That's "Heracles" M for F. Could be semi-extreme.

Started by Modern Fairy Tale, June 26, 2023, 10:44:14 AM

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Modern Fairy Tale

I'm just going to spitball this.  I think Hercules is an interesting character.  I think if it were done right, there is an interesting erotic story.

I think of Heracles as a tragic and flawed character.  He was driven mad by the gods and killed his wife and children.  Imagine what that would do to you.  How it would twist your soul into a knot.  Imagine being so strong and having such a driven, powerful will... finally toning this down... finally finding a way to face his demons and find peace and love and raise children almost John Wick style.  Then the world of gods and monsters reaches out and just kills everything that matters.  What would that do to someone?  Then the labors are laid down for how he is to find forgiveness in the eyes of the gods for such a terrible crime.  Wouldn't there be a monster slaying monsters to achieve redemption by then?

So I imagine a world of satyrs, centaur, the immature elemental will of the gods.  Drop such a powerful and potent hero into this .  In pain for what has happened to him.  Resentful.  Used to just being a weapon of mass destruction and vengeance for the petty gods.

So where does the erotica come in, right?  Maybe Deianira.  I picture a beautiful yet rugged noble woman who has to kind of charm/spar with him.  I picture he is kind of rough, he is super strong.  Hes probably so very well endowed.  He is tormented.

So imagine there is a monster or problem that needs Heracles.  But hes off getting drunk and chasing dryads.  The princess of the land having to get on his level.  Maybe get drunk with him.  Challenge him.  Sexy time.  Let him vent.  Maybe a peek at his dark side.  Could you see this as an interesting tale?  End it with her being taken and him facing the bad guys and releasing her.  Very cathartic.  Whachathink?

Here is an example of high fantasy.  I imagine this being more of a low fantasy mythology.  Powerful elemental beings toss around their power like its but this would be off on the more Conan-like frontiers.  I would love to hear your responses to such ideas.  I look forward to working this out with you.

My Immortal   
Modern Bigger Than Life Greek Gods
     Topics Powerful Obsessions, Immortal Rough Sex, Incest, Three Way, Tentacles (One Scene), A Honest to Gosh Sexual Healing Scene

I really like to kick back and just let lose the power.  I mean why play fragile pathetic humans all the time after seeing what werewolves can do.  Why not try some of Threes Are Wyld tropes but with ultra powerful tragic superhero like elemental immortals who become more... emotionally volatile and disconnected over the eons.  Come on, immortality can get boring so I had to throw something in there.  Oh, and titanspawn and cultists are out there trying to let their mamas and dads remake everything again in the perfection of absolute chaos.

I kept seeing gods and goddesses in request lists.  It made me think... whats an adult, edgy, almost Old World of Darkness spin one could do on traditional Greek gods and Titans and monsters of the week.  Something that if its fun for me, maybe a woman or two will think its interesting and play it out with me.  My partner was awesome and we balanced out an awesome dynamic with her between two powerful yet polar opposite immortal brothers right from classic mythology.  We played out the sexy daddy role as well, always creepy for me to touch on but under the sway of such timeless legends, it didn't seem so unnatural.  Check it out.

Bad Ass Moments: Jeez, so many.  Again I am throwing around powerful forces like a kid in a world sized sandbox.  First magic, then primal fury, now elemental power houses with capabilities in line with any other comic book rendition of pagan gods and goddesses.  Every moment I got to play either Aries or Hephaestus were just crowning moments of roleplaying for me.  They are pure ideas... their mind and emotions bend around whatever their focus is.  I found that very interesting.  And I had a secret trader right in the middle of things I never got to reveal.

If there was any interest in resetting this with a different cast of Immortals or a different daughter in a similar situation, I would be all in.  These are elemental Krypton-like beings who dont think or feel like we do.  Yet they are all that keeps us from being just eaten up by gigantic inhuman even more powerful versions of themselves... the Titans.;all
She again rubbed a match on the wall, and the light shone round her; in the brightness stood her old grandmother, clear and shining, yet mild and loving in her appearance. "Grandmother," cried the little one, "O take me with you; I know you will go away when the match burns out; you will vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose, and the large, glorious Christmas-tree." And she made haste to light the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother there. And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day, and her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God. 
Hans Christian Anderson in The Little Match Girl