Arkham Asylum: A perverted house in a perverted world [EX]

Started by Transgirlenstein, August 02, 2009, 04:37:42 PM

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It has finally happened.  The inmates are now truly running the asylum.  Arkham Asylum that is.  The Dark Knight's worse enemies have broken free and locked down Arkham Asylum.  Now it is their turn to play doctor.  Those who worked there or tried to save those trapped are now the inmates.  Payback's a bitch.

What I am looking for? Three types of characters.  The first are the super villians, the villians of Gotham.  DC supervillians, foes of the Batman.  The second time is the wardens/guards/doctors who worked in the Asylum.  The third type allowed are either superheroes or cops who wandered in to try and free the hostages but failed or are trapped in the locked off building.

What we have so far..
Poison Ivy: Me
Harley Quinn: Karma
The Joker: Michi
The Scarecrow: Dark Clown

Dr. York: Superhans
Dr. Rosa: Kirei
Alex Jackson: Saku

Batwoman: bathoz

I don't want this game too big so right now I will say 6 players and will open it for more as need be.
Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


The graphic novel was great, disturbing but that can be good sometimes hehe. Could I snatch up a psychiatrist slot?
That's just, like, your opinion, man



*mentally debates if she can take on a group game and be The Joker*


*ponders for a little bit and will be back later with an answer*
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment



what kind of things are we expecting that is extream? Just curious.


That depends on the players.  Considering that the main characters/people now in charge are super powered crazies.....

Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


Do we post profiles here or on the OCC thread when it's up?
That's just, like, your opinion, man



You can post here then we can move it over to a character thread later
Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


Okie dokie!

Name: Dr Adam York
Age: 25
Appearance: A young man with a rather thin face. He wears glasses, and has thick brown hair which he makes a fruitless effort to style every morning. With his height of 6'3" and slim build, he cuts rather a pathetic figure in his white coat which is two sizes too big for him.
Bio: Adam has only been out of medical school for five months, which makes him the runt of the litter as far as the Arkham psychiatric staff goes. He's unassertive, has a slight stammer and struggles for the respect of his inmates. One inmate he fears is Pamela Isley, also known as Poison Ivy. He's compiling a thesis suggesting that Poison Ivy (and others, but using her as a case study due to her ability to function normally) is not in fact clinically insane, but is in fact suffering from the extremes of a personality disorder. Diagnosed sociopaths can no longer cop an insanity plea, giving him plenty to fear.
That's just, like, your opinion, man




The Joker

Nick Name: Clown Prince of Crime and Patient J
Age: Guessed to be 30
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 170lbs
Personality: Bi-polar at best.
History: Little is known about the Joker. Some believe he is the result of an abusive family. Some think that he was taken from his family and left to die in the streets. Some just think he is insane. He's been landed in Arkham many times and always managed to escape each time. No one knows why he hates Batman or feels the need to create such mass destruction, but they all know that he needs to be restrained and kept away from society. Many doctors and reports have tried to interview the man and dig into his mind. All have failed and some blame him for Harley Quinn turning the way she is now.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


*keeps changing her mind on what version of the Joker she wants to play as*

Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Hehehe. It is a hard decision, isn't it? I vote for Mark Hamill's B:TAS Joker... after all, that's where I'm pulling Harley from.


Edit: my jokers mixed up...

This one:

This is the one I know best and Patient J...but I'll probably go with TAS because he's more known.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Mr Self Destruct

Damn...a day late on the approval to play the Joker. lol

I'd be up for playing the Scarecrow, if you'll have me.  He was always a favorite for his fear inducing chemicals.



I forgot about Scarecrow.

*flails as she thinks over villains now*

I'm so conflicted!

*force feeds Tripp cookies* This is your fault.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment



*happily eats cookies*  As we are a bit filling up with villians, I am closing the villians after Dark Clown.  I'll let you and Michi sort it out over who is who.

We have a cape on the way and are also looking for more staff and cops
Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


Because I always get what I want?


*likes to pretend that she is spoiled*
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 6/13/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


Name: Batwoman
Age: Late 20s
Height: 5'10''
Weight: It’s not polite to ask.
Personality: Adventerous.
History: Katherine Kane is the eldest daughter of Gotham’s second family. If there’s anything in the city that is property of the Waynes, it belongs to the Kanes. She was inspired to don the famous bat costume during the aftermath of the Infinite Crisis, when the big three went missing. She fights in similar way to the Bat, relying on planning and gadgets to give her an edge.


Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


I could play a psychiatrist, given the fact I was supposed to become one, until I decided not to... It could be interesting to play one. I'll come up with a character soon.

Or I can play nurse if there is no need for psychiatrist.

It's so easy when you're evil
This is the life, you see
The Devil tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need