Free Vacation-Details Inside! (Seeking more players)

Started by Greenthorn, September 14, 2023, 09:54:41 AM

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Sarah thought a friend sent her a free vacation.

Alexei thought he earned a free vacation, maybe for good behavior.

Joshua’s crabbing boat was caught in a bad storm.

Vivienne thought this vacation was a gift, from one of her followers perhaps.

Simone is here for a contest to win money to support her child.

And Vasili is here to find Him.

They all arrived for different reasons. They all have different motivations, fears, beliefs, backgrounds, and personalities.

They all want one thing: to get off His Island…. Or do they?

And He just wants to watch.

Can you survive and get off His island?

This is a sandbox and GM led survival game. Posting rate is generally multiple times per week. Although this is a group story, we encourage players to have their own goals and intentions. Want to join purely to cause chaos? Great! Want to join and be someone who cannot adapt and loses their mind? Wonderful! Want to join as a psychopath? Cool! Want to join but not sure what kind of character you'd like to play? We have tons of ideas! We will consider any type of character except survivalists.

You can PM me or reply here. We do use discord for communication, but have decided it will not be required, we just strongly recommend it for the fun conversations... who knew toothpaste would be a dividing factor?

Below is the character sheet to reply here or PM.

Character Sheet
Character Name:
Short Background: (this is for the GMs to figure out why your character is coming to the island and in which manner they will arrive)
Your reason, as the player behind the character, for your character joining the game: (this tells us if you’re coming for character interactions, drama, adventure, and/or to cause chaos within the social groups of the game… we welcome all)




Sets tentative interest flag and reminder to observe thread.


Quote from: ArtemisHighmore on September 14, 2023, 01:41:54 PM
Sets tentative interest flag and reminder to observe thread.

Hiya! If you'd like to get an idea of how things are being done, here is the board. It may be confusing as we do switch threads, but reading the more current replies gives a better picture. It did take some time to get into the "groove" of things. We are currently on Night 4 of the two original characters' "vacation" :)

Also, because we are friendly, if it's not your cup of tea, it's absolutely okay to say so!!


We would like to potentially add one or (max) two new guests to the island. Our current characters are:

Sarah: nursing student, last original "guest", won free vacation
Joshua: crabbing boat mishap during a hurricane
Simone: single mom who won a role on a reality show
Alyssa: personal assistant who got her free vacation from her boss
Teddy: .... no one knows why Teddy is there

So far we have had multiple shootings, a hurricane, a large hole, the guests found a waterfall and a shelter, two of the guests had a run-in with a wild boar... come find out what else "He" has in store for His guests...

This is a survival sandbox game with plenty of GM surprises. We welcome almost any kind of character/personality. "Guest" deaths ONLY occur if the player chooses, so don't let that keep you from joining! I also promise to keep the gore to a minimum and it's actually non-existent!  (I know that tends to be a concern for my games LOL).



If you are still welcoming more here is my character sheet!

Character Name: Ricki Hughes
Age: 21
Description: Outgoing, confident, uses humour to cope. She is 5'5 with pale skin, long black hair and dark shadows under her eyes and an eccentric fashion sense.  
Occupation: Artist
Short Background: (this is for the GMs to figure out why your character is coming to the island and in which manner they will arrive) 

She was lured in by the idea of a free vacation and wanted a break from the stress of every-day life. (I am not sure if I need to write more for this but I can)

Your reason, as the player behind the character, for your character joining the game: (this tells us if you’re coming for character interactions, drama, adventure, and/or to cause chaos within the social groups of the game… we welcome all)

Character interactions, drama, chaos, general tomfoolery, fun


Quote from: LostAndFound on November 10, 2023, 11:11:38 PMIf you are still welcoming more here is my character sheet!

Character Name: Ricki Hughes
Age: 21
Description: Outgoing, confident, uses humour to cope. She is 5'5 with pale skin, long black hair and dark shadows under her eyes and an eccentric fashion sense.
Occupation: Artist
Short Background: (this is for the GMs to figure out why your character is coming to the island and in which manner they will arrive)

She was lured in by the idea of a free vacation and wanted a break from the stress of every-day life. (I am not sure if I need to write more for this but I can)

Your reason, as the player behind the character, for your character joining the game: (this tells us if you’re coming for character interactions, drama, adventure, and/or to cause chaos within the social groups of the game… we welcome all)

Character interactions, drama, chaos, general tomfoolery, fun
Sounds good! As soon as the group is finished with the current very dramatic scene, I'll PM you :)

Anyone else who may be interested, we are now only taking a male character


Character Name: Masud Djaballah
Age: 38
Description: Tall and lean, curly black hair, glasses
Occupation: Anthropologist
Short Background: Suggest it could be something to do with Masud recieving an invitation to examine some kind of find relevant to his area of study, but I'll leave it up to you
Your reason, as the player behind the character, for your character joining the game: I'm in it for the storytelling!

Character images inspiration: Female - Male


As soon as we get past the current scene I can onboard both of you :) Do you both have discord?


Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Quote from: Greenthorn on November 18, 2023, 12:00:49 AMAs soon as we get past the current scene I can onboard both of you :) Do you both have discord?
Yes I do, I can PM you my username


@tobisquestion and @LostAndFound are you both still interested? I had a few rough days and have been very busy. I did not want to just add you on discord before making sure you were still interested. If so, please let me know and I can write you in the story asap :)


I'm still down for it! For maximum verisimillitude, I've refrained from following the existing story so I can come in realistically cold.
Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Sorry all, this game is officially on hiatus. I'm hoping to re-open the game again, but for now I've run out of creativity... or rather, real life is hitting me too hard. I will let you know if/when the game continues, if it does.


I have decided to tentatively re-open His Island. Things have calmed down for me finally and I am getting the writing itch back.

The island inhabitants were left with the death of a member of the group and two new additions. I am planning on fast-forwarding about a month so anyone coming in wouldn't be entering during the aftermath. I can only run the game with a minimum of two new players (max of 4)!

If you're interested, please PM me your character sheet. If you have questions, you can either PM me, grab me on discord (info in my O/Os), or reply here.

I will also consider a co-GM if anyone is interested in that as well :)


placing interest flag here!  :) 

How much of the past story you had going will influence the current story? meaning should I go read through things prior to character creation?
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Quote from: Chreestafer on January 18, 2024, 10:19:18 PMplacing interest flag here!  :)

How much of the past story you had going will influence the current story? meaning should I go read through things prior to character creation?

Nope, the less you know, the better! But outside of your character's knowledge, the game is essentially a survival game. Your character cannot be a survivalist! Any other skills are fine.

count the clowns