Spunky's Cafe (open to all)

Started by Spunky, November 16, 2009, 02:16:48 PM

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Blushes, "Shade, I do enjoy talking to you as well," walks over to the counter grabs another chai tea latte, she really was in the mood for chai today, and takes a seat in a booth, patting the seat next to her and beckoning him over. "So, what is on your mind tonight?"
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


sits down next to you. "well, not much right now... just thinking about how loud and annoying my roommates at my dorm can be lol."


"Oh, no fun, my roommates aren't home tonight so I have the place to myself," smiles as she thinks about her quiet. empty apartment. "I would have gone out but I am trying to cut back on the drinking!" :P "I do hope we can start a roleplay together soon."
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


"lol that's good that you're trying to cut back. and i'd really like to start RPing with you too. do you have any ideas?"


"I would really enjoy anything, but I could do modern or fantasy, I remember you like anime and if you would like to be patient and teach me a little about anime I would have no problem playing on of those either!"
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


lol ok. well, is there any anime that you like to watch?


"I have seen movies, like Princess Mononoke and a couple of the Final Fantasy movies, also I used to watch Pokemon," giggles, "I have seen an episode or two of Sailor Moon and played Final Fantasy games, but other than that I know nothing." Looks down disappointed in herself.
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


(pats you on the back) hey, don't worry about it. i saw Princess Mononoke, but it's been awhile and I'm not too familiar with it. I haven't seen any of the Final Fantasy movies. I did watch pokemon, but i prefer the games. and i never watched much Sailor Moon. I thought it was on when i was a little kid, so i thought it was really girly xD


Giggles, "yeah I watched Sailor Moon when I was really young I barely remember it, I LOVED the Pokemon games for gameboy when I was younger, I used to sit and play them for hours! Do you have any RP ideas?"
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


nothing specific... but i'm sure we can come up with something ;)


"Oh yes, I'm sure we could," smirking, "so do you want to wait till we can go into the adult boards, or do you want to start one on here?"
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


yeah, we could do one on the non-adult rp board... i don't have an idea right now though ^^;


Sighs, "how long will you be on tonight? Maybe I will think of one in a little."
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


well, i'll probably be on for awhile. i've got some homework to do, but it won't take me very long, and i don't have class until tomorrow afternoon, so i can stay up a bit


"Well I am going to go have some of the delicious cake I had last night and then get comfy in my pajamas, do you want to meet me back here in like a half hour?" looks up at him hopefully.
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


sounds good. i'll see you here, ok? :)


Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested



"Hello sir, sorry but I think I might be a little bit longer! I hope that doesn't ruin what could be a fun filled roleplaying night! I shall be back soon!" crosses fingers in hope that you will still be there.
Understand the preciousness of the unfulfilled desire.
Begin to feel appreciation for the fact that the desire exists,
rather than instant disappointment that it has not manifested


Night Stalker

Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker


Night Stalker

Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker


Night Stalker

Not doing too bad here thanks.  How are you?
Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker