
Started by Aftiel, March 22, 2010, 11:12:23 PM

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Big games are reserved for games that reach 1,000 post and then earn their own sections.

I suggest people add their limits to their characters as putting it in the Extreme sections opens up the chances of bestiality. In this case using the pokemon in a sexual manner.

I am willing to play the executive in charge of this game's "group" of Team Rocket.

Setting wise I think the game can take place along Victory road, make up a fake city that is run by Team rocket that forces trainers to stop there on the way to Indigo Plateau. It can be a very small town like Mahogny, with lots of seedy bars and undeground clubs for assorted deals.



okay, well, the 'team rocket' or whatever organization you'd like to be called has their minions who go to find worthy, and smexy :P trainers to capture for their bosses 'games' so, you don't have to be near this town to get caught, just so we're clear.
The Oath of Drake


*hugs Sinoraa* ^-^...Random hug. lol.


Good lord this thing exploded  over today hehe, guess i need to work up some cute little trainer, i don't really feel like ding evil right now maybe make a badguy later :P
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


Quote from: Aftiel on March 28, 2010, 10:32:14 PM
Good lord this thing exploded  over today hehe, guess i need to work up some cute little trainer, i don't really feel like ding evil right now maybe make a badguy later :P



I'd like to join... But don't really feel the want to be a trainer...

Though, if possible, I'd like to play a Pokemon  ;D

Maybe the Pokemon of the leader of team rocket... Or maybe even the leader of team rocket itself, if Aiden changes his mind.

Could be an interesting twist. Still! I'd like to play a Pokemon, if that's possible.


the IC thread has been CREATED!!!


Odin, I don't see too much of a problem with it, though you might want to ask the trainer if you can be their pokemon :P
The Oath of Drake


Er... Well here it goes, I'll make a few additions to this perhaps but right now this is just to put my foot in the door, haven't gotten the physical description down yet save for the boys body. Need to post this reset text sorrythat this is painfully incomplete, bloody iPod.

Name: Greg Writely


Physical Description: Greg is a late bloomer having barely poked past his intial height of 4'8" he now stands at 60 inches in total although he is not done growing yet. Because he has barely begun to grow and his choice of life as a pokemon trainer has left him lacking in nutrients, and ecause of this he looks somewhat thin although he does have muscle from life as a trainer, having very strong legs and a strong back from traveling on foot and helping his pokemon train. His body often has bruises and scratches from this training, and he has a few scars from early when he was raising Ariana. Those scars are located on his left hand and his right shoulder. He has brown hair that is currently short in a mess of bad cuts from him using his reflection in the water while he cut it. He wears thicker pants to try and prevent getting more banged up than normally, and he usually wears shirts based on the climate, he wears a pair of goggles aroundhis head for when he uses his pokemon to fly so he can direct her. He has dark blue eyes.

History: Greg started out young as a trainer in Hoenn having gotten his first pokemon from Professor Birch, he quickly took to the lifestyle and purpose of a trainer and that was win, be the best. Easy enough but no one really explained to him how dangerous pokemon could be, especially ones that cared about their trainer and where very protective. This was usually a good thing as thrives didn't prey on trainer for such reasons. Unfortunately Greg got on of the stupider ones, he never forgot the way his Aggron Threw the man into a tree hearing bones crack on the impact. He had his Gardevior move the thief to the nearest pokemon center running away before anyone could see him. This is a very traumatic incident in a young boys life and Greg always tried to avoid outcomes like that. Greg was good trainer having won eight badges and made it to the land own Pokemon League. However in the league his only claim to fame was that he only needed two pokemon to beat Sidney... Never making much headway there. So Greg trained but he traveled more as he grew older he wanted to learn more about history and how the people of old tamed and lived with pokemon without the comfort of technology. He did this making sure to keep his companions in shape try being the only real relationship he had for these six years.


