Interest check: all gay group?

Started by shadowspale, September 20, 2009, 06:04:24 AM

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I have been told there are plenty of opportunities for a gay male to be played here but I have yet to find more than one other person who plays gay males. I am sure I am not being lied too but the fact remains I am left feeling like a square peg being asked to fit into a round hole. Yes, I can find rps that welcome a gay character but what is the point if I have no one to play against other than straight males?

I thought maybe if there were a rp just for gays, maybe I would see some of the others I was told existed come out of hiding. If anyone is interested, please speak up.

There are so many rps geared for M/F but not one (at least from what I have found) geared for those whose taste lay in another direction. Surely I can't be the only who sees the need for a thread/game/board of this type.

Lycan Queen

Thread highly relevant to my interests. I won't be able to post often, but this something I've been wanting as well. Got any ideas for the setting?


I was thinking of something involving vampires, lycan's and humans. Those seem to be very popular and would allow for anyone to play. Maybe an Underworld type of setting but one that allows more interaction by humans. I was thinking that maybe the Lycan's and vampires are warring but there are those who doesn't hate the other. Humans could either "hunt", intermingle or remain oblivious.


I am mainly seeking to learn if there is an interest. There really isn't any point in coming up with a concept if there really isn't any interest. I was hoping to start something where anyone had a chance to play against someone who shared the same interests.

I like BDSM but not every relationship has to be based on it nor does every game. It is my hope to create a game where same gender couples could play as they wished in their private lives but in a setting that can expand beyond that and allow for other types of relationships to be formed.

I was also hoping to create a game that allowed for a variety of character types. I like playing humans but I also like playing other types of characters as well. I figured I am not the only one.


I like playing gay males but I can't take on any more group games...since I'm having issues in real life so I'm not sure when I'll be able to post. And in a group game you usually need to be fairly active so that you don't hold up the other people playing. *hugs* But thought I'd drop in and say hello :)
"Times change and so must I. We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives.
And that’s ok, that’s good, as long as you keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me."
Ons/Offs! vs Updates! vs Requests


Thank you, I was beginning to wonder if I was an oddity.

Lycan Queen

I totally get what you mean about the setting, but can I make a suggestion?

If there are going to be werebeasts, could they be more open endly defined, and not like Underworld? *points to screename* I love werewolves and all things shapeshifty, but I don't like the Hollywood archetype. Plus, there's a wide variety of animal forms.

Request #2: Please, for the love of all that is unholy and awesome, no Twilight vampires.


I liked the series but find the vampires odd.... I am talking lycans in all types and I am talking traditional (if there is such a thing anymore) vampires as well as daywalkers. I like playing shape shifters, characters not stuck to one form or even two. Shapeshifters only differ from "Were's" in that they aren't linked to the moon in the same way and they have three forms based on the same animal type. The forms are that of a human, a fighting (or defensive) form and one used for traveling or sneaking about. 

My favorite character that I have ever played was named Na'ayla. He was a feisty feline shifter that didn't want to admit he wasn't as tough as he thought. He would get into trouble, run for his lover to "fix it" and then declare he didn't need the help as he had it under control but thank you very much for caring.

He was literally a cat burgler; one of his forms was that of a black house cat. He worked as a pole dancer at a club and would accept offers for private dances and his lover would pick the pockets of the guys that could afford Na'ayla's fee for addresses.

He would drive the getaway car after Na'ayla would rob them. Drack was a badass wolf that never understood how he came to love a cat or why he would fall for someone that got into so much trouble; he was loosely based on Riddick and was forever growling at people. Sadly the guy I was playing with died in a wreck so...


Having just started a group RP with 3 other people playing gay characters, I can assure you, there are plenty here willing to play gay characters.  The problem lies in the fact that a lot of them are pretty much full with RPs already.


*sighs* Story of my life. This is a great place with wonderful people but I seem to be too late in joining. Thanks for the info.


im happy to play a gay male also

many dont put adds in this forum but simply make a new one in the area it concerns (without a post in the "role plays wanted" area ) look for new threads in the forum like
"group nc-h" ... u can just jump into those usually :)

- remember pale people are joining all the time :)


Impatience isn't a virtue, I know. I just see all these people who write well and are active and I am like a kid in a candy store. I do think a game geared for gays is needed however but I can't do it alone.


