MasterMischief's Non-Erotic, System Based Campaign Interest List

Started by MasterMischief, September 19, 2009, 12:48:25 PM

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While I am waiting to be approved, I thought I would see if there is much common interest out there.  Here are some non-erotic, system based role playing campaigns I would be interested in running.

If any of these strike your fancy, please speak up.  If none of this is appealing, please speak up as well.  I would love to hear the reasons why I lost the one that got away.

Systems I would consider running

  • Hero System
  • Mutants & Masterminds
  • PDQ#
  • Spirit of the Century
  • True20
  • Truth and Justice

Genres I would consider running

  • Age of Charlemagne
  • Alien Wars
  • Capone Era
  • Cold War Espionage
  • Dimension/Time Hopping
  • Fantasy
  • French Musketeers
  • Modern Espionage
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Russian Revolution
  • Serenity
  • Supers
  • The Terran Empire
  • Traveler (setting, not system)



I am up for anything you can teach, we could even use map-tool.
Goodbye is forever...A broken heart never heals, it only forgets. So please do not remind me....
O n O


Not finding much interest.  I find it rather frustrating that, if it is not D&D, no one will touch it with a ten foot pole or 50' of silk rope.   :-(


Most of the items on your second list definitely strike my fancy! (Capone, Espionage Cold & Modern, Fantasy, Musketeers, Pirates, Aliens)
And I feel stupid admitting this, but it's not that I'm not's just that I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the terms you used. Like D&D. Or "system based role playing campaigns."  :-(

The Earth's a cake full of sweetness;
I can (and then there'd be no end to your pleasure!)
Give you an appetite of equal size.
-The Voice

Apologies for my slow responses! Please feel free to give me a kick over PM if necessary.


Not stupid.  It is simply something you have not been exposed to before.

Before people role played on internet message boards, before role playing computer game became a genre unto themselves, there were table top role playing games.  Games where the childhood favorite Pretend was given rules to resolve disputes.  Along with these rules, new worlds were created.  An entire new entertainment medium was created.

The grandfather of these games was Dungeons and Dragons.  Born out of war gaming, its early steps were more tactical.  However, some people saw potential for other, more story telling aspects.

When I mention 'system based role playing campaigns', I am talking about these children of D&D.  These are rules that, in my opinion, let everyone have a common point of reference on what can and can not be done within the campaign.  They help adjudicate who 'wins' a particular conflict.  They provide a means of quickly recognizing the capabilities of any given player.  They also identify who will control the events outside the direct purview of the protagonist.


There are a number of system games going at present, and more that have been run in the past. More than just D&D I mean :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Quote from: MasterMischief on September 26, 2009, 03:43:08 PM
Not stupid.  It is simply something you have not been exposed to before.

Before people role played on internet message boards, before role playing computer game became a genre unto themselves, there were table top role playing games.  Games where the childhood favorite Pretend was given rules to resolve disputes.  Along with these rules, new worlds were created.  An entire new entertainment medium was created.

The grandfather of these games was Dungeons and Dragons.  Born out of war gaming, its early steps were more tactical.  However, some people saw potential for other, more story telling aspects.

When I mention 'system based role playing campaigns', I am talking about these children of D&D.  These are rules that, in my opinion, let everyone have a common point of reference on what can and can not be done within the campaign.  They help adjudicate who 'wins' a particular conflict.  They provide a means of quickly recognizing the capabilities of any given player.  They also identify who will control the events outside the direct purview of the protagonist.

I just looked it all up on Wikipedia, and I think I understand how it works. In theory, at least. I'll have to lurk on some of the other system based roleplay boards to get a better idea. It definitely sounds promising though, and if you ever start one I'd want to join. If you accept beginners. c:

The Earth's a cake full of sweetness;
I can (and then there'd be no end to your pleasure!)
Give you an appetite of equal size.
-The Voice

Apologies for my slow responses! Please feel free to give me a kick over PM if necessary.


A system based game isn't all that different to a freeform story, except that the system both provides a framework and defines limits on what the character can and can't do. Generally through random dice rolling or spending points, each player creates their character, and the system shows how strong, fast, smart etc they are, as well as what powers, skills or other abilities they have.

When you write, you can decide if a character succeeds or fails in whatever they are trying to do. In a system game, this will generally be decided by the luck of the dice. By knowing your stats and abilities, you will have a reasonable idea whether or not the character will be able to manage what you want them to try. Of course, sometimes the dice will toss all that out the window, leading to incredibly good or bad things happening.

But that's all part of the story :)
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Yeah, I can even see how system games might even be more appealing, in a sense, because of the limits and the framework. I was reading through the "When in Rome" game, and it sounds pretty intriguing. I will have to wait for a new one to start, so I can join and learn more about how it works!

