Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Breathless Intent


Have you ever fallen out of a crush with someone based on an RP experience?


*thinks* I don't get crushes vey easily... So I don't think so...not guilty

Have you ever rped sex when you didn't really want to?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Guilty - I used to play in IM and chatroom formats before and that is a much more immediate type of roleplay. So, when plot got to a certain point it was either call it for the night or power through. :)

Have you ever glossed over sex in an RP to get back to the plot?


Just call me Mr. Fade to black...guilty

Have you ever rped group sex?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding


Totally guilty! Was kind of fun for a bit until someone got greedy! :P

Hmm... Have you ever wanted someone that was just a close friend and didn't see you in a romantic sense?


I've been attracted to friends on occasion but nothing more than that

Have you ever lusted after a friends partner?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Not Guilty - they are officially in a "friend zone" and I have a hard time seeing them as anything more

Have you ever worried that an RP partner wouldn't like something you wrote?


Guilty...just happened recently, my mind felt like mush but she pmed me and liked what I wrote.

Have you ever roled play other kinds of beings other than human?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Guilty - I've played vampires, werewolves, demons, elves, angels, ghosts...and a martini glass once!

Do you tend to RP your own plot ideas or do you tend to play stories that your partner has come up with?


Usually that I've come up with....not sure if that's a guilty question

Have you ever lied to get out of an rp?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

...damn! This isn't the either or thread is it? *laughs and sighs, blaming the hour*

Guilty - I've claimed that I was too busy before...

Have you ever RPed with someone you weren't enthusiastic about because you felt too guilty to say no?


Guilty... I started an rp with someone who pursued me years ago but in truth we had no glue, I grew, I hate to admit, bored and just kept making excuses to stop playing till she finally gave up. I should have just been honest.

Have you ever felt confused by an rp?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Guilty! Sometimes the plot is a little wonky, or characters are acting out of...well...character, or even just a phrase is worded a little strangely so its not quite clear. ...Hm, maybe I'm just easily confused...

Have you ever asked an RP partner to not do something/change a habit?


Yes, guilty, it revolved around being called a pet name or endearment...I don't like to be called Dear?

Have you ever called someone an endearment they didn't like?
O's and O's / A's and A's / Current Stories / Story Ideas / Posting Updates
Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Guilty! I call my husband all kinds of ridiculous names that he doesn't like. The worst (only because it was so persistent) was "Pumpkin head"....And I'll make a mental note not to try to give you any form of endearment! (its a habit of mine...."dear" more than anything else lol)

Have you ever agreed to RP something you weren't terribly interested in because you were excited at the prospect of playing with a particular person?


Not guilty... The story concept has to work for me or it doesn't matter who I'm playing with.

PS I don't mind endearments, I just don't like Dear... I had one rp partner ask me not to have my character baby... To each there own!

Have you ever followed someone around on the threads because you liked them and didn't know how to tell them or ave the guts to tell them?
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Currently my post response time is ridiculously slow and I'm just lucky I have partners who are so understanding

Breathless Intent

Haha very guilty! I just kinda hope that they might like me if I engage with them enough. But, eventually I get over it and will reach out.....eventually....

Have you ever lost interest in someone because of how they treated someone else?


Guilty. I've totally lost respect for some women because they've treated my friends like garbage.

Have you ever been too shy to ask for an rp with someone because you're afraid of making them not like you?

Izzie Aditi

Not guilty.

Ever dropped a story without notice?
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”


Guilty. Not intentionally.. but by a sudden and longer than expected vanishing act.

Ever do an rp that ended up only having two posts.. when it should have had much more?
*See Pillory*


Guilty, but we both just kind of lost interest at the same time.

Ever started crushing on someone after you started to RP, but not said anything to avoid seeming creepy, or ruining the RP?
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Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

Breathless Intent

Not guilty. I don't think I've crushed on anyone from an RP before. Typically I get all crushy beforehand!

Ever been crushed on by someone that you RPed with that you weren't interested in?


Maybe? I'm kinda oblivious to that sort of thing if I'm being completely honest.

What about you?
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21

Breathless Intent

Not guilty either. I'm likely not very crushable!

Have you ever found out that someone you were crushing on also liked you back?


Yup, and it's always nice when that's the case.

Have you ever found yourself crushing on someone you never even thought you would like?
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21