女人 Nyonin: Reign of the Empress [Fantasy Story Set in Female Dominated Japan]

Started by Mediocre Author, April 12, 2024, 10:42:50 PM

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Mediocre Author

女人 Nyonin: Reign of the Empress

The kamigami have turned from us,
As the bakemono rise,
There is no solace left for us
The tears drawn from our eyes.

The madness claimed the strongest men,
And yet will heaven see,
The iron will and strength within,
Our Femininity.

~~Shogun Tokugawa Himari,
at the funeral of her Father

The Game:

This story takes place in a low-magic version of feudal fantasy Japan. The game will be held in the Extreme Small Groups section, and I am looking for between 3-7 players. There will be GM hosted missions, along with sandbox free-play. Missions will entail dealing with the dark, evil, mystical creatures within the wilds, and also interaction with rival clans through both diplomacy and the sword.

The Story:

After a mysterious illness swept through the male population of Japan, the majority of men either died or went entirely mad, driven out into the wilds. This caused the remaining women take over the all of occupations which were formerly held by men. In addition, the ruling class became entirely comprised of women.

With society dominated by females, the relatively few men who remained both alive and sane found themselves treated by the ruling class more like a commodity than human beings. Although not slaves, they lacked the rights to come and go as they chose, and they were bound to the Daimyo of the province in which they lived. They were still valued for their size and prowess as warriors and also for breeding, and their rights were considerably limited.

In addition to the hordes of madman outcasts who prowled the wildlands between villages, rumors began to circulate that the old monsters of legends were also awakened within the ancient woods and swamps. Travel outside of the cities and villages decreased. The female Daimyos who ruled over the noble clans all set to work individually, training young women in the way of the sword, and raising new armies of samurai within their provinces.

Now, almost 200 years later, fierce rivalries have developed between the many of the noble clans. The Shogunate has forbidden open war, but there are often skirmishes and violent border disputes between competing daimyos. It is within this period of civil unrest that our story begins.

Character Creation

Your character will be a member of the Nanbu Clan under Daimyo Nanbu Megumi. She is a firm and stern leader who is respected and honored by her subjects. By creating a retainer for the Nanbu clan, you are creating a character who would die for her (or his) Daimyo.

Character Sample Art (Digital Art and or semi-realistic Anime Art, please)
Full Name: (In typical Japanese fashion, surnames are listed before given names)
Attributes: Brawn, Speed, Cunning, and Charisma. Pick two of these to excel at, one to be average in, and one to be poor in. Alternatively, you can choose to be one to excel in, and three to be average in. This will help create interesting characters who have strengths and weaknesses.
Age: 18+
Gender: The majority of society is made up of women, but men still exist, and CAN absolutely be chosen as characters. Some men are sheltered away for reproduction purposes, but the strongest are allowed to venture out on missions, being prized for their taller heights and on average larger builds. However, they are normally sent with female escorts, and they are expected to commit seppuku rather than allowing their capture by enemy clans. 
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
General Description: Give a brief description of what your character normally looks like. Include clothing, jewelry, tattoos, or unusual features
Personality: A brief overview of your character's personality.

Weapons & skills

Abilities: Your character can have 3 special abilities which border on inhuman feats. This world is low-magic, so all abilities should be disguised as natural talent. Techniques such as Ki, Chakra, or Breath manipulation are all good examples. This is not a superhero game, and overpowered characters will have to be toned down in order to be accepted. If you  have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • Weapon: Choose 2 or 3 traditional Eastern weapons for your character to use. Primitive firearms from the west are allowed, but they are considered incredibly rare and their use is considered dishonorable, in general.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.

[float=right max=45%][center][img height=300]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.4987013695.4095/bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg[/img][/center]
[center][i]Character Sample Art (Digital Art and or semi-realistic Anime Art, please)[/i][/center]
[b]Full Name:[/b] (In typical Japanese fashion, surnames are listed before given names)
[b]Attributes:[/b] Brawn, Speed, Cunning, and Charisma. Pick two of these to excel at, one to be average in, and one to be poor in. Alternatively, you can choose to be one to excel in, and three to be average in. This will help create interesting characters who have strengths and weaknesses.
[b]Age:[/b] 18+
[b]Gender:[/b] The majority of society is made up of women, but men still exist, and can absolutely be chosen as characters. Some men are sheltered away for reproduction purposes, but the strongest are allowed to venture out on missions, being prized for their taller heights and on average larger builds. However, they are normally sent with female escorts, and they are expected to commit seppuku rather than allowing their capture by enemy clans. 
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]General Description:[/b] Give a brief description of what your character normally looks like. Include clothing, jewelry, tattoos, or unusual features
[b]Personality:[/b] A brief overview of your character's personality.

