Character Preference Suggestions

Started by Vekseid, August 23, 2009, 03:02:20 PM

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I'm actually thinking of redesigning the preference system to be a bit more like the Rabbit Hole's, and rather than have the confusing two column split, I could instead declare opposites when specifying preferences, or leave it blank. So 'Giving Fellatio' and 'Receiving Fellatio' would be the titles, and just link the matches where needed within the system.


     The "Play or Do" language kinda loses me.  I'm not sure whether it should mean looking to give, receive, lead, follow.  Or could it mean interest in finding a partner character(s) that have that attribute, or are involved in the same.  Likewise, I just don't know how to read "Partner."  None of these are very relationally clear. 

     Also how about just watching/associating with others in a story where that happens?  Maybe we have a lot of emphasis on 1-1's where that isn't a factor, but I wouldn't rule it out.  And it could be useful in assembling groups where something "must be part of the story" but not all will necessarily participate.