JamieWinchester's Requests

Started by JamieWinchester, June 17, 2023, 03:07:10 PM

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Looking for someone to do a rp based on Wooden Overcoats the podcast. I have a story idea and willingn to talk it through and see where it leads. I prefer posts indepth and well written, and dont mind explicit and well written sex scenes. Overall I try to post at least once a day, but some days I can't, but if I'm going to be longer then a day, I'll let you know. I have a high demanding job and this is my relaxation, i dont need it to become another stressor. But I'm willing and able to keep up with osting, and hopefully we can fill the need for a story. ^^
"You don't quite understand what it means to be in love, so I'll explain. it's about joy and fear, sacrifice and pain. But it's not in vain."


okay guys, I have another story request that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm looking for someone to rp with for fruits basket. Mainly yuki/machi, but with the other couples in the background, after the curse is broken. Honestly, I'm just looking for a slice of life rp, and seeing where it go. 

I like posting, but I work 40+ hours a week and am sometimes on call. I enjoy writing long posts and am willing to talk and discuss plots and ideas. Just thought I'd reach out and see if anyone could help me fill this need for a very specific idea.
"You don't quite understand what it means to be in love, so I'll explain. it's about joy and fear, sacrifice and pain. But it's not in vain."