The Pirate Slaves [Female needed]

Started by Stan', July 29, 2009, 04:57:57 PM

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Before I begin, I'd really like it if someone could play BOTH roles.  If not, then I supposed we could make this a group RP, although I'm not a big fan of those (previous attempts have ended badly).

Pirates roam the Mediterranean in search of females to take/sell as slaves.  They are led by a beautiful, yet commanding female captain, who all her men hate.  On what will be her last job, she takes an innocent young woman on her ship, with intentions of taking her back to their small island and using her as a slave there.  What she doesn't realise, is a mutiny is about to take place, and the Captain will soon become a slave herself.

As they get back to the island, the two women are put through a horrible time.  Bear in mind, this isn't going to be a story where they're raped every few paragraphs.  No, I like to think I've got a bit of a creative spell to my writing, and they'll be put through torture, uncomfortable positions, forced labour, and made to do other unusual things.

Feedback from anyone is also much appreciated, and this story can go in which ever way any interested party(s) would like it to.
