DonaGothika's Playful Situations [MUL]

Started by DonaGothika, October 28, 2009, 05:14:32 PM

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Ideas and Diatribe

1. Fan fiction based on Jacqueline Carey’s Novels
Kushiel's Dart is set in an alternate quasi-medieval Europe, where the land of Terre d'Ange (conforming to France) was, according to legend, settled long ago by rebellious angels. Among these was Naamah, to whom generations of courtesans owe allegiance. Prostitution is not merely a noble calling in Terre d’Ange; it is a form of religious practice. For wealthy patrons to purchase a young acolyte's "virgin-price" is a sign of devotion that redounds to their social standing.

Phèdre is a girl in training who, upon her tenth birthday, enters the household of Anafiel Delauney, a prominent political intriguer who has purchased Phèdre's "marque." (Basically she's indentured to him until such a time as she can buy herself back.) Delauney notices the significance of a feature of Phèdre's that everyone else considers a flaw: a red spot in her eye is a mark called Kushiel's Dart, identifying her as an anguissette. In case you can't decipher that for yourself, she's destined to be a submissive S&M queen.

So. . .

That is the background but I am looking to create a whole NEW set of characters . . . I want to explore this idea of religious sexual devotion. The idea of a character loving an anguissette. What does it mean to love some who can only derive pleasure from the most agonizing of pain (yet you loving them as you do cannot bear to strike them)?

I am willing to play with a male or female---if you have read the books of Jacqueline Carey---GREAT! But if not we can create something newer. I will play as the female anguissette, and I need a partner willing to play as my would be lover. We can discuss a quest and other details if you have an interest. I was currently thought my character would be a lady knight that had freed herself from her indenture (I like the juxtaposition of a woman who is the most based of submissive in the bedroom is the MOST courageous of heroes OUTSIDE the bedroom!

So that I know you at least have a RUDIMENTRY interest in the world of Terre d'Ange, tell me (via PM):
What is the significance of these tattoos? Who wears them, and how are they obtained?


2.  Fan fiction exploration of the relationship between Alice & Jasper (Twilight warning)
Who were Alice and Jasper before they hooked up with those OTHER people? Who turned Alice? What was her relationship with this person?

Jasper was once a blood thirsty Vamp general? What made him change and how? What does he love about Alice? How did they survive as a couple before meeting the Cullens?

Even better what if Alice and Jasper had never hooked up with the Cullens what kind of Vamps would they be?

I can play Alice OR Jasper (though if you want to play Alice yourself please have some basic understanding of her character PAST just the seeing the "future" thing. . .please be willing to further develop her as a stand alone character (even if Stephanie Meyer DIDN’T). . .

3.  Wrestlers doing . . .well anything!
I am a BIG wrestling fan. . .are particularly some of the characters portrayed in the WWE. So anyone who would like to discuss RP ideas for that franchise I am totally up for it. . .

Please let it be with a twist though. . .cause if I have to plow through the same TIRED storylines that WWE already uses I will barf.

The last time I used wrestler in an RP it worked out really well. My partner and I had our characters as High School students and there was A LOT of drama and teen angst—as well as the wrestling!

MY APOLOGIZES. . . I'VE BEEN AWOL and LIFE HAS KICKED MY BUTT SOME!!! Sorry to all I had to leave hanging--real life is well. . . tough LOL!


"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
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