Blaziken/Nicknamed Horace male
Nature Careful Pokeball: Pokeball. Lvl:56

Gardevior/Nicknamed Adrian Male
Nature Bashful Pokeball: Pokeball Lvl:50

Beautifly/Nicknamed Paul Male
Nature Brave Pokeball:Pokeball Lvl:50

Aggron/Nicknamed Gilbert Male
Nature Quirky Pokeball: Pokeball Lvl:47

Masquerain/Nicknamed Thomas Male
Nature Sassy Pokeball: Pokeball Lvl:52

Salamence/Nicknamed Ariana Female
Nature Lonely Pokeball: Ultraball Lvl:52


Name: Mirria
Age: 21
Description: Mirria is a young woman with a very well developed figure, at about 4'10" she is short and small, most people say she is tiny, she wears a short tan skirt, a blue blouse and similar beret, and hiking shoes, she often goes on long picknicks with her team of pokemon, while they do reside in their pokeballs in towns, she often lets them all free where they follow her around when she is out hiking, often playing with eachother.

Pokemon Roster: Mirria has alot of pokemon, though only a few that she ever takes with her, these are her most common team.

Name: Jesi, Sex: Female, Disposition: Sweet, Relationship to other pokemon: None

Name: Mal, Sex: Male, Disposition: Protective, Relationship to other Pokemon: Mana's Mate, Father of other Eevee derivatives

Name: Mana, Sex: Female, Disposition: Lazy, Relationship to other Pokemon: Mal's Mate, Mother of other Eevee Derivatives

Name: Keli, Sex: Female, Disposition: Lazy, Relationship to other Pokemon: Daughter of Mal and Mana

Name: Jan, Sex: Female, Disposition: Energetic, Relationship to other Pokemon: daughter of Mal and Mana

Name: Kalon, Sex: Male, Disposition: Easily Bored, Relationship to other Pokemon: Son of Mal and Mana
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.


alright people...we can post in the IC now, time to introduce characters ^.^
And Aiden, if you want to be the leader, want to build a basic CS, (Name, looks, personality?) so that other rockets(or whatever organization you want to call it) know how to refer to him and whatnot?
The Oath of Drake


I'll have one up soon.

Daimon de Broken Hearted

Name: Zaine

Age: 23

Description: A very hard trainer, he also does his time with breeding pokemon, aswell as study and art of them in wild and others pokemon relationships, makes his own brand of food. Kind hearted, brave, kinky. He is 6'1, tan skin, and athletic build. Has a penchent for hitting on other trainers of female persuasion aswell as the many joys and jennys. May one day settle down, with right partner.

Pokemon Roster: Other unlisted, but holds a collection

1. Pokemon: Luxray                          Name:  Jebus                  Nature:  Protective          LV: 60        Pokeball Type: origional         Light Descrip: Jebus is Zaines first pokemon, given by his professor and mentor Spruce. They have a great bond and Jebus protects and shares time with Zaine. Also he is protective of his owners pokemon, training them, but rarely plays with them.

2. Pokemon:Infernape                          Name: Falmveil                   Nature:  Playfull          LV:  47       Pokeball Type: Heal        Light Descrip: Flamveil is playfull a prankster and freind, even to the more reclusive Jebus. Second caught, and trained against water types to build light resistance. He loves to play pranks even in battle

3. Pokemon: Gabite                    Name:   Fanglock               Nature:  Strong willed          LV:  46                  Pokeball Type:  Heavy        Light Descrip: Fanglock is one of Zaines aces up his sleeve, his love of Dragon types brought him to see this one out. Found her in a cave alone and did not give up until almost knocked out. She loves Zaines methods and helps him in captures and big battles.

4. Pokemon:    Lopunny                     Name:  Kassy         Nature:  Freindly          LV: 25          Pokeball Type: Heal                    Light Descrip: Kassy is freindly and good at finding items on ground and berries. She loves to play.

5. Pokemon: Houndooom   Name:  Erika   Nature: Timid      LV: 28     Pokeball Type:  great ball   Light Descrip: Erika is a spitfire, in battle, she loves jebus and protects him as he does her.

