
Started by Aftiel, March 22, 2010, 11:12:23 PM

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What about Aiden, he already said he wanted to be the guy with power, suits and that such in an earlyer post :P
Quote from: Aiden on March 26, 2010, 11:38:37 PM
I'd play an executive, since I like suits and power.  >:)
Hello! I'm gonna try to stick around this time lol, track record isn't good I will admit.

Daimon de Broken Hearted

Any region if choosing pokemon?

Heart Owned By None, It is a broken shell of what once was. Its Light died.

I have some things going on right now with health, I am sorry replies come slow.
Love is a circle of Trust and Caring, all into both becoming One, in Completion. This is like a Ring, or a Collar.
Daimon's On's & Off's
Daimon's A/A


Tough i never liked the show. (Thats a horrible lie i loved it when i was a child) I always found the games a guilty pleasure, imean who wouldn't want a group of giant monster demons to fight for them? So i just wondered if i had to be deeply entranced into the show to join this?


Name: Anzu



Hitomi in pink, Anzu in green.

Background: Anzu, grew up in a quiet mountain village. There weren't much to do there, so Anzu would spend her days watching pokemon battles between traveling trainers. She was amazed with the strength and size of the creatures, some being bigger then, her house. She would always dream about having her own pokemons, and not just any pokemons. No she'd gather the biggest and strongest out there. She wouldn't need any fancy badges, that the trainers always flashed around, like it made them better then her somehow. No, her pokemons would be unrivaled and respected, without some stupid badges.  One day as she was walking out in the woods, she heard the sound of battle. She rushed towards the scene to see a trainer fight a tiny little Larvitar. The trainer was making, sport out of the small creatures pain. It was already hurt and broken, unable to fight back, but that didn't keep the trainer from pounding away at him.
Anzu rushed out to, stop the trainer. The trainer gasped noticing Anzo and ran away. After that, Anzo took in the Larvitar, and nursed it back to health, after witch it followed her everywhere. At the age of fifteen Anzo, had grown into a beautiful woman, and the Larvitar, whom she'd named Wrath, had turned into a fearsome Tyranitar. Feeling that she was finaly ready to make her dream reality, she set out to hunt for the most dangerous pokemons in the world.

Personality: Anzu, lives to fight. Ever sense she meet a, Larvitar at the age of ten, shes been training, almost every day. Shes a simple girl, and she dosen't dream of championships, yet to beat one gym leader, she just fights for the sake of sport. Shes made a name for herself, for taking on some of the most fearsome pokemons, and claim them as her own.

Pokemon. (Think im could make it up? but i think im going to take my pokemons from my saved game. Also yes, for those who notice, i do name my favorites after the 7 deadly sins. Yeah it looks fancy now, but you should see my saved games where i have like a dousing different prides,wrath, etc)

1. Tyranitar (Wrath, my all time favorit)


2. Venusaur (Gluttony)


3 Feraligatr (Greed)


4 Electivire (lust)


5 Aggron (Sloth)


6 Charizard (Pride)



Daimon de Broken Hearted

Ill pop a sheet up aswell, going to make it.

Heart Owned By None, It is a broken shell of what once was. Its Light died.

I have some things going on right now with health, I am sorry replies come slow.
Love is a circle of Trust and Caring, all into both becoming One, in Completion. This is like a Ring, or a Collar.
Daimon's On's & Off's
Daimon's A/A


