Whispers from the Deep and Infinite (MxF) Interest Thread!

Started by LookingGlass, March 23, 2023, 05:42:57 PM

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So, I've had this idea banging around in my head for quite a while and figured I would try and get someone else in on it! Ideas in isolation aren't bad, but when you collaborate they can become pretty darn awesome. Should things go well and I find that bringing more folks into the fold would make for a richer experience, I would hope that you'd be down for the ride! But that's a lofty goal that lives somewhere off in the distance. Any who, that's enough preamble, time to hop to it!

In One Ear...
"In the beginning," they say, "the Dead Words had gone unheard by the ears they'd traveled through the impenetrable dark to influence. Perhaps, it would have been better that way." But when Anders, a man who had never left the 3 and 1/2 acres he'd grown up on and had fully intended to be buried beneath, awoke to the completely alien (to him at least) sound and smells of a market located nearly 3,000 miles away, the world had already begun to change. The seams which had, for as long as time had been counted and accounted for, bound realities quite neatly and in order had come loose. What followed the miraculous translocation of an otherwise unremarkable man, was a steady trickle of words of power into our world, ushered by the whispers of an unspeakable tongue. That was nearly three hundred years ago.

Home, or Something Like It
We live in a world that was reshaped by the incredible power of the dead words and now, after the fall, still bears most painful scars. In the beginning, the new world was glorious. Great city-states sprang from the earth towards the sky and spread for miles. At their centers, the greatest among us, the Sages of the Deep, were honored by massive citadels that bore their visage. Visitors from far and wide came to marvel at the towering statues of the wise, the majesty of hand carved architecture and of course, enjoy performances and lectures from those who had been so "blessed" by the Dead Words. But then, one day, without warning, two of the great city-states were enveloped in great spheres of darkness and vanished. When the world demanded an explanation for the tragedy and the great sages were unable to provide them, the great cities were closed off from the rest of the world. Towering walls plunged deep into the earth and marred the sky and have stood for one hundred years as grim reminder of the fall. The once beautiful cities left to the passage of time as the outside world moved on. Our story takes place within one of these forgotten metropolis.

Whispers from the Deep and Infinite
The hundred years of relative calm after the fall seems to be coming to an end. Something has begun to stir from the void and strange happenings have followed in the wake. It started slowly at first: an odd flower that bloomed and smelled of things beyond description, a tree that grew plates of hardened metal instead of bark. Fisherman began pulling in catch of fish that shimmered like their scales had caught the very light of the stars. Hunters told stories of herds of ghostly deer that moved through the trees as if carried on the wind. It wasn't until the first of the Outer-World, the Navarian emerged into our world that any explanation was offered. "It's coming," they said in hushed tones. "It will devour us all."

In Broad Strokes
To put it simply, the strange events are the result of a malevolent force attempting to consume the worlds in which its influence has taken hold and our characters will be searching for a way to stop it. As you may have guessed, the introduction of Dead Words to a new world are the initial signs of that influence and, wide spread use or overuse of the powers granted by the "dead words" accelerates the process. The bleeding of realities is one of the more pronounced signs of its influence and can signify the death of a neighboring reality. Outer-World people have either purposefully sought safety in a neighboring reality or have been forcefully relocated.

We'll be coming up against all sorts of creatures, beasts, agents of the void, etc. all along the way as the story unfolds. Should be fun!

The Dead Words
The Dead Words powers bestowed by the entity onto the person who hears it and take form as a tattoo on the bearer's person. These powers range from the incredible to the rather mundane and are chiefly determined by the length of the phrase or passage heard. While the language is normally incomprehensible, each bearer has an instinctual understanding of it and can increase their command of their power through study and practice. However, the bearer must be careful as the Dead Words can have an addictive quality which leads to overuse and ultimately, consumption.

When you're thinking about your character, I encourage creativity. You can be an Outer-World person of any sort that you'd like though I would suggest staying away from holy or demonic characters. Also feel free to get creative with your character's power/dead words (just don't go crazy with it). That said, if you do want to delve into something that's quite powerful, just make sure that you balance it out with a drawback of some sort. All in all, feel free to get creative with your character's background, beliefs, magic and so on. This is going to be quite an adventure (hopefully), so you and your character should be prepared for it!

Posting Frequency
I anticipate being able to come up with around two posts a week. If you need more time or anticipate issues with posting, please just let me know and we can work out a better schedule.

Check my Ons and Offs to see if our interests link up in that capacity. As this is an adult roleplay, it's important to know if our interests align well ahead of time. If  you're interested in participating in this story, send me a PM or Respond in the thread!

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM or post here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I love random PMs!