6.  Pokemon: Glaceon  Name:  Glaceir  Nature:  Freindly   LV:  15    Pokeball Type:  lure   Light Descrip: Glaceir, she is normally walking with Zaine, a new pokemon given by his ex. She is freindly

Heart Owned By None, It is a broken shell of what once was. Its Light died.

I have some things going on right now with health, I am sorry replies come slow.
Love is a circle of Trust and Caring, all into both becoming One, in Completion. This is like a Ring, or a Collar.
Daimon's On's & Off's
Daimon's A/A


Ughh I need to back out of this, I shouldn't be starting new games. Sorry guys good luck and enjoy the game.


Greetings everyone.  A little birdie came and wiggled her sweet little tushie in my direction mentioning something about an evil leader suddenly abandoning ship.  For some strange and unimaginable reason this same little birdie seems to believe that I should make an adequate replacement. 

I have to be the first to admit that my actual Pokemon knowledge is rather limited.  Perhaps I may remember watching out of corner of my as Team Rocket went blasting off again while reading a book.  My daughter being the only true and great fan of the show sitting eyes glued to the set.  I also may remember picking up several Pokemon cards after having been left scattered all over the floor.  At least until I finally went and got her one of those special card holder folder thingy type things.  Much to my dismay I also remember sitting in a theater with a million and one screaming kids who were all there to see the very first Pokemon Movie.  But considering the fact I intend on keeping my little birdie friend in a large golden cage where I can watch her wiggle and pick her brains for the information I may need I don't think my lack of actual Pokemon terminology should be to much of a hindrance. 

Aw but to be fair perhaps it would be best to put my acceptance as the Magnificently Evil Fiend to a vote.   After all this is an already active and well underway RP quite interesting from what all I have read so far.  I shall just sit back and begin to plot (Just in case) some deliciously evil ways of perverting such a wholesome and annoying kids program.     


Quote from: Nim on April 01, 2010, 10:54:06 AM
Aw but to be fair perhaps it would be best to put my acceptance as the Magnificently Evil Fiend to a vote.   After all this is an already active and well underway RP quite interesting from what all I have read so far.  I shall just sit back and begin to plot (Just in case) some deliciously evil ways of perverting such a wholesome and annoying kids program.     

I'm sure no one will mind helping you here or there.

My offer still stands to be the leader, or the leader's pokemon.

However, I still say yes. I've seen you post.


Thank you for the vote of confidence Odin. 

QuoteMy offer still stands to be the leader, or the leader's pokemon.
Yes you would make a good leader too.  I guess we shall have to wait and see how the cards fly.  If I do get picked perhaps I should take you up on our offer to be the leaders pokemon.  I would imagine said pokemon would have to be extremely strong and magnificently awe inspiring to look upon.  Fearsome ravenous beasts to tear apart all foes.


The Oath of Drake


I'm going to go ahead and throw in my two cents. I won't mind if Nim is the evil leader, there's plenty of people here who can provide the necessary pokemon knowledge as needed.


is a birdie? Yea, I told Nim I'd gladly help him with anything he needed, also linked him to a sight where he could find any necessary information on pretty much anything pokemon.

Odin, I kinda want to see you play a pokemon >:) Maybe something psychic, then you could communicate easier, or something like Rocket's Meowth he learned to speak? I just think it would be interesting is all.
The Oath of Drake


Quotehooray ^.^
*Can't help but chuckle*  Well if I had said said little white wolf everyone would have known right away who I had been speaking about.  but since you have come out of the closet and admitted to said treachery turns and points finger,  "There's me little birdie wolf type chic... um yeah... well either way your still to be placed in a large golden cage where you shall be fed peeled grapes from the hands of two naked and buff slaves."   Mutters something under breath about possibility of having last said link.   

Thank you Shade.  And who knows heaven forbid I might actually learn something about pokemon in the whole process.  Just don't tell my daughter she would die laughing if she only knew.


*suddenly can't wait to be caged >:3*
The Oath of Drake


hehe... somehow am not surprised.  On anther note did you forget to turn on your IM?


yes...I did...did thou add'st me? *bad Shakesperian lingo*
The Oath of Drake


*chuckles*  Yes thine presence hath been requested.