Story Ideas [THREE OPEN]

Started by Stan', June 15, 2009, 05:07:32 PM

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Inspiration: "Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway"
Setting: World War 2
Two choices.  A country which has been invaded by Germany finds itself garrisoned by a German division.  A woman is pregnant with a soldier's baby, much to the frowning her peers give her about the taboo relationship.  Or a city is finally freed from German rule, and Allied soldiers stay to defend it for a few months.  Whatever scenario, everything goes wrong when the enemy begins a bombing run on the city, and attempt a counterattack.  The young soldier has to try and find his lover in the panic, and make sure his 'family' is taken to safety.

Setting: Vietnam War?
A young pin up model finds herself shipped to a warzone, where her duties will involve "cheering up" the troops.  Time and time again, she is promised that she will be perfectly safe, and will be kept far away from the frontlines.  Before she knows it, she's been given a sexy air force officer's uniform to wear (although it could probably pass herself off as the real thing).  Everything goes smoothly, until the plane she is travelling in to get back to the dock is shot down over the jungle.  Soon, she is caught, tied up, and tortured for information on enemy positions.  What her captors don't realise, is the poor girl isn't a soldier... but who is to say they'll let her go?


Setting: Modern day
Slightly similar to the one above, but this time doesn't necessarily need to involve war.  An air hostess is involved in a plane crash, with her the only survivor (or so she believes, anyway).  Soon, she hear's something moving and thinks she is safe.  Unfortunate for her, the group of pirates can't resist the temptation to have some much-needed fun with the attractive female.



"the whispers in the dark...*

Ons and Offs

My Absences and Apologies


Re-added idea #II, seeing as the original RPer has went Dark Knight on me.  Also, put up #VI.


I love the idea of VI.  If you're still looking for someone to play that with, I'd love to talk and set something up maybe.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
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