The Looking Glass [Fairy Tale Neo-Steampunk/Noir Adventure; GM-led/Sandbox]

Started by Miss Nyx, May 24, 2024, 09:32:10 AM

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Hazy Sky

This game has caught my attention. So I'm going to tentatively throw out a couple of characters that I could turn into something more detailed if either met with approval, namely one of the many incarnations of the Arthurian Green Knight or a version of Red Riding Hood. 
Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight


Quote from: Hazy Sky on May 26, 2024, 04:38:10 PMversion of Red Riding Hood.

@Juggtacular is actually playing the Big Bad Wolf and he was hoping someone might pick up Red!

A/A updated 05/31/24

Hazy Sky

Hmm... That could work. I have to admit I had some rough thoughts in mind about my version of Red, that she would originate from a particular loop or retelling of the story the Hunter abruptly fails to intervene, so Red ends up having to save herself with accompanying mental and physical scars to suit. Perhaps even an ego state of her personality that is the Hunter that she believed saved her. 

For the Green Knight I was thinking of him continuing to serve as a moral test of others, a somewhat mysterious and ambiguous figure with a strong sense of morals and a obsession with the moral strengths or weaknesses of others. A bearded, well dressed and well spoken man who would tempt an alcoholic on an hot day with a cold beer, an unhappy woman with the possibility of an affair, a thief with an easy snatch, a gambler with an easy win and yet who can wield an ornate battle axe should he feel the need. 
Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight


Quote from: Hazy Sky on May 26, 2024, 05:13:44 PMHmm... That could work. I have to admit I had some rough thoughts in mind about my version of Red, that she would originate from a particular loop or retelling of the story the Hunter abruptly fails to intervene, so Red ends up having to save herself with accompanying mental and physical scars to suit. Perhaps even an ego state of her personality that is the Hunter that she believed saved her.

For the Green Knight I was thinking of him continuing to serve as a moral test of others, a somewhat mysterious and ambiguous figure with a strong sense of morals and a obsession with the moral strengths or weaknesses of others. A bearded, well dressed and well spoken man who would tempt an alcoholic on an hot day with a cold beer, an unhappy woman with the possibility of an affair, a thief with an easy snatch, a gambler with an easy win and yet who can wield an ornate battle axe should he feel the need.

Jugg would have to speak more on Red, but all of those ideas seem fun to me. I'm guessing these characters would lean toward the light side? You sound like you've thought a lot about the Green Knight idea!

A/A updated 05/31/24

Hazy Sky

Red would probably be neutral but leaning to dark due to her experiences through that final loop of the story.

The Green Knight would be the neutral on the surface, but quite strongly light leaning when pushed hard enough due to his own sense of morality and honour being quite strong as chivalric knight, even though he is seemingly quite happy to tempt and test the weaknesses of others. 
Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight


So in your iteration, she would've cut herself and her grandma out of his stomach essentially?

Miss Nyx

Quote from: Hazy Sky on May 26, 2024, 04:38:10 PMThis game has caught my attention. So I'm going to tentatively throw out a couple of characters that I could turn into something more detailed if either met with approval, namely one of the many incarnations of the Arthurian Green Knight or a version of Red Riding Hood.

Fantastic to have your interest Hazy Sky. I personally very much enjoy your thoughts on using the Green Knight in this game, I feel like it would add some diversity to the environment and it's a less common myth people tend be inspired to create a character with. Ultimately I'll leave it to you to decide, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Miss Nyx

The claims have been updated! I'm looking at a deadline for CS submissions for Sunday, June 2nd.

As of right now several CSes have been submitted and approved to be publicly posted so please do peruse the potential cast and when you create your characters take into consideration how they'll interact with others who will be in this group. We'll have a lot of team work and collaborative action in this game. Right now, we are leaning female character and Dark aligned heavy. Male/NB/Trans or Neutral/Light aligned characters are very much encouraged.

It seems that a few key details are being missed in the recruitment thread so let me drop them here: This is primarily a GM-led group that is intended to have Group Writing Focus. It is not freeform or full sandbox, it has a set plot and world environment, so please keep that in consideration. There are two GMs for this game, myself and @LanaN, please send your CSes accordingly.

And as always if you have any questions, concerns or want feedback on thoughts or ideas don't hesitate to ask! I can be a little blunt sometimes, but I consider myself very flexible and I'll work with you as best I can to allow your creative freedom here.