[center][size=4][b]Weapons & skills[/b][/size][/center]

[b]Abilities:[/b] Your character can have 3 special abilities which border on inhuman feats. This world is low-magic, so all abilities should be disguised as natural talent. Techniques such as Ki, Chakra, or Breath manipulation are all good examples. This is not a superhero game, and overpowered characters will have to be toned down in order to be accepted. If you  have any questions, feel free to ask.
[li][b]Weapon:[/b] Choose 2 or 3 traditional Eastern weapons for your character to use. Primitive firearms from the west are allowed, but they are considered incredibly rare, and their use is considered dishonorable, in general.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]


1. Be Respectful. Simple respect goes a long way to ensure a fun game. Disagreements are understandable and natural, but at the end of the day, we are all just trying to have fun. If you have a problem, politely and privately address it to the person in question. Most of the time, such issues can be resolved.
2. Discord. I would love for everyone to join a Discord conversation thread, but it is not required.
3. Keep Your Characters GroundedRemember that the setting is low-magic. Your character should not be insanely powerful or over the top. A character two or three times as strong or fast as a real life human will be accepted. A character 100x more powerful will not.
4. Non-Japanese characters Characters from other nations will be considered, although they may deal with a fair amount of discrimination from the in-world NPCs. But I have no problem with it. That said, Asian characters are definitely more believable than PCs from other continents... but I'll take things on a case by case basis. 
5. Smut vs. Story. I intend for this game to focus more on story, but I will absolutely allow saucy content within the game. Just make sure to respect each others O/O's
6. One character per writer. I am only allowing one character per writer starting out. You are welcome to draft up a second one to keep on the back burner, but for the start of the story, just one character is allowed.
7. Respect the GM's rulings I am always trying my hardest to allow everyone's cool ideas in, while still maintaining the original integrity of my world. I promise that I take no pleasure in bossing people around, and I'll be glad to hear requests to change or explain a ruling. But once I've made a firm ruling, please work with me. I don't have time for long debates.
8. Keep in touch with the group.If you are planning a hiatus, I can work with you. Just keep me in the loop. Real world stuff always takes top priority, but don't leave us in the dark please.
9. In Character Discrimination. While I will not tolerate rudeness between players, based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, or anything else... players should not expect for all of their modern sensibilities to be shared by all of the characters within the game. Your characters will likely meet rude, prejudiced NPCs, and not all of them will be villains. Art mimics life, and in real life some people suck.
10. Consequences: Your characters are real people within a fictional world, and if they react in a wild or fool hearty manner, the world will react appropriately and your character may suffer... all as part of the story.
11. PC Death. This is not ordinarily on the table, but if you ever decide to create a new character, we can always surprise the other players with a gut-wrenching death. Very fun.
12. Dice Rolls. On occasions, during missions, I may have simple pass/fail dice rolls tests based on your character's strengths and weaknesses. I may be rolling these for you (behind the screen) or perhaps we can set up a dice-bot on discord if everyone wants. That remains to be decided. However, if I message you and let you know that your character suffered a set back, we can discuss what that failure meant for the character, and you can decide how to narrate the struggle. Again, this is all to increase in game drama and tension.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!!!


Noting interest. Not quite sure what I'd want to do for a character yet, but I generally really like feudal Japan settings, so I'm sure it'll come to me soon. It'll likely be a female character.

Do you have a planned direction for the story yet?
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

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My request thread


Kani Takemi
𝒦𝒶𝓃𝒾 𝒯𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓂𝒾

Full Name: Kani Tamkemi
Attributes: Excel: Brawn
Average: Speed, Cunning, and Charisma.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unknown?? (probably Lesbian/Demisexual)
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 227 lbs
Hair Color: Brownish-black
Eye Color: Black
General Description: Takemi is massive. By even the standards of men, she is large and strong. And, as a result, she is not often considered attractive. Her hair tends to be chopped off rather than neatly coiffed and held up in a high braid that falls to the middle of her back except long bangs that she lets hang in her face. Her features, when people are being kind, are compared to a glacier as smooth and unblemished but cold. But most compare them to broad plains or sheer mountain faces. The worst compare her face to her family's namesake- a crab. Her eyes tend to be cast down, hesitant, uncertain. She hunches her shoulders and slouches to reduce her height. She favors loose clothing that hides her brawny physique. Much of this changes dramatically when she is in battle though.

