Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Have you ever told an ex you wanted them back just so you could sleep with them one last time?
"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives." -Anonymous


Not guilty!

Have you ever did someone from behind (or vice versa) just because they had bad breath and you didn't want be near their face?


Not Guilty! Breath Mints FOR ALL!!!

Ever turned down sex because your so sun burnt you can't lay down?
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


not guilty, s'called standing and delivering

ever give someone life saving CPR, or first aid?
"Robin Hood has thou been stealing my valuables and giving them to the poor?"
"and you've stolen my girlfirend to?"
"and now your giving her to the poor?"
"Your giving her to the poor?"
"Yes, that is what I said!"


Not guilty.

Ever talked or flirted your way out of a traffic ticket?


Not guilty but I have name dropped to get out of one.

Ever bumped into an ex and their new special someone?
"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives." -Anonymous


Guilty...while it was the girl he was cheating on me with.

Ever had your ex cheat on you in your own house (even worse your room?)
Adams and Eves
World of Warcraft
Thundercats (2011)
Legend of Zelda


no.Not guilty.

you want your ex badder now after you broke up?
No more RP's.I am swamped for now.

Azrael Annavianna

not guilty....

ever get so mad you want to do something illegal to your ex just to make them feel bad for hurting you?
When forgiveness is being able to move past the pain; what happens when you can't forgive yourself?


Guilty as charged.

Have you ever acted out on the impulse and did something to your ex because they hurt you?
"no harm came from ever reading a book"

Update: 04/01/14 - back for now

o/o's = || a/a = || wanted =

Star Safyre

Guilty.  Only time I ever punched a man.

Ever sing along to a song while driving that you know is bad but is just so damn catchy?
My heaven is to be with him always.
|/| O/O's / Plots / tumblr / A/A's |/|
And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones

Lady Haven


Ever been singing along with a song and forget the words so you make up some???
Lady Haven's ONs & OFFs Page
Life is like a puzzle, were all little pieces trying to fit in.



Ever looked back on a situation and realized that you had been a bully?


No, just a whiny little bitch.

Have you ever gone into a full show tune in a public place, without warning the strangers around you, or explaining why after?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Guilty, often.

Ever gotten horribly sick or injured and was glad, because it meant you got to take a day off from work/school?



Ever start singing Disney songs at work, causing your coworkers to mildly question your sanity?


On more than one occasion, but it was the day that I played my Judy Garland tape while working the counter at a Philadelphia corner deli that really made them question more than that.

Have you ever played something because you knew that it would really piss off the other person?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Guilty  >:)  *is a repeat offender*

Ever start randomly singing corny love songs because you're just so twitterpated?


Yup, when I was engaged, but one of those was I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say No!  Go figure.  She married me anyway, despite bringing out the Oklahoma.

Have you ever wished that you could form a punk band which would cover mostly Broadway tunes?

"It's good to see me, isn't it? No need to answer.  That was retorical."- Glinda (Wicked)


Not guilty but ... I'm liking the sound of that >.>

Have you ever wanted to form a rock band just to catch the attention of someone else in a rock band?

Lucius Cornelius

not guilty, know my own (not ) skills with music to think about that.

Ever be a groupie of a band and try to sneak in their dressin room after a concert?

Avis habilis

Not guilty.

Ever had an encounter with a famous person but not realized it until someone else pointed it out to you?


Guilty. I was telling this guy at a convention how much I worshiped Peter Beagle (the author) AND IT WAS PETER BEAGLE! His assistant had to tell me.

Have you ever played a game of Strip Poker (or another strip game) and intentionally lost so you could get naked and show off the goods?

Lucius Cornelius


have you ever play a strip game and after lost change dares for clothes so everyone ended as nude as you?


Not guilty, I don't lose at poker  ;)

Ever play strip poker in front of a webcam?