Warcraft roleplaying! Yeeha!

Started by Nachtmahr, October 27, 2009, 05:04:09 PM

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Shattered Sun always makes me look at the Draenai weerily ;>_>
Them and the Scryers are truly a match made in hell.

To be honest, I think it’d be easiest to just go straight alliance, though for a Tauren Druid… it could be feasible.

Tauren are known for their gentleness (well, SOME of them), and Druids especially have contact with the alliance through the Cenarion Circle (did I spell that right? I may have gotten the name wrong).


o3o Hmm...Well if we're going to include horde into this party, I may play a Blood Elf Paladin. :P

Or a Draenei Paladin...yes.."How do my tentacles feel here?" xD


I hope I'm not out of place here but I was just viewing the thread, as I used to play WoW and I think you maybe need an outsiders opinion.

I think the original poster had something in mind along the lines of playing in the warcraft universe with the races and classes.  A small party, not neccessarily going for Illidan or Arthas or Deathwing.  Not necessarily even all fighters.  Perhaps a group of low level adventurers trying to get from point A to point B, and the character interactions between them.

But then, what always happens when something like Warcraft, LOTR, Star Wars is roleplayed, someone says "lets go upscale, and go after deathwing, KJ, Illidan" etc.

Then you get the "We cannot do that because there were no DK's in vanilla" people.  And eventually the whole thing just doesn't ever get off the ground.

My suggestion is that you simplify it.  Be it a group meeting in a town, or a travelling party through Barrens/Elwynn.  I also suggest you let a little go in terms of horde and alliance being together.  I understand it is hard for some to cope with only a flimsy premise, but in that case perhaps limit it to one faction.

It is just a suggestion though, but I think the original posters idea was very far from roleplaying a raid on Arthas.  Not that that would not also be a good roleplay but you would need to exclude people who were not fully updated on the lore in that case.

Have fun! x


Although I'm interested in it, I'm not going to join, still I'll throw my five cents in here:

I gathered that the general consensus is that the Alliance has the sexier women. Well, your mileage may vary, but there is a lot of hot female troll-pron on the net to be found and yup, they can be rather appealing. Same for the orcs. You know, both races have generally hideous faces, save for that one, that single one face that every player seems to have chosen for his/her female orc/troll. One could also make an argument for the Forsaken (see Sylvanas new model), but there's the squicky factor of necrophilia thrown into that...

Then you could also count the semi-races into the mix, like the felblood elves or the fel-orcs, maybe some naga (for people who are into that), the dryads (both normal ones and of the frost variety), vrykul (in case you're into giants), val'kyr and heck, I've even seen people who have expressed an interest in getting it on with the harpies.

Then you have the dragons who can shapeshift in whatever form they want, mostly you'd have Alexstrasza, the MILF of Warcraft, if you consider she has given life to Azeroth.


Well from what I have seen, none of us are trying to do a raid against any of the big bads. I haven't gotten that feeling, so I personally do not think its an issue. What I have been doing, can't speak for the others, is just been using the big names to make it easier to talk time period this will be set in. Most people know bad guy/good guy names even if they don't know land/time period names. I was that way myself until I started playing WoW, then I got to know the names of everything pretty well.

As for who wants what and what we go for, so far I don't see much of a majority or consensus on much of anything. So far I think BC stands out as the most agreed upon but then again its only been me and SirHakado who have been talking about BC.

I will do this. I will make a listing of BC and forward periods since most of us want Draenei, that race is a clear majority from the people who have mentioned interest. So to keep all of us happy it has to be BC or later, no earlier. I will make the list in another post to keep it easy to see and not get cluttered up with this chatter.

Now, going back to the raiding slash bosses thing, I agree that we should not be trying to fry the big dogs. That just leads to complaints and general unhappiness. We can easily create some minor villain or use some pre-existing faction or w/e. This is where we will do our own thing, and we don't necessarily have to mess with lore either, we can just ignore it if we really want to.


Okay the info below is brief, short and sweet. Its just meant as a very basic idea of what each period brought. If we don't want to get bogged down in the major events thats fine. We can just use this information to add flavor and show that our characters are interacting in a world affected by this even if our party does not take first hand part in it.

Burning Crusade: Introduced Outlands, Draenei and Blood Elves. This can focus on Outlands or on either the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor. Brought us major demon contact, with the Burning Legion being the big bad. Outlands offers more demons and other 'exotic' factions. The two lands of Azeroth offer more traditional things. Anything else I am not mentioning as well.