Hazy Sky

Quote from: Juggtacular on May 26, 2024, 05:36:50 PMSo in your iteration, she would've cut herself and her grandma out of his stomach essentially?
On the simplest level, yes. 

Quote from: Miss Nyx on May 27, 2024, 12:46:38 AMFantastic to have your interest Hazy Sky. I personally very much enjoy your thoughts on using the Green Knight in this game, I feel like it would add some diversity to the environment and it's a less common myth people tend be inspired to create a character with. Ultimately I'll leave it to you to decide, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
I'll develop the Green Knight a little further then.
Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight

Miss Nyx

Quote from: Hazy Sky on May 27, 2024, 01:16:23 AMI'll develop the Green Knight a little further then.

I've tagged you with claims for both, in case one happens to call to you over the other. :3 I'll recommend you to form a CS of whichever you feel calling to you most first and foremost, I won't hinder anyone's creativity, myself and the other GM can adjust ourselves for balance as need be so by all means write for whichever inspires you more.


Sliding in to deposit a character!

The White Cat

Elayne Blanchet

Name: Elayne Blanchet
Alias: The White Cat. Ela. Lucky. Ms Blanchet
Race: Cursed Human
Age: Approximately 320 years old | Appears to be in her early 30s
Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Pansexual

Faction of Loyalty: Neutral but will easily sway dependent on what either side can provide.
Occupation: Owns‘The Second Life’ pawn store
Fairy Tale Origin: The White Cat

Height: 5’8
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Light blue

Physical Description:Human Form: Elayne looks feline even in human form. Her jawline and nose are sharp and strong. A fluffy mane of incredibly soft white hair floats down her back and ends where her tail begins. The same white fluffy locks cover the tail that swishes to reveal her true feelings.

Pointed ears crest through her hair and often twitch with a life of their own. She does not sport the usual whiskers but there are thin lines that crest her cheeks. These are often covered with a layer of make up or a mask. Her figure is soft, curves and creamy pale.

Cat Form: A standard white fluffy cat with piercing blue eyes that look almost human. She can speak in this form yet often choses not to make a noise.

Personality: Ela has one goal in this life. Find the locket that will reveal her true loves face. She will do whatever she can to find this lost token. Highly observant, she scans every potential customer or client and decides their worth within seconds. If they will be of use to her, she will be kind, cheerful and the person that they desperately need her to be. If they are worthless to her, she will be vindictive, cunning and cutthroat.

TW Death
The power of three is a strange thing. Some say that only good can come in threes. Her story was destined to be in threes. Three visits by the prince. But she was stuck with two.
Long ago, in a time when princes rode horses through the wilderness looking for adventure, fortune and a beautiful damsel, Elayne was born. Third daughter to a powerful King, she was destined to be forgotten from the history books. Until sickness swept the kingdom and her older siblings passed. The only surviving child, her survival was deemed a miracle.

Only her mother knew the truth. Elayne only lived due to the fae fruit that her mother consumed during her pregnancy. Desperate for knowledge and satisfied with her two children, she promised her next child for the fruit that would give her knowledge untold of before. As with every fae transaction, the consequences only hit the Queen when a strange woman came to collect the toddler.

Squirrelled away to a tall tower, Elayne was surrounded by ‘loving’ fae who raised her and taught her well. Those years blend into one another until she saw him. His name has been lost to the winds of time and his face is a memory that she cannot seem to hold sharp in her mind. But she can remember the feeling she felt when she saw him.

Love at first sight. Even as the fae started to prep her for a marriage to an ugly fae king, she would wait for that moment every day that the human king passed her hidden tower. One day, he managed to clamber the tower and Elayne felt loved. Truly loved, for the first time. She had barely taken his hand when some hidden members of the fae lunged and sent him tumbling from the tower to his death.

Before she could even acknowledge the loss, she found herself in the form of a small white cat. Punishment. Only when she found her true love again would she be free. A golden locket was placed on her collar baring a portrait of her lost love.

Years passed by as she resided in one of the fae forests, untouched by humans. There had been whispers that her hiding place would never be found by one searching for her…only by those lost their way. One day, a young man stumbled into the clearing that she dwelled within.