So whats the plot on this RP again? O-o


Name: Hitomi

Age: 17


Hitomi on the left, Anzu on the right. ^-^

Background: Hitomi started her pokemon Journey just like most people, starting off with a Chikorita, and slowly progressing through the region. One thing that differentiated her from most trainers, though, was that she went on her journey for fun, rather than to fight stronger opponents, and that's something that has carried over to today. Hitomi always wanted to be a co-ordinator for pokemon rather than a top notch trainer, and she keeps that dream alive even now...Yes, her journey started off like all others...until that one fateful day, a day that Hitomi remembers fondly, when she first met the one person she wanted to be with always...Anzu! Yes, Hitomi is in love, and is still traveling with, Her lover Anzu, a girl described as a power house in the trainer circuit. Some people wonder how the two of them could ever be lovers, Hitomi bubbly and fun-loving, Anzu serious and powerful, the two are complete opposites in every way..but as they say, opposites attract, and Hitomi, upon their first meeting, managed to coax-out a less seen side of Anzu, a side the older woman usually only shows to Hitomi and her pokemon, a side that was very caring and loving....so the two of them travel together as a couple now, facing whatever challenges they may come across together!


1. Jolteon (Sparky) Male

2. Meganium (Flowery) Female

3. Frostlass (Frosty) Female

4. Politoed (Froggy) Male

5. Flygon (Gonny) Female

6. Togekiss (Kissy)Male


okay, just want to say: Executive Red is still up for grabs if anyone wants his character (who doesn't want a character who's lithe body reminds you of a snake or cat, with a Cheshire grin that sends chills up others' spines?)
IF anyone here wants to be the leader of the organization, please speak up.

I'll make my character though:

Name: Rina Kobayashi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
background: Rina was always slightly darker, she wasn't very fond of human interaction. Pokemon, however, she found she could relate to. Her first pokemon was a Murkrow, the little black bird would follow her around all the time. Most kids would make fun of her while they played with their brightly colored totodiles, and charmanders, but she didn't care. Unnlike them, Murkrow had joined her, they got theirs from the starter farms, handed out by professors. She trained hard with her pokemon, to prove that it was just as good as any of theirs. Slowly, she built her team of odd and seeming mismatched pokemon, everyone especially made fun of her for oddish and magikarp. Needless to say, they aren't laughing any more. She hatched her Raichu as a pichu from an egg she once stumbled across, along with her houndoom. She has collected about 9 badges along the way, mostly just from boredom and the want to fight more powerful trainers. She is working on her tenth, which is really no problem, she just randomly collects them as she goes.








Never underestimate her pokemon, even if they look frail, they have been raised to the extremes. Her entire team is female.
The Oath of Drake


Would pregnancy be a problem? ^^
"Damn kids doing work. Back in my day we worked 18 hours a day and still had time for 12 hours of fun before a solid 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours".


I doubt it'd be a problem, just talk with the character you want to do the pregnancy with
The Oath of Drake


So how many regular trainers slots will be open?


I think we're just going to cut it off when we get too many, we do need Rocket members, and someone to play the leader, though I have someone in mind if no one else steps up. I'll probably play a rocket member too.
The Oath of Drake


alright, so I guess I'll make an opening thread? (grr...hate making openings, lol) Where should this go do you think? EX?
The Oath of Drake


That would probably be the best place for it


Quote from: bluemoon on March 28, 2010, 10:00:12 PM
alright, so I guess I'll make an opening thread? (grr...hate making openings, lol) Where should this go do you think? EX?

O_o..Gonna put it in extreme?...


well, I don't know what all will be in it, so I don't know where to put it! D: that's why I asked! *grumbles* damn Wolfy...
The Oath of Drake


Lol..just put it in Extreme Groups or Bondage Groups, then....just in case..:P


Quote from: bluemoon on March 28, 2010, 10:00:12 PM
alright, so I guess I'll make an opening thread? (grr...hate making openings, lol) Where should this go do you think? EX?
Yeah think EX is the way to go


err, big groups or small groups? it seems to me that it may get large...but I don't know...
The Oath of Drake


Haven't been around long enough to know what qualify as big :P


nor have I...I've only been in like 2 group RPs before...and I don't even actually know where those are located >.>
The Oath of Drake


lol...Just go with big, just to be safe. :P


>:3 dirty....*bad thoughts*
The Oath of Drake


Here, bad thoughts are good ;D
