F looking for M--Fruits Basket RP

Started by x3yugimutoux3, September 18, 2009, 03:20:50 PM

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hey y'all

my name's x3yugimutoux3 and I am looking for a guy, or a girl to play a guy...to roleplay fruits basket with me

My favorite male character is Kyou Sohma, and for my partner to play him would be overall ideal.

I will be playing an OC, she is Tohru's younger twin sister, Yoru Honda. I will say this, and I will say this only once...she is NOT a mary-sue. She's not like a super-model, she wears glasses, and she has a bad temper, she is however as strong as Kyou and has been taught (and still is taught) by Shishou. She and Kyou get into fights sometimes, but they care for each other very deeply. She has strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, and she wears glasses. She is feisty, kinda hard to get along with, and quick to anger. She's kinda pretty, but not like a supermodel or anything. She doesn't have the cliche huge anime boobs, and she has a low self-esteen of poor self image. She puts on a front of being a tough tomboy to keep people away from her, but she's self-concious about her emotions and tries to bottle it all up so she doesn't seem weak. She doesn't have any friends except Kyou, and she knows how it feels for Kyou to hate Yuki. She loves her sister, Tohru, but she also has a certain resentment for her because Tohru is her polar opposite. No one acknowledges that Yoru can be kind, and loving, and calm sometimes, not to mention she tries so hard to live up to her sister's example, but everyone loves Tohru. She isn't an airhead in the least, but she gets depressed a lot, hiding it with feigned anger.

also, she knows all of Kyou's secrets, but she loves him anyway. She doesn't care in the least that he turns into a cat, not to mention he turns into a monster when his bracelet is off. When she first saw his true form, she wasn't scared at all, and she feels that Kyou is still Kyou, no matter what he looks like. Because they argue sometimes, and annoy each other occassionally, eventually, Shigure ordered Kyou and Yoru to find a way to make peace and get along by sharing a bedroom.

and eventually, she breaks the curse on Kyou.

oh and ask me about my on's and off's on pm if you're interested.
;D Yuugi-chan ;D (discord is Princess_Vegeta #1438)

Ons and Offs
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." -Acheron Parthenopaeus
"Just because you had it bad, doesn't mean I had it good." -Styxx of Didymos
"We aren't the damned, folks. We're the categorically fucked." -Urian, son of Strykerius