Heroes and Pathfinder especially, but also D20 Modern)
Star Wars Saga

Systems I have, haven't really played but read the rules, and am very interested in trying...

NWOD (Mostly Mage, Geist, and Werewolf, but I have access to most of the other 'fatsplats')
Mutants and Mastermind 2e (I have quite a few supplements for this game)
Fight! The Fighting Game RPG (A rather cool indie product that I bought recently, rules are fairly simple, so I think I could perhaps help someone learn this one)
Wushu (Not too much of a system, but its also free!)
Anima Primep A free fantasy RPG that seems rather cool and somewhat easy to learn!

Now, those are just systems, but what kind of game(s) am I looking for? Depends on the system of course!

D&D (Or any of it variants): Naturally, this game would be a fantasy one, and I don't mind homebrew settings. I would most likely play a fighter or rangerish type class (Would love a DM if they allowed the tome of battle in 3.5!), dealing with exploration, urban intrigue and adventure, and of course, dungeon crawling and dragon slaying! Or a game set in the Forgotten realms, or ESPECIALLY Eberron, but thats not a requirement!

Iron heroes: Same as above, but perhaps a slightly more gritty, Conan/Grey mouser feel to the game. Less magic, but more savage pulp adventure!

Exalted: I would like to play a Lunar or Solar in any direction, exact specifics of the game could be discussed in detail if you're interested.

BESM could be used for many settings or concepts, its a bit of a broad system!

Saga... I'm not too sure what i'd be interested in playing, be it Jedi in the old republic, to gladiator on a planet trying to escape, to who knows!

Cthulhutech... An Eldritch Society (Tagers are cool!), or Engel/Mech game would be awesome. Maybe something a little gritty and dark, but still chances for heroism, being a good guy, and kicking alien and eldritch horror ass while trying not to go insane.

Nwod my idea would depend on what character type, of course. But I have a few ideas. :)

M&M... I have a lot of ideas on! Be it classical superhero, or after having read the Mecha and Manga supplement, maybe going with a bit of an animeish/manga style game? (Sentai or magical 'girl' with me playing a guy of course, lots of fun ideas for this one that I would love to try!)

Fight and Wushu could easily be discussed, I have a few ideas...

Still reading after that wall of text? Awesome! We're almost done.

So, aside from the System and plot bits, we come to the second part! ERP and sex! First, take a look at my O&O setup, I think it explains what i'm into (and not) pretty well. I certainly want ERP to be an element in the game with plenty of it, but we can discuss that in detail later. I'll be playing male characters interested in hetero relationships, so please keep that in mind. :)

I'm on from around 10-11 AM, to 1-2 AM(EST timezone), so its a long stretch of time. If i'm on and not idle around that time, PM me if you are interested, and we can talk over PM's. I will try to post at least once a day, and will try to notify a partner if I am unable to post for 48+ hours.

I don't try to flake out or leave my fellow RP'ers hanging, I use to be a bit bad about that... But i'm trying very hard not to do that anymore. I would prefer if you have the same mindset. If you don't wanna game, lemme know. If you don't like the story, lemme know! If you think i'm just not a good gamer, lemme know. Just don't stop communicating with me! Its incredibly rude and poor etiquette.

This is for forum games, naturally. I haven't done them in a while, but I figure I can try and get my feet wet and see if I can do it. Hopefully I can commit fully to a game. :)

And with that, I think i'm done. Thank you for your time reading this post, hope you have a good day. If you like or are interested in what you see, PM me. :)


Two more ideas I thought of for D&D, but they could work for Iron Heroes, Pathfinder, etc.

1) A gladiator style game, with my character being a slave who is also a gladiator. This could be him dealing with gladiator fights, trying to win his freedom, traveling locales, servant girls, nobles, escaping, etc! It could be the start of a game or the focus of a campaign.

2) A city watch based game with my character being an exceptionally skilled guardsman. This could be him hunting down murderers, slavers, cultists, etc! Or dealing with something of a 'daily' life.


Giving this another raise! Had a bit of luck with this, but still very much looking for more games! A few more ideas...

Mutants and masterminds: my character could be a budding superhero (Be it something like Superman, Iron man, or be it some 'normal' human paragon ala captain america), who has recently be inducted into a Justice league type of group, or perhaps just a citywide hero group!

