Interest thread

Started by Valerian, November 24, 2009, 07:22:20 PM

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*jumps up and down waving her hand* me too!

desert ashes

There's another (non-Valerian hosted) Mafia game that's just opened for sign ups, as well.  :)
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


Lol, I love mafia. Sign me up!
1. "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."- Oscar Wilde
2. "Men are like steel. when they lose their temper, they lose their worth." :-)
- Chuck Norris
3. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
4. "A word to the wise isn't necessary."
5. And finally..."I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better."
- A. J. Liebling


Quote from: Moirae on July 17, 2010, 12:14:35 AM
There's another (non-Valerian hosted) Mafia game that's just opened for sign ups, as well.  :)

Here's the sign up thread, for those interested. ;)


Thanks for the link Remiel. I love these games.
huggles everyone
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Lucius Cornelius
Lord Mayerling

That's everyone I'm pretty sure would like to play in the next round.  If your name is there and shouldn't be, or isn't there and should be, just let me know.  :)

Now, since it's been a while since I did this, I thought it would be good to take votes for the next setting.  There are all the old standbys, of course, that might be fun to revive, from ancient Rome to pirates to Pod People.  (All previous themes are summarized here, for the curious.)

Other possibilities include (but are certainly not limited to!):

Robin Hood
Greek gods (or some other pantheon)

As always, I'll take any other suggestions.  :)
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

desert ashes

::Tosses in her vote for Greek Gods.  How can she not?::
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


*seconds that.  Also, thinks Moirae would make a perfect Goddess of Loveliness! And Cake.*

desert ashes

::Thinks compliments and bribery can get a man far indeed!::
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
· accepting new stories ·
 ·· · ideas & cravings ·· ons & offs ·· poetry ·· a/a ·· stories · ··

let there be beauty born from ashes


*tosses in another vote for Greek Gods* Though my secondary choice would probably be Post-apocalyptic...


Throws in another vote for Greek gods. "Haha, this should turn out very interesting. But I wonder, aren't gods technically...immortal?"
1. "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."- Oscar Wilde
2. "Men are like steel. when they lose their temper, they lose their worth." :-)
- Chuck Norris
3. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
4. "A word to the wise isn't necessary."
5. And finally..."I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better."
- A. J. Liebling


Well I would love to try a Robin Hood theme game I can just see Moirae as the Maid Marian and Remiel as one of the merry men or perhaps Friar Tuck if not Robin Hood himself. I would like to be a lady in waiting. (giggles)

However if we play the Greek Gods that would be my second choice.....
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish



I would love to play all three of them ;-)

Order of preference would be :

Robin Hood (Alan Rickman -purrrr- yep, I'd serve him!)
Greek Gods
Post Apocalyptic
[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]

Beguile's Mistress

Slide me into any or all where you need a player but let others who haven't had a chance yet take priority.  Just let me know when you need me.


I'm in for the next round (or three) or I can totally play an NPC  XD


Lord Mayerling
Beguile's Mistress

Robin Hood: 2
Greek gods (or some other pantheon): 4
Post-apocalyptic: 1

Whew, an even dozen already!  I'm just recording first choices for votes for now -- at this point I'm almost suspecting another tie, since we've had so many lately.  Heh.

And we can always work around the gods' immortality by exiling them instead.  :)  Maybe sending them to earth to live out a mortal lifespan... *ponders*
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE

Lucius Cornelius

Valerian was re-think in my schedule and true is that i think that it will take longer to schedule a game.
Im going to holidays soon, and don't access to the web again, so don't want to hurt any game.
Im going to skip this one, i really enjoy mafia games and would like to play next after this. but im afraid that i  need miss this one.

Sorry i don't think in it when write in the interest thread.


I'll throw my .02 in for the Greek Gods


Post apocalyptic sounds cool


( Paladin's sig: Maybe I'm not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy, maybe I'm the bad guy pretending to be the good guy.)

Haha, couldn't help myself (nice sig by the way)... :o Maybe you're a bad guy pretending to be a... bad guy :P
1. "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."- Oscar Wilde
2. "Men are like steel. when they lose their temper, they lose their worth." :-)
- Chuck Norris
3. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
4. "A word to the wise isn't necessary."
5. And finally..."I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better."
- A. J. Liebling

desert ashes

Quote from: Xandi on July 21, 2010, 12:25:19 AM
Well I would love to try a Robin Hood theme game I can just see Moirae as the Maid Marian and Remiel as one of the merry men or perhaps Friar Tuck if not Robin Hood himself. I would like to be a lady in waiting. (giggles)

However if we play the Greek Gods that would be my second choice.....

Aww.  Thank you, Xandi!  Just as long I don't have to wear an iron chastity belt!  :: Laughs. ::
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
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let there be beauty born from ashes


Ohhh if we do Greek gods, I call God of Lust and Domination!  >:)


Quote from: Moirae on July 24, 2010, 01:32:28 AM
Aww.  Thank you, Xandi!  Just as long I don't have to wear an iron chastity belt!  :: Laughs. ::

OMG no.....I declare it unlawful to wear a chasity belt with the handsome, god of lust and domination, Aiden in a game......giggles

hugs to all
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


I guess I could play Will Scarlet. *beams*