-Shattered Sun perhaps?

Wrath of the Lich King: Introduces Arthas as the Lich King (yeah I know, not really truly introduces). Brought us into Northrend and introduced the Vyrkul with some one or two other races. Brought us Death Knights.

-Ebon Hand perhaps? These are the good Death Knights.

Cataclysm: Introduces Deathwing as now a boss to fought. Brings in Goblins as playable as well as Worgens. Honestly don't know much more than this, other than that the land has been sundered.


Now, we need to address the faction type. Most of us want alliance. I think at least some of us are okay with having horde mixed with alliance. So what are we going to do? I can swing either way, just as long as its not pure horde.

Alliance only?
Alliance/Horde mixed?

The tauren druid idea could work for getting that race into the mix. If we are going to allow a tauren though, I think any horde race should be allowed though. -shrugs-


Question, is this RP going to be based on some complicated game system? Cause I could never get a knack of it really. Also, anyone saying Orcs, especially females, are fugly, I beg to differ, I just don't like how Blizzard does justice to their character designs. I'm sure female (or futa for that matter) can be made to look like total babes, but without compromising their athletic body structure.
Denai Academy
Student: Amara Yochumaru[/td][/tr][tr][td]Zootopia: Hybrid Theory
Animal: Mocha[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Run
Hunted: Xuna Bladereaver[/td][/tr][/table]


That may be true but it would fly against popular fantasy depiction of any orc. Orc's are not meant to look good, they are meant to look brutish. The same goes for Trolls. Blizzard's depiction of Troll's already flies in the face of established looks for Trolls.

I am not saying Blizz is wrong. Just in the case of Orc's I have yet to see any game or w/e else make Orc's look good. I think for most people it would likely be hard to imagine a good looking Orc. It would defeat the point of them being brutish and all warrior like and the other things which define then.

And to your first question, no I believe this is free form, meaning no system. We have yet to even decide which period to put this in. Once we get that, then the rest should fall in line hopefully.


Blizzards Orcs are different. They started out as evil, but they are just complicated. They are NOT typical Orcs. It is essentially the same argument with the Twilight-Vampires. People may dislike them, but it is up to the author how to interpret them.

And again, DarkXanatos, this is not your game so quit dictating what other peoples impressions should be like!


Denai Academy
Student: Amara Yochumaru[/td][/tr][tr][td]Zootopia: Hybrid Theory
Animal: Mocha[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Run
Hunted: Xuna Bladereaver[/td][/tr][/table]


-chuckles- I am doing no such thing. I simply am making very pointed remarks. I am at this point just trying to get a majority of consensus reached concerning what will be done. Elyza's original idea was to let us, the interested people, decide what he want to do.

-So far Draenei are the majority race chosen thus far, which means it should be BC or later period wise. 

Other than that, nothing really solid has been decided. I am not dictating anything. Just because I have been the most vocal does not make me the dictator. We do need, however, someone who will at least try to form an opinion from everyone, and so far I am one the putting out the effort to try and make this happen.

On that note, is everyone still interested? This has been a bit dead of late. Elyza did want all of us to contribute. That was her original idea. Lets keep this going, I think we can make this a good game. We had a lot of good ideas and we can still use many of them.

-Small adventuring party that does not deal with the big bads.
-Horde/Alliance combined group (this may not work, but if we all still want it, we can make it work)
-We can re-write some things to make it work.
-Any other idea I am forgetting at the moment.


I'm still game, if I get to play a futa orc :D
Denai Academy
Student: Amara Yochumaru[/td][/tr][tr][td]Zootopia: Hybrid Theory
Animal: Mocha[/td][/tr][tr][td]The Run
Hunted: Xuna Bladereaver[/td][/tr][/table]


To be honest, I think Horde/Alliance wont really end well.

I mean, handwaving it with 'we're all accepting/different here' seems... too lame a cop-out.
If we really want too, ofcourse, this would be the easiest way.

And it wont be a healthy party dynamic if we're all distrusting, and we'd need a reason we're forced to stick together.
And even then it'd be the Pally with CE Rogue scenario... can work, might end horribly.

But mayority rules... so I'll follow the mayority, ofcourse.


Okay.. its been a week since i came up with this idea and we've gone NOWHERE.. None of us agree, Dark-jedi-thingie wont allow other people ot have different idea and bla bla bla..Now, i will leave it up ot you, i'm giving up on this thing, if anyone would like to do warcraft RP with me i can be found under the solo section, i just have too much on my mind to focus on organizing this. Sorry.