The Earth's a cake full of sweetness;
I can (and then there'd be no end to your pleasure!)
Give you an appetite of equal size.
-The Voice

Apologies for my slow responses! Please feel free to give me a kick over PM if necessary.


I actuall prefer system based games.  Otherwise, when things get adventurous, it can become a...
Random player, "I shot you!"
Other player. "No, I dodged that!"

Random Player,  "Well, I'm a great shot?!"

Other player. "And I'm great at dodging!"

Exc.  Oh, and I've played the Hero System... I enjoyed Champions, and would be up for something in that line.


Unfortunately, I do not post much during the week.  Anything I started would be extremely slow moving.  A few posts a week.  If that is o.k., I could be talked into running one of these.



I'm interested. Of the systems listed, I'm only familiar with Mutants and Masterminds- but very: several campaigns, both player and GM. I am, however, a quick study on systems.
By the way, have you thought of using GURPS? It's even more flexible than M&M.
Of the settings listed, here's the one's I'm gung ho about:
    * Alien Wars
    * Cold War Espionage
    * Russian Revolution (For this one and the one above, I'm very much interested partly due to me being Russian.)
    * Serenity
    * The Terran Empire (Maybe- which Terran empire?)
    * Traveler
I will have limited access 12/22 through 1/1.
I am myself.
Ons and Offs

Plot Hooks

I'd be all up in some MM.  GURPS may be more flexible,  but it's not nearly so simple.   Only one die is needed, period.   Can't beat that.

(Edited to correct Cell-phone predictive text.)
"Cut me down or let me run.  Either way it's all gonna burn." - Joe (The Protomen)

Ons/Offs       Ideas          A/A


The public (by public I mean 2 people) has spoken! Mutants and masterminds system! Simplicity for the simple god!
What setting?
Note, of course, that I'm mainly being silly.
I will have limited access 12/22 through 1/1.
I am myself.
Ons and Offs

Plot Hooks

Not sure, but I've got a character ramped and ready to go. :)
"Cut me down or let me run.  Either way it's all gonna burn." - Joe (The Protomen)

Ons/Offs       Ideas          A/A


I've got loads of experience making chars, I can make one in about an hour, max. If anyone needs help, I'm good with helping you out with Mutants and Masterminds. As a guideline, anything you've seen in a comic is possible- though some stuff is harder than others, obviously.
I will have limited access 12/22 through 1/1.
I am myself.
Ons and Offs

Plot Hooks

Here's my character, with your very first questions on GM rulings.    Good thing I have a few PP's left over.


Francis Ottoman was a normal 16 year old kid until he started to mutate.    His mutation gave him incredible intelligence, but it also began to convert his body into pure energy.    Attempting to avoid certain death, he harnessed his power of intellect.  Using an old modem, an Apple ][e, and a hacked radio, he parsed his body into a stable signal.     

He now exists as a neural network of sentient code.    He's still suffers the normal gambit of teenage problems, with the additional burdens of not having a body and being the world's greatest hacker.

PL: 10  (150 pp)

ABILITIES:   STR: 0 (-5)  DEX: 10 (0)   CON: 10 (0)   INT: 30 (+10)   WIS: 20 (+5)   CHA: 12 (+1)

SKILLS:  Bluff 4 (+5), Climb  (-5), Computers 15 (+25), Concentration 2 (+7), Diplomacy  (+1), Disable Device 15 (+25), Disguise  (+1), Drive 1 (+1), Gather Info 8 (+9), Handle Animal  (+1), Intimidate  (+1), Investigate 10 (+20), Technology 1 (+11), Popular Culture 1 (+11), Current Event 1 (+11), Theology and Philosophy 1 (+11), Tactics 1 (+11), Notice 10 (+15), Acting 1 (+2), Pilot 1 (+1), Search 8 (+18), Sense Motive 4 (+9), Stealth 8 (+8), Survival  (+5), Swim  (-5)

FEATS:  Contacts, Fascinate (1), Eidetic Memory, Environmental Adaptation, Improvised Tools, Well-Informed

*Alternate Form (ghost) [5], (Gives 25 points to spend)
   Permanent [-5, Flaw],
   Immunity Suffication (2 points)
   Immunity Sleep (1 point)
   Insubstational (Rank 4, 20 points)
   Concealment (Normal Sight, 2 points)
   Innate(power feat)

Data Link [10]
  Machine Control,

Duplciation [10]
  Mental Link (power feat)
  Heroic [10]
  Survival [10]
  Action [-10](flaw)
  Permanent [-10](flaw)  (Essentially, if he doesn't have the maximum number of duplicates out at all times, he has to use that action to create a new one.  Potential for endless loops is huge.)
  Progression [5],