Henri. His face felt familiar. His father had requested an impossible task. Elayne knew exactly where to find the item he sought after. He left and she felt a hollow feeling stir in her soul. What if he never returned? The second time he returned, she felt a weight lift from her. He had come back for her. He was not going to leave her like her previous love had.

Again, he appeared with an impossible task. Elayne took longer this time, finally retrieving the item he needed and bidding him farewell. Promises left him as he disappeared into the tree line.

The third visit should be the one. That was what the whispering in the forest foretold her. The third visit and he would open the locket on her collar. He would see his portrait and the curse would be broken. So, Ela waited. Waited until all hope left her.

Elayne ventured into the forest in search of Henri. The trees melted into each other and the colours of the flowers grew brighter and brighter until they were painful to look upon. Then she was falling. Tumbling down. As she fell, her body spun and brushed against beaten earth walls. The locket attached to her collar spun until the thin thread holding it gave up. She watched in horror as the golden locket escaped from her clawed fingers.

Landing harshly in Wonderland, Elayne was left confused and lost. It didn’t take her long for her to find herself a space in Queensport. So many people, so many lost things. Using favours gained, she managed to get herself a small shop that is full to the brim with pawned items. Most given and bought for coin, though chosen items were gifted with favours attached to them.

Elayne always had a knack for finding exactly what someone needed. It started as the perfect cloth for a new dress then it tumbled into finding the hiding spot of someone who owed money. A small deep blue notebook is hidden in the folds of her dress, the pages are lined with names. Names of those that owe Elayne favours. One day, she will find her locket and one day, she will cash in every last favour until she can get that golden locket back in her clutches. 

  • Useful people
  • Desperate people
  • Information
  • Gold
  • Hair oils
  • Fresh flowers
  • Singing
  • Yarn

  • Useless people
  • Dead ends
  • Liars
  • Pranksters
  • Silence
  • Confined spaces
  • Sudden rain

  • Primary Weapon: That sharp tongue of hers! Ela prefers to not get into fights. Normally, her first weapon is information. Either dangle it before them or reveal dark truths that she has gathered on them. A cutting tongue, she can normally make those that try to rob her think twice and then high tail it away from her
  • Secondary Weapon: A thick leather whip is constantly wrapped around her waist as a sort of mock belt. The handle is stashed in one of the many pockets on her skirt. She can easily slip the whip free and as it uncoils from her body; it gathers up the static held in her hair and tail. The first two cracks of the whip send an electric shock through the victim. Then the weapon becomes a regular old whip.

  • Lucky: Perhaps due to Elayne’s time within the fae realm or maybe the fae fruit that her mother consumed while she was pregnant, but Elayne has always been lucky. Able to find anything that someone is looking for, she will always find the needle in the haystack. If they picture it in their mind, she can see it and then it is like a golden thread that leads her to the perfect match.
  Note:The main thing that she cannot use her power on is her locket. It is also entirely up to the players and GM’s if she is unable to find something plot relevant or relevant to characters.
  • Cat got your tongue?: It is difficult to tell lies around Elayne. Not impossible but there is something about her aura which instills a need to tell the truth. She can use this aura to persuade unpleasant people to reveal secrets, making them think her an old friend. She uses this power frequently because blackmail is her best friend.
  • Nine Lives: No matter the height that she drops from, she always lands on her feet and with no damage. It appears that her curse extends to her physical body as well in that she cannot die until she has found her true love again. Damage seems to reverse on itself and while she can be beaten bloody, she will recover faster than she should.

  • Aim for the neck: Even with her Nine Lives power, Ela can only take real damage to her neck. Whispers in the fae realm told that her head would be chopped off when her true love returns and then her real form would return to her. What appears to have happened is the curse extends everywhere expect the place that her true love was to slice.
  • Midas touched: With the golden locket always on her mind, she can be easily led astray by gold. She will barter and threaten to get her hands on it, only then will she be sated that it is not the thing that she looks for.
  • Weak little thing: Her powers allow her to try and talk her way out of many situations, but she is still incredibly weak. Easily caught, she can be placed in a cage and left there without issue. One such instance made her into a crude version of a ‘sniffer dog’ for one of the lower gangs in Wonderland. The gang was promptly disbanded by the police force and she managed to get out with barely three months stuck in the cage.

