Make war, not love.

Started by Ajoxer, April 01, 2006, 04:12:10 PM

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Let me put it this way, Hunter... No. I'm not even going to spend a while detailing the awful things that will happen to Drow. The only Drow that have a chance are the sexy female kind, and even they are likely to end up tentacle bait. It's just, y'know, an image sorta thing. Also, Wardragon, I don't see too much problem with making a Warlock.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Sexy female kind of drow, hmm? ;)


*sighs tragically*  Oh well, human we is.   8)


Tentacle bait. Remember that. Lots of them.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Wow, according to that websites rules, an over-large penis can do more damage then a battle axe or a sword to the guts.
Ons and Offs, yo:

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


Yeah, but the amount of struggle needed to put it in is quite significant. Probably more simple just to coup de grace them.

And rules were made to be broken. >_>
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


5d6 is quite a lot at low levels. Why fireball when you've got a big wang?
Ons and Offs, yo:

Too tired to post Wednesday night. Posts on Thursday!


*thinks about a human rogue and winches*


Well, first of all, you have to be at least two size classes larger, they get a fortitude save to downgrade it to 1d6, you have to pin them and remove their clothes... Frankly, it'd only be a reasonable method of torturing a prisoner. In which case, what the hell, go for it.

And also, Hunter- What did you mean by Half-Drow? I mean, are we talking an Elf who calls people his brother, or...?
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Quote from: Ajoxer on April 01, 2006, 06:40:31 PM
Well, first of all, you have to be at least two size classes larger, they get a fortitude save to downgrade it to 1d6, you have to pin them and remove their clothes... Frankly, it'd only be a reasonable method of torturing a prisoner. In which case, what the hell, go for it.

And also, Hunter- What did you mean by Half-Drow? I mean, are we talking an Elf who calls people his brother, or...?

Half-Drow.  Likely the product of a male drow and a female human.  Basically a normal half elf with darkvision instead of low light.  Or some such.


Depends, are you going to have a lot of angst about your parentage, all that, " Oh god I wish I wasn't a damn dirty purple-eye"?
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Angst?  Me?  *looks around*  Not me.  I don't do angst, just women.


Alright. But remember, you still keep the extra-lite package.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Extra-lite package? But they're drow, they're all dark.

*writes up her chaste paladin*


Yeaaah, she'll keep chaste for long...

Ahhhh, Elliquiy! Where Vow of Chastity is a challenge to everyone!

And sadly, even a dark-skinned Elf is still an elf. It's one of those sad, painful facts of life...
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Okay, I'll work up a half elven (drowish) ranger soon.  We'll have to break in that chaste paladin.  *cough*gangbang*cough*


Remember, respect her wishes.

Her OOC wishes. IC wishes... Hah!
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!



*makes note*  No elves, got it.

Thanks for the approval of the class; still not entirely sure it's what I'll make, but looking good.  Either that or a plan vanilla fighter.  Normal casters suck so bad at low levels...


Quote from: WarDragon on April 01, 2006, 06:55:54 PM
*makes note*  No elves, got it.

Thanks for the approval of the class; still not entirely sure it's what I'll make, but looking good.  Either that or a plan vanilla fighter.  Normal casters suck so bad at low levels...

A half ork wizard/sorcerer might be a fun idea.

OOOooo!!  Half elven bard.  ^_^  (too many ideas)


Heh heh heh.

Um, anyway, starting equipment? ;)


Roll your standard starting money, choose from there.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Any chance that we can get an extra feat or two?  One feat just isn't enough.  Please?


Nein. Nein, nein, nein... Remember, also, you get one free erotic feat for every regular feat.
I have a shock collar, designed for maximum Player/GM efficiency. If you see that I have not properly been fulfilling my duties in posting regularly, or a game being held back because I haven't posted, PM me and give me hell!


Quote from: Ajoxer on April 01, 2006, 07:27:29 PM
Nein. Nein, nein, nein... Remember, also, you get one free erotic feat for every regular feat.

*huge grin*