Anyone down for Mass Effect?

Started by mannik, August 20, 2009, 04:15:05 PM

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I've been craving an RP set in the universe of Mass Effect for a while now. I saw one such RP posted here on the Group RP board, but sadly, all slots were filled. So I decided, why not, might as well try to start my own.

At the moment I don't have any real plans for the overall story. We can try to build off the story of the game, or make one of our own. I'm kind of hoping to get some ideas from others in that department. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Of course, since this is a mass effect game, alien characters are most welcome, and encouraged. I myself have plans for a quarrian character...

If you are currently in one that has room for one more, I wouldn't mind joining one in progress, or if you want to try to help start up this one, let me know either through PM or posting to this thread.

Update - Plot summary below

The plot of our story is set several years after the events in the game and revolves around a newly commissioned friggate, the SSV Gettysburg. Although the vessel is human built, it isn't under the command of the alliance military, instead it serves the council itself, which humans are now a part of. Because of this, the new ship boasts a diverse crew of just about all the council races, even a Quarian (My character) as well as the daughter of the original human spectre, Commander Shepperd (CWand's character)

The story will unfold through a series of missions in which it is learned that the Geth have sought out the Reapers, which still lay dormant in dark space. The Reapers give the Geth the secrets of their technology so they can construct another super relay like the citadel so that their invasion can begin, and the cycle of systematic genocide can begin again....


I am certainly up for Mass Effect.  I really like the game and LOVE the universe.  I hope that you can get enough interest to go forward.  When you do  keep me in mind,



Really? Neat. I was beginning to think no one was interested. If a few more people show interest we might actually be able to get this thing going.


Might also wanna try Destiny Ascension, and Doomsday Jesus boss :)
If the universe is infinite, and there are an infinite number of universes that could exist, there must be by definition of the world infinite, an infinite number of worlds, and possibilities out there, and somewhere our lives played out with no regrets, fears, or discomfort.  If only that worked in practice....

Ons and Offs


Ok, I sent them a PM CWand...

Also, updated the original post to include the plot summary as it stands now. Still open to suggestion, but figured it might help if everyone knows where it is at currently.


I'm interested in joining this too!


Hey glad to see you got accepted Treeboy
If the universe is infinite, and there are an infinite number of universes that could exist, there must be by definition of the world infinite, an infinite number of worlds, and possibilities out there, and somewhere our lives played out with no regrets, fears, or discomfort.  If only that worked in practice....

Ons and Offs



I love Mass Effect!   Counting down the release for the first sequel   *grins*

Once you get it going, send me a link!   
There are two types of people in this world, good and bad.  The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.

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