Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Undeniable Sin

So Guilty. my mom didn't need it that bad anyway.

Do you have an obsession nobody knows about because they just wouldn't understand?
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Ever wished you were any thing but a human?


Guilty..After watching Captain America, I wanted to be super human

Ever had a water gun fight?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


Guilty- so much fun

Ever dress up you male cousin as a girl, take pictures and pass them around school?  >:)

Undeniable Sin

Not guilty. I did it to my younger brother.

Have you ever given a guy a pair of panties as a naughty tease, only to find out he later gave them to a girlfriend as a gift?
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Not guilty

Have you ever lost a pair of panties? Either from a hook up or skinny dipping or some activity away from home that would require panties to be removed..

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


Not guilty.

Have you ever fallen off a boat?


Not Guilty

Have you even sprained you finger while trying to use a keyboard?


Not guilty.. but I have tried many times.

Ever jab yourself in the eye with your finger, in a move that you have done countless times with no problem?
*See Pillory*



Ever slammed your fingers in a drawer.. or car door?


Sadly I'm guilty.

Ever walk into a walk/pole you've seen every day.

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


Not guilty, though I have walked into walls after a week of no sleep.

Ever been tempted to pick up a hitch hiker?


Guilty, my mom and I actually did. We drove the hitch hickers from the doctors to their appartment. If I were alone I wuld not have dared but it was my mom and I and th lovely older lesbian couple. So we trusted them not to kill us and things turned out alright.

Ever find yourself watching cartoons with no child in sight?

Updated Unicorn 1/24/17
      Active stories ~ 5  Post time frame 1-5 days


Guilty. Why not?

Ever practice talking to someone in front of a mirror before going out?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.

Undeniable Sin

Guilty. Conversations with the real thing never seem to go the way they do with the mirror though.

Have you ever tried to make a romantic meal for someone and burnt it to where it was inedible?
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Not Guilty.

Have you ever tripped over your own feet?

Undeniable Sin

Guilty. Just every time I walk.

Have you ever flirted shamelessly only to be disappointed?
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Guilty. Can't win them all. Grr.

Ever been in love?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.



Guilty. 4 times. An old cat, 2 little chickens and a bunny.  :-(

Ever refused to go to a funeral?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.

Undeniable Sin


Ever gotten a date at a movie rental store?
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Not guilty.

Ever invited a homeless person to you home?

Undeniable Sin

Not guilty, unless my bum of a brother counts.

Ever craved chocolate so bad you've considered making a thirty minute drive for some?
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Not Guilty. It used to be my business before I retired. (Always have it close) :P

Ever travel to another country?

Undeniable Sin

Not Guilty. I'm lucky I've ever traveled out of my state.

Have you ever taken pity on someone and had sex with them?
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