Personality: Takemi's personality is like a switch. When she is in her daily life, she is meek and quiet. She tends to use few words and, remarkably for one of her size, fade into the background. Due to her girlhood, she is shy, reticent, and unconfident in social situations. However, put her hammer in her hand and she turns on. Still a woman of very few words, Takemi is bold, decisive, and unshakeable in battle. Her courage unassailable, her dedication to her fellows unwavering, her skill unquestioned. More shocking than this, she barks orders and commands easily. Whatever mode she is in though, her mind whirs constantly.

History: The Kani family is a family of warriors, samurai, and have been for one hundred years. It is by their strength of arms and fighting ability that they have earned their moderate position in the clan. Most notably, as a family, they are known to be large. Though Takemi is large by even her family's standards, the women of the Kani average over five feet and nine inches. They also tend to be brawny and powerful. Again, Takemi takes this to near illogical extremes. Even among her family, people have to crane to look up at her.

But it was not always so.

Takemi was born sickly and the second of five. The Kani family was pleased when Kani Suzume's first child was a strong, healthy boy. Less amazed when her second was a small, sickly girl. However, three more healthy girls came next. For the first eight years of her life, she spent more time with her nurse than her family. Akihiko, her brother, was doted on. Her sisters played samurai in the garden and dojo. She languished in bed. Two important things happened the year of her eighth winter: her brother died in an accident and terrible, wracking pains began to torment her. Many whispered the family was cursed. At times, she was normal and was able to start lesson in the family's Descending Heaven style of swordsmanship. But whole months would pass where her body ached and she was barely able to get out of bed.

Her mother and her nurse consulted with healers and it was advised that Takemi undergo a rigorous regimen of exercise to strengthen her body. Since the Kani family did not need a sickly heir, this was done in the hopes that either she would get stronger or die. Luckily for everyone, it was the former. Over the next five years, Takemi grew and grew and grew. Not just in height but in brawn. By the time she was thirteen, she could heft even the weightiest tetsubo in the dojo and throw grown men. At that time, she was also as tall as the men of her family and stood over her own mother. None could explain it except as the favor of Raijin. For, even as her body grew, her voice boomed like an avalanche.

While her family was amazed, Takemi was embarrassed to go from ignored to the center of attention. From overlooked to impossible to miss. Her personality, shy and retiring, did not change much. She still spent a lot of time with her nurse, even after the aches faded from her form and the memory of her family. She preferred to play I-go or Shogi, she liked quiet kata, and the moment just before striking in a duel. She adored Ikebana. But she was also a dutiful and obedient daughter. When she came of age, she swore fealty to the Nanbu Clan and showed her worth as a warrior.

As she grew into this position, she taught herself to be direct and commanding when needed. She found the battlefield to be a place where her size and brawn were not oddities. Neither were they seen as a commodity for her family to trade on for a good position and marriage. Instead, those who fought with her depended on her strength and skill as comrades and sisters in battle. {more to go in here, but open to collaboration. Would love someone who was the one to draw her out of her shell. But she will be out of that shell come game.)

Weapons & skills

  • Weapon: Hammer, Tachi
  • Name of Special Ability: Kani no Kora For Takemi, armor has always seemed like a second skin. Even the heaviest armors do not slow her and seem to flow easily with her movement. Even alone, the armor seems to want to go on and it takes her less time. She has never been able to explain it, but she always seems to be able to connect to it. And the longer she wears a certain suit of armor, the more effective it seems for her.
  • Name of Special Ability: Akuma no Kani Takemi's form is massive and powerful. She ripples with muscles and her stamina seems unending. Her nurse blames the diet and teas she drank as a girl. Her mother credits the Kani style of combat. Takemi secretly wonders if she is, indeed, favored of Raijin. Whatever the case, she is easily as durable and strong as two men.
  • Name of Special Ability: Raijin's Voice With a lungful of air, Takemi's voice can be heard for miles. Those close can be shaken when she shouts at full throat. Her orders can be heard even over the din of full battle.

That's a basic character concept of a big, tanky lady! Haha. Hmm, it might need soem tinkering and tweaking. But, I am also open to anyone wanting to make connections with Takemi. I know most don't always go for it, but it's fun to make paired characters. So, happy if someone wants to be her sister, lover, friend, rival, betrothed, etc.

This setting is just so cool I have to submit an idea!
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Mediocre Author

Quote from: Lynnette on April 13, 2024, 02:40:48 AMNoting interest. Not quite sure what I'd want to do for a character yet, but I generally really like feudal Japan settings, so I'm sure it'll come to me soon. It'll likely be a female character.