Ons:Seduction, Protectiveness, Switch, People taller than her, Tail play
Offs: Bondage, Collars, Non-Consensual, Vore, Anything bathroom related.
Link to O/Os:Please read my O/O’s. I am willing to write sexual scenes if I feel comfortable with a partner.
Extra Details:N/A

You know you want something like this, so check out Ama's graphic commissions!



Quote from: Juggtacular on May 27, 2024, 11:02:46 AM
She sounds absolutely...delicious

Actually a He! I thought I would try and help with the gender balance a little. Hopefully still delicious though!

Hazy Sky

Going to try to build both of my character concepts up, since they're quite different from each other, in my head at least.
Looking for and accepting new stories.

Current earworms
The Midnight

Foxy DeVille

Thinking about switching from Mombi to a nonbinary Ozma. Still working out the concept in my noggin.


Quote from: xPeachyPuff on May 27, 2024, 11:04:21 AMActually a He! I thought I would try and help with the gender balance a little. Hopefully still delicious though!

B.B. is an equal opportunity glutton, so no worries lol.


Quote from: xPeachyPuff on May 27, 2024, 11:04:21 AMActually a He! I thought I would try and help with the gender balance a little. Hopefully still delicious though!

Would that make him Sleeping Beau? Sleeping Handsome? -taps chin-

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: FyreFoxx on May 27, 2024, 03:19:12 PMWould that make him Sleeping Beau? Sleeping Handsome? -taps chin-

He's pretty beautiful still. But I'm sure he'd be happy with any of those titles 😂

Edit: I'm dumb and got over excited. Sheet coming soon!


Just a little ping to say I've updated Adelaide's sheet considerably and pretified it a bit ^_^

Lots of really cool character ideas being thrown out here! I'm super excited for this <3
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞

Miss Nyx

Quote from: Foxy DeVille on May 27, 2024, 11:45:51 AMThinking about switching from Mombi to a nonbinary Ozma. Still working out the concept in my noggin.

Let me know if you'd like me to change out the Claim. :3 Take your time, we're looking at about a week for anyone who's expressed interest to send in a CS before the final cast selection is made.


Okay! So for those that missed me throwing up this sheet prematurely and quickly deleting it from here, I have my guy approved to post here! I'm super open for plotting and would love it if he could have appeared in someone's property or business a few days ago!

Any and all feedback is welcomed and encouraged! ❤️

Sleeping Beauty

Name: Aurelio Rose
Alias: Lio [PRON - LEO], Sleeping Beauty, Blondie
Race: Humanoid | Immortal
Age: Appears 26 Years Old | Unknown Age
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual

Faction of Loyalty: Light
Occupation: Currently Unemployed
Fairy Tale Origin: Sleeping Beauty

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 172lbs
Hair Color: White Blonde
Eye Color: Pale Blue

Physical Description: Aurelio Rose is a pale skinned man that flushes far too easily and burns quickly in the sun. He has long, wavy white-blonde hair which are in stark contrast to his darker eyebrows; it usually becomes a little more golden in the sunshine. His eyes are a pale, cerulean blue which stand out amongst his pale features and the permanent, darker bags that usually underline them. (He's tired, okay? Leave him alone.) He is quite feminine in appearance with soft skin, light, minimal facial hair (if he can't be bothered to shave it) with fuller, pink lips. His frame is that of a swimmer; lean, defined muscle and somewhat lanky. He likes to dress in comfortable, baggy clothing usually, but has an eye for fashion and what suits him best. He has both his ears pierced and tends towards odd earrings; one a stud while the other is something dangly. He doesn't currently have any tattoos, nor does he have any scars to mention.

Personality: Compassionate | Kind | Patient | Tired | Oblivious | Adventurous | Witty | Brave | Romantic | Chivalrous | Sarcastically Playful | Generous | Protective | Sentimental | Daydreamer | Empathetic | Easily Lost

Backstory: Once upon a time, a single son was born to a King and Queen who ruled the land with kindness and fairness, and who were beloved by all throughout their kingdom of beauty and tranquillity. It was there that this story begins to unfold; a prince to reign in his fathers stead, to lead with a golden heart he’d inherit from his mother and a patient hand he’d learn from his father. It was there that the family would have their happily ever after.

But that was not what the sisters of fate had in mind this day.