*Quickness (mental only) [10]
*Speed [5]
*ESP (Visual) [10]
   Medium (Machinery) [-10](flaw)
*Teleportation [5]
   Medium (Machinery) [-5] (flaw)
*Illusion (Visual and Hearing) [3]
   Medium (Machinery) [-1] (flaw)
**Radio Hearing [1]
*Comprehend Machines [2]

COMBAT:  Attack 0  [Unarmed -5 (Bruise)]   Defense 15 (12 flat-footed)   Init  0

SAVES:  Toughness 0 (0 flat-footed)  Fortitude 0  Reflex 0  Will 7

DRAWBACKS:  ---CUSTOM DRAWBACKS--- -Can only move in an electrical Current.  Can only occupy circuitry. [Freq DC 5] [Sev DC 15]

Abilities 22  +  Skills 23 (92 ranks)  +  Feats 6  +  Powers 90  +  Combat 10  +  Saves 2  –  Drawbacks -5 = 148 / 150

*Notes and questions about how you would rule:

1.)  Would I need illusion to communicate visually by LCD screens in such, espically if I wanted to craft max-headroom like avatars?   How much of that would actually be covered by computers, and would it be more viable to take as a craft?   I envision Francis as changing his voice and avatar often. and illusion seems the best way of doing that.

  1a.) I envision Francis as a mute in most regards, and he has to use his powers to compensate.  Do you consider the Rank 4 Insubstantial at permanant to effectively render him mute, or do I need to take additional flaws?   Also, I consider him able to easily communicate with computers.   Datalink w/ Machine control should cover that, but is there anything else I would have to be aware of?

  1b.) The text of Illusion states that there's a willpower save, but it doesn't give any guidence for the DC of that check, or say if it's opposed or not.   Is this clarified in errata?  If not, what's your take?

2.)  I'm waffeling conceptually.   One the one hand, I like the idea of him zipping through powerlines at high speeds.  On the other hand, I kinda like the idea of him not being able  to move at all, and being limited to only the movement that his teleportation can provide.    Which sounds more awsome?

3.)  The text of insubstantial Rank 4 reads that you cannot affect the physical world.  In your estimation, does insubstantial rank 4  mean that you make no sound and/or have no smell?  If the answer is 'no', then Cipher smells like Ozone and sounds like that high-pitched hum you hear when your televisions on a blank channel sometimes.

Er, I'm forgetting stuff, but I can't recall what it is at the moment.
"Cut me down or let me run.  Either way it's all gonna burn." - Joe (The Protomen)

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...So, has something been decided? Should I PM MasterMischief for info, such as PL/PP/setting?
I will have limited access 12/22 through 1/1.
I am myself.
Ons and Offs


I am not usually on during the week and if I am, I am frequently interrupted.  That prevents me for making very long, well thought out posts.

I would still be up for running something if everyone is cool with it being a very slow game (1-4 posts week).


I'm in for a slow game, as long as there's a good chance to use that- thoughtful characters, chance to plan and use our brains a bit.
I will have limited access 12/22 through 1/1.
I am myself.
Ons and Offs


I am definitely not a fan of hack-n-slash.  I like to put characters into moral dilemmas and then watch them squirm.


Quote from: DarkDaemon on November 30, 2009, 01:06:27 PM
I'm interested. Of the systems listed, I'm only familiar with Mutants and Masterminds- but very: several campaigns, both player and GM. I am, however, a quick study on systems.
By the way, have you thought of using GURPS? It's even more flexible than M&M.
Of the settings listed, here's the one's I'm gung ho about:
    * Alien Wars
    * Cold War Espionage
    * Russian Revolution (For this one and the one above, I'm very much interested partly due to me being Russian.)
    * Serenity
    * The Terran Empire (Maybe- which Terran empire?)
    * Traveler

So we have Mutants & Masterminds with you tossing in a vote for the above settings.  Interestingly, I am currently running a one on one of Cold War Espionage.  Feel free to check it out.

Alien Wars and The Terran Empire are Hero System settings books.  I would be using them as reference.  Knowledge of the setting would not be required as I am certainly no expert on the Russian Revolution, but I am willing to fake it.   ;D

Plot Hooks

I am a big fan of alternate histories such as Red Sun Rising (what if Super-man landed in the USSR instead of the USA), and The Authority type comics.   I was also a fan of We 3 and Hell-boy.  Also, Robot-ninja-nazi's riding dinosaurs are appreciated.     I appreciate a good Cold-War story as well.   Actually, I'm not too incredibly  picky.

Slow posting would be ideal. q
"Cut me down or let me run.  Either way it's all gonna burn." - Joe (The Protomen)

Ons/Offs       Ideas          A/A


Well, the historical pieces, I intended to pretty much run as historical fictions, not alternate histories.  Granted, I would probably change things as per my whims, but that would not be the focus of the story.