Spunky's Cafe (open to all)

Started by Spunky, November 16, 2009, 02:16:48 PM

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you sorry... aaw but why you sorry fore'''


because i can't tell what you were trying to say earlier ^^;


about an ideal about a roleplaying together an ideal for one, have you thought of one
i have been thinking about it


sorry, haven't thought of one yet ^^;


well it can be something to with finding her in a forest r some thatething lik



well it be up to you and you be the one who finds her ok
if you want to role play? ~blushies~



do you really think so...
i will leave it up to you then...
just let me know ok....  i would like to all so too



yeah unm ok... whenever but thanks anyways ~looks a little sad~



its ok, i guess.. no rush ~still sad looking~



Quote from: Shade226 on February 25, 2010, 03:23:43 AM
hugs Iceangel I'm sorry :(

~blushies a lot from the hug~  unm its ok, no need to be sorry''''
i be ok i guess....  thanks for the hug ~smiles at him~



well its all cool, not worryed about it...
thanks for eveything and good talking to you
but i is going to say goodnight, hope to talk to you some other time,
have a good day tomorrow... ~smiles at him~


yeah, hope i see you later. bye for now :)


Night Stalker

Morning all *grabs some coffee and takes seat in usual booth*
Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker

Night Stalker

Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker


~sneaks in and hide a little and sits down~
hhi anyone here... just getting a little coffee ok ~grab it and sits~

Night Stalker

*waves to Iceangel and goes back to his coffee.*
Ons and Offs           NightStalker's Role Playing Requests - Reprised.          A/A's - Updated        
I stalk the night, looking for her
My next victim to take away from here
She will be the prize to my collection
A joy for me to hold and use at my discretion
I belong to the night, stalking it and surveying
taking what I need to suffice my desires
I am the NightStalker


Quote from: Night Stalker on February 25, 2010, 12:44:46 PM
*waves to Iceangel and goes back to his coffee.*

~waves back~ and how is your day or night for you ~smiles~