Suggestion - Staff Attention Needed

Started by Greenthorn, April 22, 2023, 07:19:22 AM

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I know it would be a big undertaking, but can the site be more organized, especially help threads?

An example: I did a search for Chain of Command and was led to Trieste's Chain of Command post. Now, since I'm now an oldie, I knew the info that was in there and it wasn't the info I was looking for (I'll state that after). So I went to Rules and Announcements and saw Vekseid's thread, Elliquiy Site Staff, followed by Neroon's Chain of Command. Both Chain of Command posts are the same idea with Neroon's being more updated, so why can't these be consolidated or have Trieste's post be archived?

The same thing happened when I was looking for the post that I KNEW existed about signatures, for a newbie. I found one that had information (sorry, not going to search it out just to type this!), but more flowery info, I guess? Silver found me the older one with the straightforward info that I was actually looking for. Again, why can't these be consolidated?

My suggestion (you knew this was coming) is to create ONE sticky with a step-by-step process to help new members. All the info in ONE post, then within that post you can link all these other posts.

Example: Step (whatever number), Create a Signature. Learn Basic BBcodes here (link). Jazz it up with these codes here (link). Learn to Add Pictures here (link).

Obviously the sticky would include info about O/Os, avatars, and all the personalization. Then a link to site rules posts, etiquette posts, how to do whatever posts. A Newbie Handbook kind of thing!

I personally think it would be easier to create something like that instead of going through and archiving tons of older stuff. Additionally, archiving someone's post might make them feel some kind of way, especially if they worked hard on it, but if archiving redundant posts is the way to go, it would still be an improvement.

..... well, I guess I can volunteer to create a newbie handbook, but ONLY if a staff member works with me on it, god knows I like a project.

As for the chain of command thing above. Who would one contact to ask simple questions? I don't need to report anyone/thing, I'm not having any serious problems, so is there a specific staff group I should ask the simple questions to, or is anyone available for that?


You can ask any Oracle or G level for advice or help on anything ;D we're all available and happy to help where we can.

In terms of organisation, there are things that could be done to tidy things up (and things are are being worked on behind the scenes to do just that ;D) but feedback is always very welcome. Newbies do receive a link to a page with the kind of index you're talking about, for example, as well as other helpful information and links. But perhaps we need to make that tutorial easily available for everyone. :D

EDIT: I just checked to be sure and that tutorial is stickied for newly approved peeps already ;D

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Quote from: Britwitch on April 22, 2023, 07:28:33 AM
You can ask any Oracle or G level for advice or help on anything ;D we're all available and happy to help where we can.

In terms of organisation, there are things that could be done to tidy things up (and things are are being worked on behind the scenes to do just that ;D ) but feedback is always very welcome. Newbies do receive a link to a page with the kind of index you're talking about, for example. But perhaps we need to make that easily available for everyone. :D

EDIT: I just checked to be sure and that tutorial is stickied for newly approved peeps already ;D

Now see! There it is! Maybe change the title. And is it given as a link to all newbies? If not, then maybe have it sent via PM on approval?

I actually went through that post just now and it's functional, but... and I just don't know how else to put this so forgive me, it maybe could use some "dumbing down". I like to think I'm fairly intelligent and I'm definitely educated, but my brain needs information compartmentalized. Does that make sense? It's not a unique trait, so surely a percentage of newbies are the same. I know I can list a handful of oldies who prefer their information the same way.

And not all the help threads are under that sticky. The one I can point out is the flowery bbcode one I saw when searching for signatures, which oddly is a sticky...and ugh, I had to click tutorials to find Kye's guide that you linked.... I just felt like I went to Walmart and dug through one of those bins filled with movies, just to find basic information  :-( .

I've come to the conclusion that in the very least E needs to be WAY more organized.


I'm sorry for adding a reply instead of modifying, but there's that General Guide to Elliquiy. That has information that I've seen snippets of in other guides, stickies, rules, etc. It's chaotic.

(Please note I am not meaning to sound negative or demanding or anything of the sort, I know I can seem that way with how I express myself, but it is not intended to be that way at all. This note is for newer staff who haven't dealt with me before. You oldies already know!)


Quote from: Greenthorn on April 22, 2023, 07:58:35 AM

Now see! There it is! Maybe change the title. And is it given as a link to all newbies? If not, then maybe have it sent via PM on approval?

It is ;D all newly approved members receive a personalised welcome PM with helpful information, like the link to that tutorial, as well as information directing them to various parts of the site that seem of interest based on their answers and interactions during the approval process.

Quote from: Greenthorn on April 22, 2023, 07:58:35 AMI actually went through that post just now and it's functional, but... and I just don't know how else to put this so forgive me, it maybe could use some "dumbing down". I like to think I'm fairly intelligent and I'm definitely educated, but my brain needs information compartmentalized. Does that make sense? It's not a unique trait, so surely a percentage of newbies are the same. I know I can list a handful of oldies who prefer their information the same way.

...which is why the Oracles are there to answer any questions they might have that come up during their initial explorations. (And there's also a monthly check in that happens as well, to touch base and see how they're getting on...) In the same sort of capacity that the Mentors were, back in the day.

Quote from: Greenthorn on April 22, 2023, 07:58:35 AMAnd not all the help threads are under that sticky. The one I can point out is the flowery bbcode one I saw when searching for signatures, which oddly is a sticky...and ugh, I had to click tutorials to find Kye's guide that you linked.... I just felt like I went to Walmart and dug through one of those bins filled with movies, just to find basic information  :-( .