So, if anyone wnat to do some one-on-one or perhaps 3 people Warcraft RP please, message me or reply in my One on one thread under solo's.
~Await the Dawn With Her Kiss of Redemption, My Firebird!~
~You Were the Queen of the Souls of Man Before There Was the Word~


Considering the fact that outside WoW itself, in the general WoW Mythos, the various races work together a lot, its really not extremely unlikely that our group could get along, especially if its to ward off a bigger threat. It doesn't have to be Arthas level crazy stuff, but lesser undead could suffice. And this is a game, if they can put aside racial differences for a few days, it might be all we need.

I mean really, would it kill us to let people play the characters they want to play for a forum RP? Really? If people want to play Orc's and Night Elves working together (and screwing together XD) would it kill us to provide a plot that would facilitate that?

Horde Group and Alliance Group were on the brink of war with each other, Undead arrive and threaten to wipe them all out, so they put aside their differences for the purpose of saving everyone. Its basic, not very original, but it would let people play the characters they want to play.


The only reason the races worked together is against a unifying threat.
Aside from that… there’s still a ton of racism on both sides.
They don’t get along.
Setting it in the WoW mythos is easiest, because likely we know the most about it.

But it could work… theoretically.
But I think interest was kind of killed by the arguments, atleast the silence seems to indicate so.

It wouldn’t kill us, but you’ve stumbled upon the biggest problem using a fully-established setting brings.
Things don’t work together.
We’d have to have a fairly large cop-out for Horde and Alliance to work together.

And if it’s two groups versus Undead, there wouldn’t be much intermingling between Horde and Alliance… because if you have a choice between the people you trust, and the people you have to work together with, who do you stick to?

I’m all in favor of Futa orc x girl Draenai action (Yummy :P), but it’s basically only possible if our characters are either way more open to other races then the standard, or they HAVE to rely on eachother completely.

It\'s basically a handwave.
Could work, might not.

But if there\'s still interest, let\'s put together a group and work out the basics.


Umm... guys? The Argent Crusade? You know, that unified front against the Lich King that does not discriminate in terms of race, gender or even class? Wouldn't that be the best vehicle to have all sorts of characters in one place without worrying too much about racism?


Any of the \"normal\" neutral factions would work, actually.

Kirin Tor, The Shattered Sun Offensive, etc.
(Wyrmcrest Accord and Kirin Tor might be a little odd, but even they\'d work.)

The main question is where do we want to put the power level, so to speak.
Pre-BC (but with BC races), BC, or Wrath?

Then we can decide on a faction, which would work better then almost anything else.

Eclipsed Northern Star


Okay, the problem is: Anyone wants to play a different race. I've seen draenei, Night Elves, Blood Elves, futa orcs... and death knights. So the only sensible place I'd say we can pick is the Argent Tournament in Icecrown.

The rp would probably start out with everyone getting ready, getting to know each other, maybe really get to know each other at first because there is nothing to do yet (rp starts when the Arena is still being built), then we can arch over to characters meeting in battle which could entail the encounters from the 5-man instance and the raids and then segue into the raid on the Icecrown Citadel.

How does that sound, everybody?


While I dont mind the Argent Tournament, it\'s especially made to be Horde vs. Alliance, even if they dont actually kill eachother (See Trial of the Crusader for a good example).

Wouldnt that be somewhat counter-productive to the idea of working together?


Actually, no, it isn't. The Trial of the Champion is for merely tjosting and as such is more like a playground. Besides, it is meant also as a way to get those aggressive tendencies out of both parties.

The bossfight against the faction champions in the raid is only there because Garrosh/Thrall insists on it, Tirion originally planned for it to be against "the finest Argent Knights".

And it is meant to weed out all the weaker combatants so that Tirion can lead an elite strike team into the Icecrown citadel, composed of both Alliance and Horde.


They beat the everloving shit out of eachother with lances... Merely jousing doesnt seem to do it justice, but perhaps youre right.

In the end ToC does provide its own, seperate reason for cooperation.
The Death Knight prancing in, coming to kick your lilly ass and killing the announcer guy (over and over and over again...) showing how much the Ling King can mess things up for the Horde AND Alliance.


Yup. So, what are everyones thoughts on this? Can we agree on the setting being Icecrown, the Argent Tournament and the length of this rp starting at the introduction of patch 3.1. (the construction of the tournament begins), including patch 3.2. (the battle begins in the arena) up to patch 3.3. (raid on Icecrown Citadel)?
