Lawyer to the Dark Court

Started by DreadD, November 18, 2009, 11:37:53 PM

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Everything was going well for him, he was a lawyer, one of the best, close to his boss, the victor of numerous cases.  But he always wanted more.  It wasn't more money or anything like that, everything just seemed too easy, and, it seemed, he had managed to mention this to his boss a few too many times.

Or that's what he had to assume happened.  He found himself awakening in a lavish bed in a small, but quite well furnished room, a note was on the table, telling him where he could bathe, and to be dressed for food would be arriving before over long, and his new position would be explained to him.  For he had just received an...  Upgrade in employers, no longer would he serve in human courts, no, now he could challenge the demonic courts, home to all ends of unusual beings, where justice and law mattered less than convincing the people on the jury that their verdict was going to somehow be of benefit to them...  And when that didn't work there was always bribery, and promises of favors.  His knowledge of the law might not be of much use here, but it was certainly the case that his sharp mind would, hopefully, serve him well...

In my head I picture the lawyer as male, but if someone strongly would prefer to play him female I could deal with that.  Exact type and nature of sexual content/etc. is open for discussion once someone expresses interest, PM or IM me, thought note that I'm only really available around this time or so on week nights and sometimes more frequently during the week, though that will be changing in future with the alterations to my work schedule that are coming up.