Do you have a planned direction for the story yet?
Glad to hear about your interest! 

I have a general overview of story direction, but I have left plenty of open-endedness for player input. Your characters' actions will affect the world and the story as it unfolds. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: shengami on April 13, 2024, 03:20:40 AMThis setting is just so cool I have to submit an idea!
I really like the character design! Glad to see you here 😊


I'll sort out the banner at a later point, but that should do it!

Tsugaru Osana

Full Name: Tsugaru Osana
Brawn - Poor
Speed - Excel
Cunning - Average
Charisma - Excel
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, in a sense. Osana does desire children when the time is right, and is in turn open to both sex and relationships, though most of her familiarity with the topic comes from women.
Height: Decidedly average at approximately 5'4".
Weight: 110lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
General Description: Osana in looks comes off as a traditional noblewoman, wearing well-made clothes, with clean and unblemished skin. Most frequently she's seen wearing her family's colors of white and red, though she deviates from this on occasion in private. Her hair is kept long, tied in a ponytail with a hairtie that mirrors the length of her tail. 

Those who've met her in the baths or under other circumstance, would know that her arms are slender with little visible muscle. Her legs are long, and her body has a little fat on it, though not more than what it takes to hide muscle underneath. She's moderately busty, and moderately bushy down low, preferring the more dignified look (in her eyes).
Personality: Likely thanks to her upbringing, never intended to be a retainer, swordswoman or otherwise, Osana reflects a lot of traits in a common noblewoman. She is modest and polite, but not afraid to talk if her case has reason to be presented. She's sociable and diplomatic in nature, understanding well that conflict most often stems from either conflicting views, or the conflicts of others. Calm and confident, often wearing a pleasant, modest smile, would be a few good descriptors. 

History: Before reaching any level of nobility, tracing back the roots of the Tsugaru family lineage, Osana stems from a family of divers. The household made its money through diving to the seafloor, hunting for shellfish like clams, urchins and scallops. In part through how many generations the family had practiced the craft, their divers were known to hold their breath for exceptionally long, often times double or triple that of other practitioners, allowing them to dive much deeper and stay there for longer than almost any other divers. Even to depths where light hardly breaks through, their family lineage had exceptional senses, able to pick up both the food they were looking for, and of which direction was up - A great fear at depths where you'd actively need to swim to surface without drowning first.

After most of the male population perished, and in need of soldiers, the family was put in the position of having to offer up their children as soldiers. After some negotiation however, they reached an agreement with the Daimyo that only every odd-numbered child had to become part of the daimyo's soldiers, while the other half could continue the family craft of dive-fishing. This came with the stipulation that their agreement should always favor the Daimyo, and that in the event that one of the family's member perished outside of active war, another child had to be presented to take their place. The family had wanted for it to be every third-born, but this was overruled by the Daimyo on grounds of them being able to keep the family alive without offering soldiers.

Over the next two centuries, the family's soldiers proved to be very capable. Their breath control was exceptional and equal was their capacity, allowing for both feats of burst strength, and endurance that rivaled those raised to pick up the sword. The family rose to the ranks of nobility despite their craft being that of commoners through the samurai-half of their family. 

Osana on her part was the 6th child, and in turn not meant to be trained in swordsmanship. Until her late teenage years, she was a diver, just like the 2nd and 4th child. Osana was content with this, holding no particular wish to become a samurai. She was meant to start trying for children within few months, only holding off in wait for her older sister to give birth. In this wait, another of her sister, the 3rd child of her generation, died of disease. With the 2nd soon to be married, and the 4th pregnant, it fell upon Osana to uphold the Tsugaru household's agreement with the Daimyo, and forfeit her current role to become samurai.

In the years that followed, Osana proved herself more than capable. Though her brute strength was lackluster, a consequence of not actively training for a role in swordsmanship, she possessed excellent dexterity and speed, as well as the dignity expecting as those serving the daimyo as a retainer. 

