Teacher X Parent/Older Sibling Pairing [BON] & [VAN]

Started by Fool Heart, September 20, 2009, 03:01:43 AM

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Fool Heart

*Waves* Hello! As my Apologies & Absences post will explain, I am not on everyday. However, I promise to post at least a couple times a week at least. Slow posters, welcome, obviously.  :D Pms are preferred but the thread will be checked often enough (hopefully).

1. New Lessons For Miss Dylan  [VAN] or [BON]
22-year-old Jennifer Dylan is a new teacher at Boswell Elementary. Fresh out of college, she has just moved into Boswell to start her career as a third grade teacher. The other teachers, staff, and parents have been very welcoming, but she has yet to really make any friends. She has never married or really even had relationships. That is, until, one of her students talks about a certain relative coming home...

I was planning on playing Jennifer, though I will consider playing the relative. She is a sub character tentatively. As for the "certain relative", I was thinking of a parent or older sibling (of age, of course). I don't mind if it's a female relative, but I will let you know ahead of time that I do not have much experience in f/f roleplays and tend to lean towards a dom in these pairings. Anyways, like I said, this is open for debate.
Eyes like a forest in collage, swirling and shining. The intensity; lingering on my skin like glitter. The frantic wings beat within my ribs. Poor things, I know not how to free them. But still, I wander the paths I find weaving in His eyes. Never to emerge, for I left no breadcrumbs by which to flee.

Ons & Offs & Games
Apologies & Absences
Current Roleplay Quota:    9/10

Fool Heart

Eyes like a forest in collage, swirling and shining. The intensity; lingering on my skin like glitter. The frantic wings beat within my ribs. Poor things, I know not how to free them. But still, I wander the paths I find weaving in His eyes. Never to emerge, for I left no breadcrumbs by which to flee.

Ons & Offs & Games
Apologies & Absences
Current Roleplay Quota:    9/10


How about a single dad coming home from Iraq?  Pm me if you want me.


I'll help you out with your RP. Like Duncan, I can be a single dad, or the older sibling. PM for details or IM me.


I could play maybe a fellow male teacher, or even the principle of the school if interested PM me.
Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O