Getting to Google Cached pages (disappeared on PC)

Started by gaggedLouise, April 19, 2023, 12:00:47 AM

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I've been a long-time user of Google's cached versions of pages when using their search engine. There are many advantages once you'e looking for something specific: the cached page is sometimes quicker to load, and especially you can pick the "show only text" option, to turn off stuff like

- irritating pop-ups smack dab in the middle of the page
- bloated and heavy shockwave graphics that guzzle up RAM to no use
- long lines of high-definition pictures that slow down the page
- auto-booting videos  C:)
- subscription walls (if you're just reading one single article from a news site) :)

Very useful, especially if, like me, one has the habit of working with many tabs open in the browser and don't want one exceptionally heavy and slow tab to freeze the whole. Or if you're looking for something specific, a specific post or query on a page you haven't seen before but found with Google (you can easily find it on the cached page with CTRL-F and the words you're looking for).

But it seems Google has stopped displaying these caches, at least they're not readily available anymore from the search results page. The path used to be: you pick the downward arrow next to the search result and right-click "show cached version", but this is not available anymore for ANY pages. I've been looking around for answers and some indicate that I should copy the raw url of the search result I want, paste it to the search window/tab and then use the same trick from there, but I'm not getting any arrow to show from that position either.

Googling for "how do I access Google cached pages?" or "has Google stopped showing their cache?" sends you into a jumble of answers old and new, some as much as ten years old, and many of these are no longer relevant.  ??? So I'm taking the question to the computer savvy people here on E: how do I get Google to show these page versions again. on a Windows 10 PC? (or do I now need a special plug-in for it?). Clear and hands-on answers, please...  :-)

EDIT: It seems there's still a route to do this for some pages, though it's tucked away, very inconspicuously, in a far end of a wall-of-text box "about your search results" that you won't find unless you know just where to look for it...(I managed to dig this out by making a search on something where I know there is only one hit, because I jotted it down myself in a comment to a blog post a dozen years ago, and my turns of phrase are sometimes unique like that! - no, I didn't need to add my own name to the search)  :P But this route I found still doesn't apply to a lot of pages...

Good girl but bad  -- Proud sister of the amazing, blackberry-sweet Violet Girl

Sometimes bound and cuntrolled, sometimes free and easy 

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Come up to my kitchen, I'll show you my best recipes"