{M/M, Switch} Post Apocalyptic, Survival, Romance

Started by Braioch, April 13, 2010, 02:45:55 PM

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This idea just rammed into my head, pretty much based off of a character I've had brimming in my head. So forgive me if everything is still a little vague, I'm sure more details will come to me, but here goes what I have so far.

In 2012, it seems the doomsayers prophecies were actually quite accurate. Near the end of the year, bombs flew into the air and rained down upon the surface of the planet, wiping out life, up heaving terrain and raining cataclysmic clouds of nuclear waste down on the planet. Many people had time to get to their own respective hiding places, some in more private, family orientated methods, others were impromptu shelters, and even communities created their own hideaways within their neighborhoods. When the bombs fell, many were hidden away, safe from the initial radiation and well stocked for the effects later, but most were not. Most were left to fend for themselves, and die in the blasts and the fallout effects later.

Now, 200 years later in the year 2212, some people have begun venturing from the safety of their safe zones, their shelters, the Sanctuaries. All have lived on well stocked, well prepared, and well preserved rations, keeping themselves alive for a few generations. Some have created their own little governments, their own little groups that are dictated and ruled by different bodies. In the upper world, things have calmed, though are no less dangerous. People on the surface are mostly healthy, having created cities and small towns from the rubble of the old cities, though the cities are only cities by their standards, far from being large at all. Outside of these cities, mutated beasts of all forms, the survivors of the animals of the world, mutated by radiation, as well as roaming bandits and raiders who's blood thirst is worse than the beasts at times, as well as nuclear pockets, shifting land and other dangers keep people in the cities or traveling in tight knit and well armed groups.

Now love and lust are not exactly easy to come by as it is, for most normal people. Even more so for those who choose to wander the Wasteland, fighting and surviving, trading for goods and supplies as they go along. Sometimes called Exiles for the mere fact that they were in fact Exiled either from Sanctuaries, or the Cities, or simply they are lumped in with that group, having chosen that life for themselves. Tyler is of the former variety, having been kicked from the Sanctuary he was born and raised in. Booted at the age of 17 from the confines of the Sanctuary he was in before, two years later (now) he finds himself wandering the Wasteland, alone and surviving.

At first impression, one would wonder why someone like Tyler was booted forcibly from a Sanctuary. He's gentle, very sweet, softspoken and a bit shy seeming, he has weapons merely for survival, but is a pretty much a pacifist. Wanting to avoid a problem rather than find himself in one, not wanting to fight. Being around him longer would bring about the understanding of why he was kicked out, especially when Dyne comes out to play. Dyne is the complete opposite of Tyler, aggressive, almost mean, dominating, well honed in a fight, and a fiend. Now Tyler isn't aware of Dyne, but Dyne knows all about Tyler when he does come out to play, though doesn't know what brings him out.

So how does a person like Tyler find someone, a man of all people, in the midst of a forsaken wasteland, especially with his problem that NO ONE has told him about?


Ok so that's the basic plot right there, it's covered all that I have thought of so far.

In any case, obviously Tyler has another personality going on in him, Dyne. Obviously they are polar opposites of one another, but neither really remembers when it happened or really why, or at least Dyne claims not to know, with a dancing smirk.

Obviously this is going to be M/M, and it has to be a switch RP as depending on when the sex happens, Tyler will be the bottom/sub whereas Dyne is only a top/dom.

Now this is going to be pretty vanilla, probably just go in the Bondage section to allow for kink, but not going into the Extreme or non-con...although it very well could. Really it's a very open idea that allows for whatever direction a potential partner and I come up with in the end.

Any questions just post here or better yet, PM me.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



My previous partner for the idea seems to have disappeared on me, and so I swooped back on the idea and tweaked it a bit.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want