Weapons & skills

Abilities: Your character can have 3 special abilities which border on inhuman feats. This world is low-magic, so all abilities should be disguised as natural talent. Techniques such as Ki, Chakra, or Breath manipulation are all good examples. This is not a superhero game, and overpowered characters will have to be toned down in order to be accepted. If you  have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Weapon: Katana, wakizashi, matchlock rifle
  • Breathing technique - Brute strength: Though Osana's arm-strength is modest at best, through practiced techniques passed down from her siblings who served as samurai, Osana can briefly increase her heart rate to dangerous levels, giving a very brief stint of greatly increased strength, usually limited to a singular strike. Her body can't really handle it however, and overuse or extended use leads to torn muscles, tendons, fatigue and potentially fainting. Ignoring the wear and tear on her body, it grants her sufficient strength to decapitate with a single strike, a rare feat even among seasoned soldiers. However, she wouldn't be able to follow up such a strike until she's had time to heal.
  • Breathing technique - Pathcarver: A more moderated variety of the call for brute strength, but following the same lines. Another technique passed down through her lineage, intent on breaking enemy lines and causing panic. Through a blend of increased speed and strength, the user charges forth, leveraging their dexterity and strength to strike two targets in rapid succession while diving between them, delivering crippling and potentially lethal cuts. Seen from behind, it reminds of a white flash followed by a circle of blood, the user twisting their body in the strike creating a near perfect circle with their blade, fast enough that the blood of the initial strike doesn't have time to clear until the second. Though it can be used on a singular target, Osana doesn't favor it, as it makes the balance of it much more difficult.
  • Breathing technique - Absolute calm: A parrying technique. The user takes a defensive position, and slows their heartrate to the bare minimum, to the point they have to rely on their instincts to function, while keeping their lungs full of air. When their senses detect an opening in an incoming attack, the user immediately acts, utilizing the opening presented. Though it's a strong offensive technique, due to the purposeful reduced awareness, it makes it hard to keep track of time and what is going on around them, beyond what is being focused on. Rumor has it that one member of the family used it for a duel, but their opponent was killed by a horse-rider. By the time the user broke the technique off, the rest of their group was already a mile ahead.
I'm available on Discord!
Feel free to message me if you want to chat

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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Lynnette on April 13, 2024, 11:34:29 AMI'll sort out the banner at a later point, but that should do it!
Awesome character design! I'll PM you with more info and commentary. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: AndyZ on April 13, 2024, 01:28:09 PMCurious about this but don’t have any ideas yet.
Let me know if you do. Spots are filling up quicker than it appears. I have a few other players on the way from discord. 😁


Quote from: Mediocre Author on April 13, 2024, 02:02:28 PMLet me know if you do. Spots are filling up quicker than it appears. I have a few other players on the way from discord. 😁

Yeah, if this is going to fill up fast, I'm probably best stepping away and letting other folks enjoy rather than getting halfway done when everyone else finishes and slots fill up.  Sorry.  I'm just having a rough time with things of late.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: AndyZ on April 13, 2024, 02:12:01 PMYeah, if this is going to fill up fast, I'm probably best stepping away and letting other folks enjoy rather than getting halfway done when everyone else finishes and slots fill up.  Sorry.  I'm just having a rough time with things of late.
I understand entirely. No sweat. 

Currently, we have 5 players with characters created or messaging me with interest. So I just wanted to manage expectations.  


Quote from: Mediocre Author on April 13, 2024, 02:17:59 PMI understand entirely. No sweat.

Currently, we have 5 players with characters created or messaging me with interest. So I just wanted to manage expectations. 

I would hands down rather handle things like this rather than get halfway done over a few days and have everything just fall apart ^_^ Thank you very much.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: Mediocre Author on April 13, 2024, 02:17:59 PMI understand entirely. No sweat.

Currently, we have 5 players with characters created or messaging me with interest. So I just wanted to manage expectations. 

So, I say that, I figure I'm not going to make for this, and that's when the idea kicks in.

I want to ask: would male characters be acceptable?  I realize I'll be mostly a breeding stud who's supposed to be defended by more competent (and arguably expendable) women and likely not supposed to get into the fights myself.  Maybe my character even has some training but is being more escorted or transported as part of the story in question.  The Nanbu Clan probably has him passed around from area to area to impregnate the willing.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: AndyZ on April 13, 2024, 02:58:53 PMI want to ask: would male characters be acceptable?  
Of course!😁

As per the character creation sheet:

 Gender: The majority of society is made up of women, but men still exist, and can absolutely be chosen as characters. Some men are sheltered away for reproduction purposes, but the strongest are allowed to venture out on missions, being prized for their taller heights and on average larger builds. However, they are normally sent with female escorts, and they are expected to commit seppuku rather than allowing their capture by enemy clans. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: AndyZ on April 13, 2024, 02:58:53 PMThe Nanbu Clan probably has him passed around from area to area to impregnate the willing.

As far as this goes, while men would absolutely be used for breeding, they would also be held in high value and not shared with those outside of the province to which they were bound.
Women who were seeking to bear children could journey to the capital of their local Daimyo's han, and they would bring tax to be paid with rice, gold, silver, etc in order to rent the services of a male retainer.  It would only be during rare diplomatic treaties that men would be traded or shared outside of the clan.

