What are you doing right now, as well as surfing E?

Started by Miss Arha, February 02, 2010, 05:59:30 PM

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Because it's good for me. Or something. The man or woman who invented homework gets my scorn.



Just finished some vegan ice cream made out of bananas and watching Grey's Anatomy


Rummy Tum Tum


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Random PMs always welcome.
Roleplays:Not actively seeking.
Posting Frequency: Up to a Month
Replies Owed: 1 of 4




Ideas|O/O's|Post Tracker
Click Me!
Random PMs always welcome.
Roleplays:Not actively seeking.
Posting Frequency: Up to a Month
Replies Owed: 1 of 4


Watching Dallas vs. Arizona!

Love the NFL and for what they stand (kneel) for!
My song for Piper:
"In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood."

Pablo Neruda



Writing a character's back-story while I contemplate what to eat for dinner.


Having a video chat with a relative, eating fruit salad and listening to some good, classical music.


Trying to make myself type up my writing from when I went down to the library earlier. If I'd just do it I'd have heaps of spare time this evening, but I keep procrastinating, and it takes forever.


"It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy.I said, I don't want it. I just need it. To breathe, To feel, to know I'm alive. " - Tool

ON's & OFF's | Plots & Ideas
| Abscences & Apologies


I just finished making a space background. Now I'm going to rest/relax some more, as it's after 3.30am.


Bringing my evening of roleplay to a close while turning to doing some editing on written projects. One more cup of coffee and then getting some needed sleep.

O/O`s  🌹A/A`s
RP Requests 🌹 World Building
Storyteller`s Cafe 🌹 ElliWriMo

Current RP Status:  Seeking 0 new story 🌹   


Listening to music and deciding what I should eat for a meal today.

O/O`s  🌹A/A`s
RP Requests 🌹 World Building
Storyteller`s Cafe 🌹 ElliWriMo

Current RP Status:  Seeking 0 new story 🌹   

Lady Sakura

Lady Shadow

Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~


I don't see the future. I don't worry about the past. Now's all I have.


Working, doing the drinking of the tea thing and thinking naughty thoughts.

O/O`s  🌹A/A`s
RP Requests 🌹 World Building
Storyteller`s Cafe 🌹 ElliWriMo

Current RP Status:  Seeking 0 new story 🌹   



I'm updating accounting and medical insurance details in my spreadsheets, looking at font sites and checking my Kindle dashboard.

What a wild life I lead. :D


Writing posts, listening to music and prepping for sleep.

O/O`s  🌹A/A`s
RP Requests 🌹 World Building
Storyteller`s Cafe 🌹 ElliWriMo

Current RP Status:  Seeking 0 new story 🌹