Tales of the Squared Circle! M seeking F! Best 2 of 3 Falls!

Started by Cold Heritage, October 13, 2023, 12:30:45 AM

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Cold Heritage

Hello fellow Elliquiyan. Thank you for coming to my thread.

I find myself wanting to write something related to that most tawdry form of entertainment: professional wrestling. I'm hardly an expert when it comes to sports entertainment, and I was a casual fan at best and don't watch it regularly now. But I've got a soft spot in my heart for it.

What's not to love about an Olympic Gold Medalist feuding over a gaudy belt against an Undead Wizard? How can you not be sucked into an intense rivalry between a Homicidal Masked Pyromanic and the Ultimate Guido? That's not even counting two giga-Stacies settling who's better looking with an Evening Gown Match while a very conveniently placed pool of chocolate pudding is at ringside for no reason. A story treating these things at face value is sort of like a superhero story really distilled in a specific way, almost. The premise begs a lot of questions that don't have good, logical answers. Someone else advanced the thesis that wrestling isn't wrestling. It really isn't. Because this is a program where you've got a White Rapper feuding against an Vegan Hipster Gnome . . .  for reasons. One of which is wanting a belt with big chunks of gold. But is it really any worse than some dude whose thing is that he's just really angry and has knives in his hands brooding and fighting against a different angry guy whose thing is that he has big nails and claws? Or some dude whose thing is that he LARPs as a bat? Don't answer that. Just trust me.

There's a lot of drama in the stuff that goes on behind the scenes. The Starz series Heels showcases that in its depiction of a pair of brothers and the trials and travails of a small independent promotion. I'm into that too - a story where wrestling is the backdrop to the drama and interpersonal problems of the characters we write.

I can meet someone somewhere on this. It could be a story about normal people trying to break into an unforgiving business and trying to claw their way up to the top of the heap, with all of the drama that goes along with that. The wrestling part could be a small part of it.

Or it could be like a soft superhero sort of thing, where there is no difference between the characters depicted in the ring and who they are outside of it. Or more real, where the soft barrier of kayfabe separates what happens in the ring from the life outside of it. 

Either way, I want to write a story about characters involved in wrestling. I'm leaning more towards writing a story where wrestling is 'real' and the events in the ring are an actual athletic competition/combat sport and the wrestlers' gimmicks are legitimate - so the Undead Wizard is really a zombie with magical powers, the American Icon really gains powers from the adulation of millions of followers, but an Olympic Gold Medalist and White Rapper can still challenge them and triumph. Sort of like how Batman can still come out on top against Superman. In any event, though I'd want the characters we depict to be young, unestablished new talents working in a smaller wrestling promotion and having to build their way up from the bottom. Small fish in a small pond working to become big fish in a small pond to being the biggest fish in the biggest pond. Maybe they're a wrestler and valet pairing, or a pair of wrestlers in an intergender tag team, or two singles wrestlers who end up in a relationship and help each other climb (or not, because the drama). And then we can play out supporting cast as people who help or hinder them along the way. Rival young talents looking to climb up to the next rung on the defeat of our characters, older talents whose waning stars are kept shining just a little longer at the expense of our characters, fair weather friends who attach themselves to our characters to ride their coattails only to turn on them when they get a good deal, etc.

Anyway, please PM me if interested. This is a bit of an unfocused mess, but that's just how wrestling is at its best.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.