On the other hand, men who were skilled in combat would be considered a particularly valuable commodity, but even they would only be allowed to venture out with the express permission of their daimyo.


Toyamato Ichiro

Full Name: Toyamato Ichiro
Attributes: Brawn Average, Speed Average, Cunning Average, and Charisma Excel.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
General Description: Ichiro keeps his hair long and free as part of a way to ensure he can fit in.  It's saved him more than once where women were expecting a man to have short hair or done up in a proper topknot.  He's not above doing what he can to disguise as a woman when the situation demands it.  Quite a few women prefer the full topknot when he meets them for a romantic encounter.
Personality: Being a man in a woman's world has plenty of advantages and disadvantages.  Ichiro has long since given up questioning his duty and accepted his fate, finding joy where he can.  Threats to his life aside, he finds life very worth living, if stifling, and tends to be outgoing and charismatic among those he feels he can trust.
History: Ichiro's life is one of being sheltered, surrounded by women who often adore his smile and attention, but lacking any sort of true freedom.  Every woman he meets already knows if she wants him to try to impregnate her, but plenty are shy and in need of encouragement.  Although he would like to see a place outside of the capital, he doesn't reasonably expect it to happen.

Weapons & skills

Abilities: Your character can have 3 special abilities which border on inhuman feats. This world is low-magic, so all abilities should be disguised as natural talent. Techniques such as Ki, Chakra, or Breath manipulation are all good examples. This is not a superhero game, and overpowered characters will have to be toned down in order to be accepted. If you  have any questions, feel free to ask.
  • Weapon: A katana along with a bow and arrows.
  • Rapid healing: Ichiro can heal in hours a wound that might be outright fatal or even take weeks of medical care.
  • Feign Death: Ichiro can slow his breathing and metabolism so as to appear to be dead.  More than once, he's had to use this tactic to feign committing seppuku when he would otherwise have been captured.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.

I have two special abilities down and am going to think on the third.  Please let me know how this looks so far.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: AndyZ on April 13, 2024, 03:29:19 PMI have two special abilities down and am going to think on the third.  Please let me know how this looks so far.

I'll PM you


This is either... One of most fun things I've done, or a total pile of ass. -Snorts- To make sure everyone groks it, the history is read top to bottom, right to left. Because I was feeling extra.


Full Name: Nanbu-Koizumi Shiori
Attributes: Speed (Excel), Cunning (Excel), Brawn (Average), Charisma (Poor)
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Fluid
Height: 5'10
Weight: 143lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown

General Description: A striking, tall figure with a strong frame, Shiori is as graceful as she is confident. She's got long, flowing raven-feather hair that stands in stark contrast to her fair ivory skin. Her clothing choices tend toward elegant, but always practical for her lifestyle and she favors bold, eye-catching accessories to accentuate these wardrobe choices. Her ears are pierced, and most commonly she wears a pair of miniature ornate blown glass orb lanterns, which are filled with a bioluminescent oil harvested from a local worm that causes them to glow softly.

Personality: Shiori possesses a demeanor defined by reservedness, and quiet strength that underscores her every action. She is focused and disciplined, never one to waver from her path. Yet beneath this composed exterior shell that has been carefully curated through her life lies a playful and curious spirit waited, like a gem waiting to be unearthed. At times, her true nature emerges and that goofiness catches those around her off guard. Though actively suppressed, this facet of her personality is her most true self - glimpses into her lighter side are as precious as they are rare.

Woman, bold and true,
Sheilding matron, blade held high,
Guardian's fierce grace.

In her loyalty, a vow,
Defender of trust, avowed.
Matron sees the fire, fierce,
Within her, a tempest roars,
Passion's quiet flame.

From embers to raging blaze,
Strength and will in her gaze.
Foreign land, she treads,
In stranger's grasp, silence reigns,
Hand unknown, she holds.

Within enemy's keep, she stands,
Fate's sands bind, shifting hands.
Beneath moon's soft glow,
New life in servitude blooms,
Silent vows bestow.

Bound by lineage's decree,
She carries duty's silent plea.
Tasked to fight foes,
Her resolve a fierce flame light,
Striding to battle.

Every strike, legacy grows,
Shielding kin, her valor shows.
Matron's resolve forms,
To forge her into a blade,
Silent steel in hand.

From raw potential, honed true,
A weapon born, fate anew.
Matron's hearth now hers,
Silent walls whisper solace,
In warmth she's reborn.