I've come to the conclusion that in the very least E needs to be WAY more organized.

Quote from: Greenthorn on April 22, 2023, 08:03:14 AM
I'm sorry for adding a reply instead of modifying, but there's that General Guide to Elliquiy. That has information that I've seen snippets of in other guides, stickies, rules, etc. It's chaotic.

(Please note I am not meaning to sound negative or demanding or anything of the sort, I know I can seem that way with how I express myself, but it is not intended to be that way at all. This note is for newer staff who haven't dealt with me before. You oldies already know!)

As I said before, feedback is always good to get and while we "can't please all the people all of the time" we do want to site to be functional and helpful to as many as possible.
By all means, feel free to PM me (or any other staffer you feel comfortable reaching out to) with any specific suggestions you might have.

Current status : Selectively seeking new stories


Quote from: Britwitch on April 22, 2023, 08:10:50 AM
It is ;D all newly approved members receive a personalised welcome PM with helpful information, like the link to that tutorial, as well as information directing them to various parts of the site that seem of interest based on their answers and interactions during the approval process.

...which is why the Oracles are there to answer any questions they might have that come up during their initial explorations. (And there's also a monthly check in that happens as well, to touch base and see how they're getting on...) In the same sort of capacity that the Mentors were, back in the day.

As I said before, feedback is always good to get and while we "can't please all the people all of the time" we do want to site to be functional and helpful to as many as possible.
By all means, feel free to PM me (or any other staffer you feel comfortable reaching out to) with any specific suggestions you might have.

Hmmm, well I'm not sure what happened then because I had a newbie initiate contact with me to ask for help with a few things, signatures being one of them. Perhaps she is better with information broken down like I am?

Of course not all people can be pleased all the time, and I am certainly not demanding that I be pleased  ;D , that's not my style. I just know that the sharing of important information should be done in a way that anyone can understand. Is there a negative aspect to "dumbing down" or reorganizing information that might upset those who prefer more technical or eloquent delivery? I don't think so. When we buy furniture to put together do carpenters complain that the instructions were so easy a child could build that chair? No way. Will there be people who still can't build the chair? Of course, but THAT group would be miniscule. Step-by-step instructions that are relayed logically and organized appeals to the entire middle section of people.

So, I made my suggestion/point. If it gets fixed, wonderful. If not, no worries, I don't mind clarifying anything for a newbie if asked... assuming I can even find the info.

And Again, Brit, I re-read what I typed and it sounds bitchy and snarky to me, so I'm sorry and PLEASE don't take it that way. Maybe E can offer a class on how to not come across as bitchy in your friendly posts *laughs* (I'd probably still fail the class though). I really am a happy-go-lucky, almost always smiling chicky  :D


Quote from: Greenthorn on April 22, 2023, 08:30:15 AM
Hmmm, well I'm not sure what happened then because I had a newbie initiate contact with me to ask for help with a few things, signatures being one of them. Perhaps she is better with information broken down like I am?

Firstly, thank you for helping the newbie out! If you feel stumped or anything like that when addressing their concern, just direct the newbie to any of the staff members and we could help them out if you so prefer.

As Britwitch had said, you're more than welcome to PM one of us to address anything or even make a suggestion. We always appreciate feedback! I think the staff would like to understand on what you meant about 'dumbing down' the tutorials. To me, I felt the tutorials had been quite exact in telling from one step to another about how to proceed with certain things.


Quote from: Timeless on April 22, 2023, 08:40:33 AM
Firstly, thank you for helping the newbie out! If you feel stumped or anything like that when addressing their concern, just direct the newbie to any of the staff members and we could help them out if you so prefer.

As Britwitch had said, you're more than welcome to PM one of us to address anything or even make a suggestion. We always appreciate feedback! I think the staff would like to understand on what you meant about 'dumbing down' the tutorials. To me, I felt the tutorials had been quite exact in telling from one step to another about how to proceed with certain things.

I gave a loose example in the original post. That's what I meant by "dumbing it down".

Example: Step (whatever number), Create a Signature. Learn Basic BBcodes here (link). Jazz it up with these codes here (link). Learn to Add Pictures here (link).


It's possible that the newcomer who approached you simply hadn't received her welcome PM yet.  (I believe there's a small delay built into the process, so as to not overwhelm someone who has just seen the forum get three times bigger with even more information.)

It's like when you walk into a store and someone immediately swoops in on you with 'Can I help you?'  Nine times out of ten (I say this as someone who has worked that position) the person is flustered and says 'Just looking.'  Or when the waiter is constantly at your shoulder, asking you about things (usually just when your mouth is full.)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Quote from: Oniya on April 22, 2023, 03:50:09 PM
It's possible that the newcomer who approached you simply hadn't received her welcome PM yet.  (I believe there's a small delay built into the process, so as to not overwhelm someone who has just seen the forum get three times bigger with even more information.)

It's like when you walk into a store and someone immediately swoops in on you with 'Can I help you?'  Nine times out of ten (I say this as someone who has worked that position) the person is flustered and says 'Just looking.'  Or when the waiter is constantly at your shoulder, asking you about things (usually just when your mouth is full.)

*shrugs* I don't know! I haven't heard from her at all today, so she probably did get it by now  ;D