I think part of your problem in finding partners for gay males is that you are looking for a group game. It is very rare for those to have gay male characters. Yes Raven is in one (that i am happily following) it was created between four people who already knew each other's writing styles by playing one-on-ones with each other. Perhaps you should look into the beauty of one on ones. There only two people are controlling the pace of the story which makes it faster in progression. It doesn't mean you are limited to just two characters in the game. The one torch and I are writing has 4 main characters with some others making appearances here and there to give it a bit more realism.  Anyway with out getting long winded... it is just a suggestion.


Quote from: Ryven on September 20, 2009, 10:04:28 AM
Having just started a group RP with 3 other people playing gay characters, I can assure you, there are plenty here willing to play gay characters.  The problem lies in the fact that a lot of them are pretty much full with RPs already.

Has to agree with Ryven on this one.

And yes, what GothicFires said is true. One-On-One roleplay is really easier to keep up with. At least in my opinion. I imagine, it's quite difficult to find people for a group game, since they all should be rather active and some people just aren't on so very often.

Either way, good luck! :)



*snogs Nic and Ryven*  I can play gay males as well..In fact, that's one of my favorite pairings, even though I'm a bi female.  Just ask him!  *grins and points up to Nic*
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Quote from: Pixilicious on September 20, 2009, 12:31:11 PM
*snogs Nic and Ryven*  I can play gay males as well..In fact, that's one of my favorite pairings, even though I'm a bi female.  Just ask him!  *grins and points up to Nic*

Yes, yes you can, Pixie.  ;) I'm still rather amazed by how decent some female players on here can play gay males. I've had plenty of bad experience with that, trust me.


I have played with females playing females that left me wondering where they came from because it clearly wasn't earth


Okay, if a group game isn't likely to happen and most players that play gay males are busy; does that mean I am out of luck? Stuck playing females or what?

I am pretty new here. I am learning the ropes but I still have no clue on how to get what I am seeking.


you didn't address the possibility of looking for a game with just one writing partner. is there a reason that you are so attached to the idea of a group game?


I am open for solo games but I am being told that the players are busy and that group games aren't likely to happen.

If the players are busy it sounds to me like either way I am out of luck; at least for the moment. Am I missing something?


I would start by putting a thread in one-on-one section.  You will almost assuredly get some replies for whatever ideas you get there either in the thread or via PMs.  If you start a few solo RPs, you might find people to have a group game with in the process.  Mention in the one-on-one thread that you'd also be interested in a group oriented m/m game. 

Another way that you might get more bites for a group RP is to flesh out an idea.  People seem more responsive if you've got a reasonable and concrete idea to work with. If you leave it vague, people are less likely to reply because they don't want to commit to something they're unsure about.

Edit:  Also *hugs Pixie* :-)


Thank you. That helps. I think that is what maybe Kip has been trying to tell me but it wasn't clicking.


Quote from: shadowspale on September 20, 2009, 01:03:04 PM
Thank you. That helps. I think that is what maybe Kip has been trying to tell me but it wasn't clicking.

Ahh, yes.  Kip is a wise one, both in knowledge and in personality.  You would do well to listen to him, if for nothing else than to have a laugh ;D


He is great but I really can't say there has been many here who weren't.


you can look through my o/o (link in signature) and see if there is something that catches your interest and that you can agree with my o/o. I can top but I prefer my characters to be more equal in personality. Playing a dom just isn't high on my list of enjoyment and it would take someone I have experience writing with to get me to go in that direction. But perhaps something would suit you.

you will find that the majority of the people here like to play bottom males. That may also hinder you a big bit if you stick to just playing bottoms.

but also take both of Raven's ideas. If you are willing to gm a game idea (don't expect anyone else to control the game) then present a good idea base... not a 'maybe this' or 'maybe that' if you have different ideas then make separate threads for them.

as for on-on-ones or solos you can list multiple game ideas in one thread and just keep bumping once it hits the 2nd page. the last time I bumped mine I didn't get any bites. that's just the way it goes sometimes.