In adversary's shadow,
Sanctuary's embrace found.
Mirrored guise she wears,
Nobility's reflection,
Hidden truths abide.

Mimicked presence, forged facade,
Life's symphony, secrets flawed.
Matron's honored,
Trusted service, she commands,
Guided by her grace.

Every deed, loyalty shown,
Bound to matron's side, her own.
Rigorous training,
Struggles shape her resolve strong,
Endurance tested.

Each trial, step toward might,
In hardships forge, she ignites.
Matron's daughters stand,
In kinship's embrace she stands,
Accepted, not mute.

From stranger to cherished kin,
Her voice finds its strength within.
In chaos, homes fall,
Walls crumble 'neath ruthless foes,
Silent screams resound.

In ruins, she her voice is found,
By choice, a phoenix is born.
Tied, yet free to mold,
Bound by choice, not chain's embrace,
Unity, she roams.

Her spirit finds balance true,
In clan's embrace, her own too.
In hectic world's grasp,
She wrestles with her own worth,
Yet matron's wisdom,

Bestows her a sacred task,
In this purpose found, she basks.
Guided by matron,
Learning paths of newfound grace,
Embracing her role.

In this foreign realm she thrives,
Adapting, her spirit thrives.
Rubble's embrace, lone,
Matron's gaze, a glint of grace,
Silent savior nears.

From ashes, strength anew springs,
Resilience in silence sings.
Duty's hold now fades,
Her eyes seek life's open road,
Boundless horizons.

Exploring paths yet untrod,
In freedom, she finds her soul.
Through trials, she rises,
Excellence in every fight,
Her spirit aflame.

A warrior born from strife,
In victory, she claims life.
Under watchful eye,
From innocence to grace blooms,
Blossoming through time.

Youthful radiance shines bright,
In beauty's glow, she takes flight.
Matron's arms spread wide,
In her care, a newfound home,
Silent bonds now tied.

Enemy to kin, she's led,
In quiet refuge, hope spreads.

Weapons & skills

  • Weapon: Katana & Wakizashi, Naginata,
  • Dairokkan: Shiori has a sixth sense that manifests as an uncanny awareness of the world around her, and the ability to pick up on intent. This is a combination of perception, gut feeling, and instinct that gives her an edge when 'reading' people. In battle it is this sense which makes Shiori so formidable, allowing her to seemingly react and perform would otherwise seem implausible. While incredibly useful, and generally reliable, it is still an instinct and can be wrong.
  • Kaiketsu: With remarkable focus, Shiori can steady herself and focus in on a single task or goal. In doing this she is capable of blocking out nearly all other things, dialing her mind and body toward this singular point of focus; this deep concentration allows her to perform feats she would otherwise not be able to do in the name of accomplishing her goal, and allows her to act beyond pain, fear, anxiety, doubt, and even intoxication. However while focused in this way, Shiori is all but blind to the world as it exists beyond her task, making her extremely vulnerable to interference.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Aethyrium on April 13, 2024, 06:11:46 PMThis is either... One of most fun things I've done, or a total pile of ass. -Snorts- To make sure everyone groks it, the history is read top to bottom, right to left. Because I was feeling extra.
I think this character looks amazing... but of course you already knew that. lol

Miss Nyx

Ahhhh you already know but I figured I may as well announce. ;D I'll have her in to you shortly. <3

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Miss Nyx on April 13, 2024, 07:25:17 PMAhhhh you already know but I figured I may as well announce. ;D I'll have her in to you shortly. <3
Woot Woot!

Miss Nyx

Madarame Tsukiko

Full Name: Madarame Tsukiko
Brawn: Poor.
Speed: Excel.
Cunning: Average.
Charisma: Excel.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Uncertain, it’s not something she thinks about.
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Grey.
General Description: If you ask Tsukiko, she would consider herself ‘of average appearance’ in the way that she is small in stature, svelte and delicate with very small feminine assets. Her most unusual feature would be her pale grey eyes. She’s developed a complex over the years, as they’ve often been a topic of scrutiny and teasing from her peers. Tsukiko wears her hair long, typically, unless an event or training requires her to wear her hair in another fashion and in this way she will take the time to wash and wind her hair into a neat braided bun, often accenting with decorative clips.

The kimono Tsukiko wear are typically monochrome in their design, but on occasion especially when performing her duties as a aruki miko, she will don the color red. She is typically seen carrying her weapons in plain view, as a wandering shine maiden she prefers not to give anyone ideas that she may be easily disturbed in her duties nor does she wish to be unarmed should she encounter dangers out in the wilderness.