That was not how things were destined to play out, as even the most perfect of kingdoms had their enemies, however obscured. A woman, Isolde Maleficent, once in the line for ruling beside King Rose had taken it rather personally that he had forgone her love in favour of another. Thus she had been left within a pit of despair and rage to plot against those who, the way she saw it, had taken her life and love away from her. She plotted and plotted, all the while hiding amongst the shadows, gaining her own following and loyalty from dubious corners of the realm. This woman believed herself to be Queen after all, with or without the King by her side.

Upon the Prince’s 25th Birthday, the woman enacted her plan. She arrived at the castle with an entourage of guards, joining the festivities as a guest of the family. For years she had not only planned to be seated as Queen, she’d also developed a dark, twisted obsession for the younger Prince. They’d had few interactions, all brief, but she allowed them to build up this delusion of reciprocated love and ambition to rule together. She came to the conclusion that if she were to be Queen, Prince Aurelio Rose would be by her side as King.

Aurelio had stepped away from the guest hall when Lady Maleficent approached him in the hall, alone. They were in brief conversation when the woman made her advances on him, only to be quickly rejected by the younger man. It was not their age that was the source of his transgression, it was the stories his father had told him and the fact that he didn’t know Lady Maleficent on that sort of level. She certainly didn’t take this well.

After returning to the party, Isolde Maleficent had her men storm the castle and hold the festivities hostage, demanding the hand of the Prince and slating the King for what he had done to her. She cursed the Queen, calling her awful names and spitting on her claim to the throne, before using the dark magic she had sequestered to end their lives in a bloody display of abhorrent violence and fury. The guests were slaughtered, should they not stand down, and the Prince was powerless to do anything about it. Isolde Maleficent offered Aurelio Rose one more chance to rule with her, to accept her love for him and truthfully declare his in return, but Prince Aurelio refused, and thus ends our story.

Prince Aurelio was pricked by a needle of dark magic that inhabited a curse; an eternity of slumber. He would remain frozen in time, never ageing, never to awaken again, at the mercy of Queen Maleficent. She would have him forever.

Happily. Ever. After.

Until he awoke. Aurelio awoke with no memory of the hundreds or thousands of years that had passed, and no memory of how he had gotten to a strange new land that he did not recognize. Wonderland. Would it truly hold wonders for him to explore now that he'd had his life returned to him? And what of Lady Queen Maleficent?

Likes: Being Comfortable | Big, soft beds | Pillows on Pillows | Swimming | Archery | Strawberries | Learning | Flowers | Animals | Helping Others | Dancing | Reading | Music | Cooking & Baking | Sleeping (Its complicated)
Dislikes: Sleeping (Its complicated) | Hiking/Running | The Unknown | Selfish People | Drugs | Smoking | Violence | Blood

Weaponry: Aurelio is extremely skilled with a bow, however he currently doesn't have one with him considering he's only been in Wonderland for a few days at most.

Touch of Slumber: A side effect of his cursed sleep is that he is for some reason able to put others to sleep with a simple touch of his fingertips. This is something controllable, so he's not always putting people into a coma whenever he touches them, but its something he doesn't understand fully.
Frozen in Time: Due to the curse put upon him, Aurelio doesn't physically age, no matter the length of time that passes.
Regeneration: Once asleep, Aurelio has an extortionary regeneration rate that can even regrow lost limbs. This is only accessible to him through a long and deep sleep, however, and due to his nature, he can't always choose when this occurs.

Close Combat, Physical Strength & Slower Reactions: Aurelio isn't the best when it comes to people getting up close and personal in a hostile manner due to his average strength and slower reactions; he would much rather remain at range, if he has to defend himself.
Narcolepsy: As a result of his cursed slumber, Aurelio can suffer bouts of narcolepsy where he can fall asleep uncontrollably. This also means he's difficult to wake in certain situations as well. This also manifests as insomnia to a degree, as he can rarely choose when he must sleep, so he's not always asleep during the nights.
Lucid Dreamer: Whether awake or asleep, his dreams feel as real as the grass to him. He easily gets lost in these memories and fantasies and can sometimes be found staring into space, oblivious to the world around him.

