Are Sins Really So Deadly? || Looking for Interesting People/Characters

Started by yourmomsemo, October 23, 2009, 10:22:26 PM

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Okay, so I’m really new to Elliquiy, but I decided to post my first topic concerning an actual role play. Hopefully it will spark some people’s interest. I’ve been wanting to do a Seven Deadly Sins role play for quite some time now, but can never seem to find people that want to do it with me.  :-[

I don’t actually have a plot, but I do have a setting:

Lust decided to have a Christmas party, except for the fact that it was a Christmas party for two. He invited his good friend (wink wink) Gluttony to stop by for the evening.
Little does he know, Gluttony decided to invite the rest of the 7 deadly sins, which are all upset at lust by the way (for not being invited to the party.)
All of the sins also brought a secret santa gift, which you have to explain in your post. The gifts can go to whoever you choose.

Hopefully there will be some rockin' around his christmas tree. =]

Alrighty. Anyways, I do want some m/m and possibly f/f action as well as m/f if that’s okay with everyone. I normally like to be Lust, my beautiful brown haired, bisexual little boy… wink wink.  ;)
However, I would be willing to play a different character if need be.

Also, normal rules apply. I’m not much of a rules junkie, but if I need to list them, I will. However, considering you are all members of this site, I assume you will all pass my expectations.
I should add, I’m pretty new to the whole plot/setting thing, so if anyone has some wonderful ideas, I’d be more than happy to look/accept them. (: thank you.  ::)

Le Garçon bon regarder de Nageur.


hmm.....though this is a fairly old topic it looks interesting to me....i'm in i'll play sloth though i tend to think of the sins as female....always have *shrugs* and sloth is a bisexual and somewhat submissive gal in my books *laughs*
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


Experiments 68469, 68470, and 68472 were perfect successes.
I am Experiment 68471, the catastrophic failure!

My Ons and Offs. Still a work in progress!

Attention: Everybody
I have horribly unreliable Internet. If I am on and suddenly am not, that is the most likely reason. Sorry! :D


If so, I'm Wrath, and my gift is a Can of Whoopass, and Im going to open it. :P

Major Major


Yeah, if this is still open, I'd be very interested in playing Greed. :D
Experiments 68469, 68470, and 68472 were perfect successes.
I am Experiment 68471, the catastrophic failure!

My Ons and Offs. Still a work in progress!

Attention: Everybody
I have horribly unreliable Internet. If I am on and suddenly am not, that is the most likely reason. Sorry! :D