Cross-Country Rail [Seeking up to 6 players]

Started by GloomCookie, May 24, 2023, 06:45:00 PM

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Cross-Country Rail
Set in the Railway Series Universe

”The era of steam engines is over!” decried the man in a garish suit, standing on top of a wooden crate.

People on the platform muttered among each other, some looking very cross.

“How can that be true?” asked a man in a blue hat, “I rode on one this morning.”

“That's right,” said a woman in a pink dress with white pokadots, “They seem to be working well to me.”

“Bah,” said the man in the garish suit, “Just wait and see, they'll all be retired in less than 5 years, just you wait!”

There was a lot of commotion outside Harold's shed, enough that it woke him up. With a yawn he opened his eyes to see the doors of his shed creak open and a face poke inside.

“There you are, Harold,” said the person Harold didn't recognize, “We've come to save you.”

Harold was confused, “Save me? From what? Another dreary day of shunting?” he chuckled.

“No, from the scrappers! They're supposed to take you away today!”

This caught Harold's attention, “Oh dreadful me! The scrappers! Oh how could such a thing be true?”

“That's why we've come,” said the stranger, “We're going to take you from here and to a place where they'll keep you safe, but we have to be careful. They'll be looking for you!”

Harold didn't want to meet the scrappers, he just wanted to be a useful engine. “Oh dreadful me. No good shall come of this, but I don't have much of a choice now, do I?” He watched more strangers appear as they climbed in and began to get him ready. Harold gulped, waiting to see what would happen.

Hi friends! So I have been on a bit of a Thomas the Tank Engine kick lately and came up with a fun little group game of a series of friends who want to save an old steam engine from the scrappers, and in so doing so take off on a thrilling adventure to rescue their favorite engine. Pretty simple I know, but I figure it'll be a fun little romp for anyone interested.

Character creation will be simple and to the point. Name, age, and brief (one paragraph) biography. That's it. If you're interested, please let me know.

Well, there is one other thing. My original idea was for an 0-6-0 like Thomas or an 0-4-0 like Percy, but there are tons of variants out there and color schemes, so I'd like you to also put your preference for train (with a picture for reference if you have one). If you want to suggest a color, there's the main color and the livery (thin striping around the engine) color, so let me hear those suggestions.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, trains are listed with front-drive-rear wheels and the total number, like the helpful image below denotes. I'd like to pick an engine with an integrated coal bunker, but I am also open to a very small tender (the little wagon right behind the train).

Thank you!
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022