Personality: Tsukiko is soft spoken, humble and gracious. She has love for all living things in the world and seeks beauty even in the darkest of places. Her hopeful and uplifting attitude seems a product of her environment—Tsukiko has known much strife and loss through her life, which has inevitably set her on the path she is now on. She seems to prefer isolation and the quiet, but it’s primarily because she simply hasn’t experienced much other than this.

Because of her withdrawn and antisocial nature Tsukiko can be curt, blunt and sharp of tongue with strangers. Highly dedicated to her practices as a miko she does not like to have her time wasted nor does she have time for foolishness or trivialities. In truth, Tsukiko may honestly be cautious to act her age or ‘have fun’ due to the level of personal responsibility she carries. She can be painfully shy when she has encountered company she enjoys, to the point where she finds it hard to express herself correctly. The result of this is a blushing, tongue-tied young woman who’s thoughts seem to be delivered in a jumbled, embarrassing mess of nonsense. At least until she either runs away or goes deathly silent out of fear of bringing further embarrassment upon herself.

History: Raised in the northernmost areas of the country, Tsukiko was born to a wandering miko who returned home to Sapporo to raise Tsukiko among her sisters at Hokkaidō Jingū. It was with great misfortune that shortly after her birth, her mother passed due to complications. As such, Tsukiko was reared by her aunts, and taught the ways of the shrine maiden. She grew up with other youthful offspring of the shrine and among them, a single son, who would soon become her ‘brother’ by pact as he too lost his mother at a young age. This young son was promised to the Nanbu clan, and as Tsukiko grew she became more adamant on traveling with him to the Nanbu clan when the time came. For this matter, she sought to prove her worth, and was taught the way of the katana.

The time finally arrived for Tsukiko to escort her adopted brother, Daisuke, safely to the Nanbu clan. From there, Tsukiko had no sense of direction other than to fulfill her purpose as a aruki miko and travel the country tending to the Shinto shrines. Rumors that the wilds were not only dangerous but were slowly being infected by dangerous beings and plagued with yokai spread like wildfire, and for this, Tsukiko’s talents seemed most especially sought after. The prestige was dismissed for the hope of bringing balance to the world and restoring peace to the earth. Tsukiko became convinced the Gods were angry, but it would be Daisuke who would demand that she be brought into service among the Nanbu clan, too anxious and unwilling to part with his adopted sister. This annoyed Tsukiko, because she could not rightfully refuse the extended offer from the Nanbu clan without inspiring offense, as such she has been tied to their lands and unable to fulfill her duties in full as an aruki miko. Naturally, though, her presence is said to be a matter of good fortune. Tsukiko’s talents in warding off evils are said to keep the Nanbu clan and its warriors safe, and despite her determination to help purify Nippon she has found minor happiness acting as resident shaman.

Weapons & skills

  • Weapon: She carries a katana and wakizashi.
  • Evil Warding: Tsukiko utilizes ofuda (paper slip talisman), omamori charms and hand carves oni masks and talisman to protect the Nanbu clan. Tsukiko is known for her deep flowing Ki, and imbues these talisman with energy which allow them to help protect and repel evil spirits. While they are highly effective they are not fool proof and if destroyed, tampered with or stolen, will offer no such protection for the bearer. Likewise, Tsukiko’s charms do have limits, and have to be frequently re-energized to continue to prove effective against malevolent entities. Unfortunately to this date Tsukiko does not have a charm that can protect against the madmen wandering the wilds.
  • Enhanced Ki: Tsukiko’s connection to life Ki and stability of her own Ki allow her to gather energy for many purposes. Primarily, she uses this energy to charge attacks in either hand to hand combat or with use of her weapons and increase the speed, agility and raw power behind it. As such, Tsukiko can slice through or crumble stone given enough time to gather Ki, break bones or dispatch her enemies rapidly despite her meager appearance. Make note that Tsukiko cannot maintain this practice in large form, she can only utilize this talent in moments of extreme duress.
  • Future Sight: Through dreams Tsukiko can take glimpses into the future. Unfortunately, these are often ominous glimpses of terrible things happening. She has frequent nightmares and tries her best not to put too much thought into these things, as the future is an unstable entity and is constantly changing but she can’t help but feel utter dread and despair when a vision becomes reality. It’s happened enough times that she knows now it isn’t her imagination, and she believes the kami are attempting to warn her.

I'll spiffy up her title header later, I'm off to work! :D


A/A updated 05/31/24

Mediocre Author

Mediocre Author