Looking for M or F. Particular scene. Take a peek :)

Started by strudel, May 22, 2009, 02:21:03 PM

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Okay so throughout my adolescent years I've experimented with a number of different substances and to this day I've pretty much stopped my craziness, but I always thought it would be interesting to play out a multitude of those substance uses and the actions that tend to follow them. Looking for a male or female, I'm not too particular, who would be willing to play this scene out in length.

The setting is up in the air, however I'd assume they'd meet in either a modern or a cyberpunk-ish setting, club-esque, one harboring a good arsenal of narcotics for sale, and the other doing the same, however each one of them have their particular set of drugs they're pushing, and upon meeting, hitting it off, they decide to go ahead and try the other's goodie bag.. both of them new to what the other offers. Player would need to be knowledgable in the effects of each narcotic in order to really play it out. It would lead to some interesting rp, especially because it would be first time experiences with say ecstacy, cocaine, mushrooms, etc etc, depending on personal preference. I'm willing to adjust the scenery to better accomodate someone. Some of it would be con, some of it may be noncon, it opens the doors for a bunch of possibilities.

Please let me know if you're interested. :)

-Ta! Strudelyhoo.


Just wanted to thank those who pmed me. More will be coming in the future, This is simply the scene I'd like to do at the moment.