Rosanthal's Request Thread ^^ (Open) Craving: Mermaids

Started by Lady Chevalier, March 08, 2010, 05:15:10 PM

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Lady Chevalier

Rosanthal Wants to Play
Current Craving: Harry Potter OC [F/M][F/F][F/Futa] ^^

I’ve finally managed to bring myself to make up my own thread. Huzza!
I'm mostly looking for males to rp with but if you are a female and you like what you see please feel free to PM me. ^^

Rules! (Don’t worry, there are only a few ^^)
1. Please be literate, give me at least 2-3 paragraphs to work with and everything will be wonderful. I can post much much more than this, I tend to mirror my partners posts.
2. Please do not leave me after the first couple of posts. I hate it when I start up a good rp and everything is going great and then the other person disappears; just tell me if you’re going to leave, I promise not to bite.
3. If you’re not having as much fun in the rp, or if it has become a bit too dull for you, or you want to perhaps skip ahead to get things moving along again, please tell me. I want to know if you have any suggestions on how to make the rp more enjoyable for you. ^^
4. Please don’t come to me expecting me to come up with a plot or an idea entirely on my own. Lets brainstorm together, that way we can guarantee it’ll be good for the both of us. ^^
5. Plots aren’t needed but they are welcomed.

Things that are welcomed in the rp:
Romance: Since I’m a girl I’m naturally a sucker for it, but this doesn’t mean insta-romance because that’s not fun at all. Romance is best in rps when it develops over time between the characters. While it’s not mandatory it does spice things up in a lovely manor.
Action: It keeps things going and certainly makes things interesting. This is a must in most of my rps.
Interesting Characters: Please oh please don’t give me any ‘mary sues’ or ‘gary sues’, I can’t stand them. I’m so sick and tired of rping with the same character over and over again. Please, give me someone unpredictable and new. I’ll love you forever for it. ^^
Smut: Who doesn't like a sexy scene to spice things up? ^^ For a list of what I'm into just click on over to my ons and offs.

Now for a poorly thought out list of pairings and the rps I’m willing to do:
Anything with Fantasy in it ♥♥♥♥♥
Anything with Romance in it ♥♥♥♥♥
Something Sexy xD ♥♥♥♥♥
Medieval Fantasy (ALWAYS craving a good one!) ♥♥♥♥♥
Something set in the world of Gor ♥♥♥♥♥
Gunslinger (Set in a post-apocalyptic Wild West, or a different setting of your choice ^^)
Something set in Ancient Rome, or Troy?
Steam Punk
Arranged Marriage
Harry Potter OC
Sci-Fi (Perhaps something similar to Star Trek or Star Wars)
Rich Boy/Poor Girl (Any setting, any time period for this one)

I don’t rp as cannons and you won’t be either, but I don’t mind borrowing the worlds from various video games and anime series.
Here are a few I wouldn’t mind basing rp’s off of:

Final Fantasy (XII, VIII, VII, VI)
Record of Lodoss War
Chrono Crusade
D. Gray-Man
Harry Potter OC (The world only, not the characters, none of the characters actually, but YES to the world. ^^)

As for anything not mention above just ask me. I’m open to discussing ANYTHING, the things listed are just want I could think of. ^^

To Contact Me:
Send me a pm, or post in this thread. ^^
I also have AIM for discussing the rp but the actual rp will take place in a private thread.
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil

Lady Chevalier

Rosanthal's Plots!
A Note: When listing parings, the bolded word is the character that I would like to play.

Slave and Master - Medieval Time Period [F/M][F/F][F/Futa]
This young woman has been a slave most of her life, being constantly moved from place to place and battered by various masters. Finding herself in a slave market once again, she waits patiently to be purchased by her new master. She is happy to get out of the wretched slave market until finding out that her new master has purchased her as a pleasure slave!
In this your character can either be cruel and cold, simply looking to use her for her body; or your character can be more on the merciful side, looking to build a relationship with his new slave. Either is just fine with me or you can come up with a balance of your own. There is a lot of wiggle room for


My character has just been taken as a slave after a group of slavers raided her village. She has a fiery personality and a sharp tongue and is entirely unwilling to bow before anyone. She needs to be broken before becoming an effect slave and it is up to your character to make that transformation happen.

Hogwarts! [F/M][F/F][F/Futa]
For this role play I'm looking for original characters. I don't particularly want to include Harry, Ron, Hermione ect... The teachers, however, are fine to include in this but I want our original characters to be the main focus of the story.

The characters would have to be in their sixth or seventh year of Hogwarts (we can even raise the character's ages for our purposes) and as for a plot, we can really go any where with this game. There are so many different avenues to explore in this world. ^^ What I'm looking for is something akin to a 'slice of life' role play, of course it would be the 'slice of a young wizards life' so the role play would be filled with odd ball characters, action and drama. ^^
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil



The slave and master medieval RP.  Set on Earth, a fantasy Earth, or a fantasy world of some sort?

And what kind of SF thing would you be looking for?
Bad puns!  Horrible jokes!  Odd SF and Fantasy references!  Mastery of useless information!  Expert in old TV shows and movies!  And yes, I'm "mature"!    Ons and Offs   And more    Interests   NEW As and As as of 5/12/16. Look here!!!!

Lady Chevalier

Quote from: bigwad73 on May 24, 2010, 05:18:49 PM

The slave and master medieval RP.  Set on Earth, a fantasy Earth, or a fantasy world of some sort?

And what kind of SF thing would you be looking for?

Slave and master medieval rp could either be set on earth or on another world with magic and other sorts of creatures if you like. Either option is just fine with me. ^^

And by SF I'm guessing you mean Sci-Fi. ^^ And anything really, I don't know too much about this genera so it would be more of a go with the flow situation for me. ^^

If you want you can PM me and we can chat there, or I can give you my AIM name. ^^
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil


Bad puns!  Horrible jokes!  Odd SF and Fantasy references!  Mastery of useless information!  Expert in old TV shows and movies!  And yes, I'm "mature"!    Ons and Offs   And more    Interests   NEW As and As as of 5/12/16. Look here!!!!

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil


Still seekign those who know their way around a leg-iron?


I'm interested in the Hogwarts plot.  If you don't have anyone else interested, please send me a PM and we can discuss ideas.



I could be very interested in a fantasy story, if you're still interested, why not send me a PM? We can plot something out.

Lady Chevalier

"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit." - Vergil