Star wars Saga: The chance to play a nonjedi in the kotor republic sounds fun. maybe a freelance soldier/mercenary for hire? Jedis are also fun and could be discussed, but in general, I think they may be just a bit overplayed!

Exalted: A lunar in the scavenger lands sounds fun. Maybe he's working to stop the plots of the various deathlords in the area, or build the hundred kingdoms into a true, honest nation that can stand on its own feet without interference!


I have recently gotten the 7th sea core book and a few additional books for it. I'm still learning/reading the system, but I would definitely like to play in a game using this system!


What are your thoughts on Pathfinder? Do yuo have any interesting  "house rules" for D20 based systems?


I've found a few decent games with this, but I had ideas for more!

Exalted: After reading the new rules about Abyssal redemption, and Abyssal/Lunar mate rules, I thought a game where I played the luner mate of an Abyssal trying to redeem herself would be interesting! Perhaps a renegade of the Lover clad in raiment of tears, or another deathlord? Seems like it would make a great story/game with the new rules for both via errata!

I'm also getting interested in science fiction games recently, not just Star wars! (Though that is a game i'd also like to play), be it d20 modern or another system, i'm hoping to find some sort of science fiction game! Maybe using BESM or Mutants and mastermind rules?

However, all other systems and ideas are open!


Are you looking for a DM/player or both?  Either way I may be interested.  I'm familiar with the d&d system as well as d20 system.  But I don't have much material other than d&d.  Basicly because I had no reason to buy them.  But I am willing to learn other systems.  Just need a convincing reason to buy them.  So if your still interested, hit me back by PM.


Hey there,

Funny, i just made a similar post, looking for a fellow G.M for a solo game exchange. I'm quite a fan of Pathfinder and a few other RPGs you listed.

PM coming your way!



Hi! Its been a while so I figured i'd give this a raise. I have a few more ideas, but almost if not all of the above still interest me!

Exalted: After the new errata, and with return of the scarlet empress kind of re-interested me in exalted. Maybe a game set in the return of the scarlet empress stuff? I'd love a chance to kick the ass of the ebon dragon, and ensure that his invasion of Creation fails... After a long struggle! I'd mostly be interested in a solar, or a lunar, but a renegade Infernal would be very, very tantalizing here.

DC universe RPG: as a prototype of M&M3e, most of my M&M ideas are still usable here... But maybe a more modern superhero game? Without the bad art and gratuitous gorn! Cool heroes, attractive femme fatales or heroines, evil villains, but still good/evil, black/white of the silver age. A blending of concepts!


A couple more ideas...

D&D 3.5/Pathfinder: High seas adventure! Be it Piracy, working to deal with pirates, or making a living off of hunting vicious seamonsters, any of that sounds great! I think a boat using, island hopping, watery adventure sounds fun! Maybe a rogue or a ranger based character?

Exalted: A game just post contagion sounds good, something changing the canon up a bit. Maybe with the events of the contagion, a Lunar/Solar is able to begin forming a small kingdom, or dealing with having to aid mortals who are dealing with having to rebuild everything after 90% of mortals on creation fell to the plague?

Or of course, a western based game like the above game, dealing with the West, of course! Lintha Pirates, Luthe, The Silver Prince and his deathknight servants. I don't play in the west often, but a solar/lunar who's dealing with its varied locations and denizens sounds fun!


After a fever, I have a few more ideas!

(D&D): Monster hunter! Be it demons, undead, dragons, or maybe even just kobolds and goblins (At first), someone specializing in the hunting down and killing of monsters could be very interesting. With a bit of adult fun, of course!

D&D: Eberron. I've had a hankering to play a Paladin of the Silver Flame, its not a type of character I play often, but I think it could be interesting... Or a new Cyran Refugee? Or both! Eberron is a big world, lots of opportunity! And intrigue...

D&D: Champion of a city/nation. A bit higher level then what I usually start out at (This would be level 15-16ish to start, with quick advancement), this would focus more on being a very big, very huge hero in a fantasy setting. Things such as planar travel, dealing with powerful beings, and being a force to be reckoned with by anyone he comes across. Would people seek to use him as an ally, or pawn?

Of course, other ideas from the thread are always open... and I am ALWAYS interested in hearing an idea you has as a prospective DM! I think this gives a good example of what I like/am as a player, so never hesitate to think of a different plot!


