A Light in the Darkness: Are you someones lighthouse?

Started by ShrowdedPoet, April 29, 2009, 10:46:57 PM

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When we are tucked away safe and warm inside our mommy's tummies the world is a calm, wet, dark place.  That all changed when we burst forth through birth.  The world become very big, bright, and frightening.  There are many more colors, sounds, and sensations.  And although it's much brighter now than when we were tucked away in mommy's tummy, it's dark in a much more frightening way.

The world is a scary place when we're small.  We're fairly helpless and things are so much bigger than us.  But does that really change much when we grow older?  We leave our parents arms and spring forth into a world that is most times much larger than we ever thought possible.  Some are prepared for it but many more are not.  They become lost in the dark seas of life.  All of a sudden the feet that are holding them up are their own and the ground underneath them is much less stable.  There is so much in this world to hurt us and so much that can go wrong.  Sometimes it is overwhelming and all we need is a guiding light through the storm.

This leads me to a very big question.  Are you someones lighthouse?  Silly I know.  Of course you are not an inanimate object that sits on dangerous coasts warning ships in the darkness of storms about dangers ahead.  Or are you just that (excluding the inanimate part of course)?  I've weathered my fair share of storms and found myself broken on unfamiliar shores all alone more times than I can count.  But there were those other times.  The ones where a light cut through the darkness and confusion and led me away from danger.  Lighthouses!  That bright friend or caring teacher.  That kind stranger.  Yes, even a few of you.  We've all been there.  I know we have.  We've all had our lighthouses.  But are you a lighthouse as well?

Just think about how many people may be using your light to guide them.  You might be the helping hand that saves a life.  So please, don't let your lights go out. 

Are you someones lighthouse?  Chances are, the answer is yes.
Kiss the hand that beats you.
Sexuality isn't a curse, it's a gift to embrace and explore!
Ons and Offs