Ons: Romance & Tenderness | Foreplay | Oral (G&R) | Neck Kisses | Hair Pulling (G&R) | Passion | Mutual Masturbation | Water Scenes | Seduction, Courting & Teasing | Biting, Scratching & Licking | Somnophilia | Blindfolds & Light Restraints (G&R) | Rough Sex | Risk of Getting Caught
Offs: Pregnancy | Toilet Play | Torture | Needle Play | Fisting & Gaping | Blood Play, Gore & Mutilation | Possessiveness & Obsession
Link to O/Os: Here! I'm very open to most things, even if my character might not be.

Extra Details:
Recent Arrival: Aurelio is a newcomer to Wonderland and has only been around for a couple of days. He awoke inside Hansels home, and has been there ever since.
Bi-lingual: Aurelio can speak fluent French due to his home world.


My turn to drop my girl into the mix now that she's all settled.

The Mad Hatter

Name: Madeleine Jade Hatter
Alias: The Mad Hatter, Maddy, Hattie, "that bitch"
Race: Wonderlandian
Age: Appears Early-Mid 20’s
Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Heteroflexible

Faction of Loyalty: Neutral, Dark leaning
Occupation: Drug Dealer, works at Silver Pocketwatch Cafe
Fairy Tale Origin: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass

Height: 5’7”
Weight: Are you really asking a woman for her weight?
Hair Color: Blonde; dyed Green
Eye Color: Crimson

Physical Description: Hattie is fairly athletic for someone who overindulges on sweets and tea. She’s lithe and flexible, far more than one might generally assume when looking at her. She has vastly different tastes when it comes to her wardrobe, preferring at times clean-cut suits styled after men’s, to something a bit more modern and edgy - comfortable clothing that blends in with the times just as much as it stands out. Her eyes are a deep crimson color, nearly the color of blood, and when her switch is flipped, they seem to glow almost unnaturally. But it’s not just her eyes that stand out, it’s also that startling green hair of hers. But don’t go mentioning those blonde roots; they were never there, you hear?

Personality: Haughty | Arrogant | Sociopathic | Chaotic | Unhinged | Recalcitrant | Capricious | Erratic Mood Swings | Charming | Quick Tempered | Mischievous | Addict | Flirtatious | Eclectic | Promiscuous

Backstory: A familiar name when one thinks of Alice’s adventures into Wonderland. The Mad Hatter. Perhaps not as well-known as others, but familiar all the same. The tea-obsessed individual who was perhaps more of a hindrance than helpful to dear ol’ Alice, driving her away with riddles and nonsense poetry while indulging in a never-ending tea-party.

When all was said and done, however, the party had to eventually come to an end. And in what a way that it did! After the Red Queen’s recovery from her poisoning attempt, and her war on all the animals, the March Hare and Dormouse mysteriously disappeared from her subsequent tea parties. And you just can’t quite have a tea party for just yourself! Well, you absolutely can, and she totally did, but it just wasn’t the same after losing them. So she would often recruit whoever she could coerce into having parties with her, willingly or not.

But she managed, until all the tea cups across Wonderland disappeared. Every. Last. One. And you can’t have a tea party without tea cups! She could deal with being alone, but she absolutely could not, would not, stand for her cups going missing! Needless to say, she went a little, well, mad. That normally delightful behavior flipped on its head and showed a whole new side of the Hatter. Dishes were smashed. Windows were broken. Cutlery was thrown. Hatter destroyed an entire kitchen, two banquet halls, two storefronts, a bakery, and three good hats. Her best hats. She liked those hats!

Her rampage only came to a standstill when she was finally captured for her crime spree and sentenced to five years for exorbitant vandalism. Of course, she was out in less than one on the grounds of insanity. She spent the next few years in and out of trouble with the law, testing her limits, and the patience of a certain chief of police. It started to become a game to her, much to his displeasure.

Only when she started creating her sugar cubes did she finally calm down. Truly calm down. Mellowed out, Hatter found new joy in creating her little confections and in this newly changing Queensport, there was always a need for something just to take the edge off. Back-alley deals, black market arrangements, anything for a price. But this led to a whole new set of worries and troubles for her. She couldn't openly sell her new wares publicly, and acquiring a business to front her stuff was just too much work.

That is, until a certain cat finally got released on good behavior and eventually acquired himself a nice little cafe. Still obsessed with tea as ever, she coerced Cheshire to let her work in his shop, on the grounds he owed her after stealing all her tea cups, and even made a deal that she’d help provide some of the more entertaining drugs and sugar confections for his underground business.