S'more ideas!

Exalted: After reading the recent Dawn errata, playing some sort of newly exalted Dawn solar would be pretty awesome. Maybe have him being the sole survivor of an attack from a deathlord, or a yozi cult. Focusing of course, on finding allies, beginning to face the wyld hunt, and trying to stay alive in a hostile world!

M&M: I'd really like to try an animeish game, or a fantasy game using these rules. I also have DC adventures/M&M 3e!

D&D, M&M, etc: I would love to try something swashbucklery, a musketeers/high adrenaline game! Maybe in Ebeerron? Or perhaps in a more steampunk/industrial age/Renaissance setting!

As always, other ideas in this thread are always open! And I am also willing to discuss other ideas you may have!


Thought of a few more random ideas!

D&D/PF: Ruins explorer! Ruins, old dungeons, abandoned temples, fallen cities, etc are usually abound in fantasy games. Why not play a character who's been hired by a kingdom/university to act on their behalf in exploring and reclaiming objects from these places? Not just a random mercenary adventurer, he works closely with his employer to make sure these ruins can become an asset! A sort of privateer on land, if you will.

D&D/PF: Resistance fighters. The country has been captured/laid siege to by undead/orcs/hobgoblins/enemy human nation. My character was in the army during the war, but as the army gradually fell apart and scattered, my character was abandoned by his unit in a city/the capital. Since his country was conquered, there has been a resistance forming and developing to try and win back the nations freedom! A resistance which my character is a part of, of course.


I have always thought Sharn was a great fantasy Gothum.


Quote from: MasterMischief on November 26, 2010, 12:57:48 PM
I have always thought Sharn was a great fantasy Gothum.

It is! Finding someone who'd run a game that takes place in Sharn would be awesome, but alas, DMs seem few and far between!


I would run something like that, but I am not on very often.  My posting habits are really sporadic.   :-\


Quote from: MasterMischief on November 26, 2010, 01:03:11 PM
I would run something like that, but I am not on very often.  My posting habits are really sporadic.   :-\

Heh, at this rate I wouldn't even mind a sporadic DM. But if you can't run, 'tis no problem! (I likewise have a desire for DM's who can do IM games, but I imagine the same limits apply. :) )


Honestly, I would prefer IM, however, the same problem applies.  You would have to catch me online and catch me when I am not busy doing...other things.  >:)


Other things, huh? :P Well in any case, if you ever get some free time, or think you could try running, i'd like to try something. But thanks for the show of support!


Lately i've been kind of having a more specific hankering/interest for a 'low fantasy' game. Little/no maigc, mostly human (With perhaps some fae, demons, etc... not completely human like beings!), and slight grit/'pulp fantasy' feel. Works like Conan, Grey Mouser, etc are what i'm looking for. Usually those stories are quite erotic on their own without relying on outright sex... And what happens if you add in actual sex to the equation? ;)

I'm fairly open on system, be it 3.5 D&D, Iron Heroes, Pathfingers... Even freeform! (Gasp!), As long as its something relatively easy to understand and something you'd feel comfortable with, (Or a system mentioned in this topic!) It would be absolutely awesome to play in a low fantasy game!


Few more additions...

Pathfinder: I'd like to playtest the Gunslinger class from the Ultimate Combat book preview, its a free PDF. Maybe in the default PF setting? (Dunno much on it), or perhaps in another setting? Could even be homebrew!

Any system mentioned: I'd like to bodyguard someone important, and sexy ;) High priestess? Government official? Military? Princess? you name it, and we could cook something up! Also freeform for this, naturally.


As of late, i've been sort of interested in playing a wizard/cleric/spellcasting character. I don't normally try them but I've wanted to try and broaden my horizons a bit. The other ideas all apply of course, and i've had a hankering as of late to make a Rogue type character too! In fact, an idea for a rogue...

City/Urban game: There have been a recent outbreak of murders/killings that seem to be related to some sort of cult. The guard turns to the 'darker' side of the law, and recruits a criminal who otherwise has a 'good' record? A sort of alliance between the law and those who don't follow it to find out whats going on on the darker parts of the city!


I am willing to do Exalted 2e, BESM 3E, or WUSHU. Let me know if you are still interested.