Of course, working with him also means working for Big Red. But if she has a place to make and deal her sugar cubes, a place to enjoy her tea parties, and a way to get her fix of drugs and sex, then all was well in the world. Even if it meant working for the Queen.

  • Tea. All kinds of tea. Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast, Oolong even!
  • Tea-Time. Seriously. It’s an obsession.
  • Sweets. Every kind of sweet. Especially the kind best suited for tea.
  • The smell of daffodils.
  • Pretty boys, strong and feisty personalities. A challenge, in other words.
  • “Sugar Cubes” of her own concoction. Ask and she might share, for a price.
  • Being flirtatious and overly friendly.
  • Early mornings and twilight hours.
  • Poetry. It calms her down.
  • Organization. Everything has its place and there’s a place for everything. Even if it looks like absolute chaos.
  • Games. All games. Card games, dice games, gambling in general. Anything she can bet on, or turn into a game.

  • Her time being wasted. Seriously, don’t waste it. Why waste time when it can be spent on tea time?
  • Calling her “Mad” or “Crazy” is a surefire way to invite chaos.
  • Authority figures, goodie-two-shoes, law-men. Except Jabberwock. No, especially Jabberwock.
  • Being told what to do, being tied down. Well…then again.
  • Anything bitter tasting. Like coffee and dark chocolate.
  • Being told no, being denied, or being dismissed.
  • Things out of order or displaced.
  • Wasting tea. You drink it, don’t waste it!
  • Working. Bleh. Boring.
  • The smell of cigarette smoke.

Weaponry: Not really the biggest fan of traditional weapons, Hattie has a certain fondness for the easily concealed – and accessible. Her silver tableware is generally stashed somewhere on her person, with multiple knives of varying lengths being the favored choice.

  • Sweet Creation: It comes as no surprise that Hattie is addicted to sweet things. And nothing is sweeter than her “sugar cubes.” It doesn’t take much at all for her to turn an innocent cube of sugar into something a bit more… delectable. Just as sweet as the real thing, these drug cubes induce a form of euphoria upon its inhibitor. Pleasant thoughts, happy feelings, sweet release. Just be careful of the pink ones. They’ve been known to make people a little bit… frisky, shall we say?
  • Riddle Me This: Hattie speaks in unanswerable riddles sometimes, or no-nonsense poetry. Hidden within her words at times are deals and contracts, things to agree and abide by, and unsuspecting victims fall prey to it all the time. Her words are a binding agreement, whether that person realizes it or not. Of course, the only way to counter this is to say nothing at all, but where’s the fun in that?

  • Unhinged: Hattie can be quite pleasant to be around, most of the time. However, there are times when that switch gets flipped, and she becomes nearly unable to be reasoned with, especially when angered. Irrational, chaotic, she becomes highly destructive; to herself and to others. It takes quite some time for her to calm down enough to be considered sane again - if she ever was to begin with.
  • Addict: Due to her addiction to her own “sugar cubes” and constantly being a bit high, Hattie gets a little anxious when she isn’t indulging in her favorite pastime. When her withdrawal symptoms get really bad, she flips her own switch and goes a little mad.

Ons: Multiple Partners | Rough Sex | Being on top | Risky Sex | Toys | Light Choking | Foreplay | Flirting
Offs: Toilet Play | Traditional Romance | Heavily submissive partners | Gore/Vore | Mutilation | Pet Play
Link to O/Os: Click here for O/O
Extra Details: TBD

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: xPeachyPuff on May 28, 2024, 05:07:36 AMOkay! So for those that missed me throwing up this sheet prematurely and quickly deleting it from here, I have my guy accepted! I'm super open for plotting and would love it if he could have appeared in someone's property or business a few days ago!

Yes! Welcome, welcome.

I know it's been mentioned before, but I just want to remind everyone, that while we are looking at and working with profiles, characters posted here are not guaranteed to be accepted into the game.

Quote from: Miss Nyx on May 27, 2024, 12:48:18 AMAs of right now several CSes have been submitted and approved to be publicly posted so please do peruse the potential cast and when you create your characters take into consideration how they'll interact with others who will be in this group.

The deadline for CSes will be June 2nd, which is when we'll decide on our final cast. However, we still suggest you plot with others. Being proactive is a wonderful way to boost your chances of acceptance and make for a fun, dynamic group.

A/A updated 05/31/24